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Dictum Of The Digmaan Yaotl, Gall


Partnered Streamer Pog
Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score
"I'm not hard to please, but I'm easy to anger. That's common knowledge."


(music for pleasure)

In the later evenings within the Talon Court the streets were quiet as a crowd mustered in the Rainbow Hall, at the throne sat the teal brutish figure of Cro-Zzhin. His eyes darted between the gathering, a small frog whispering in his ear before the assembly began.

- Brang Brang -

An oafish Sa-Allar slammed his mallet against a large disc which hung off a stand, people quieted to the noise and looked upon the Cro-Allar at his throne.

"Welcome, welcome. May my words reach the ears of both competitors and allies. That is after all what these... Dictums serve as. My words - and mark my words they shall be heard."

He rose out of the throne, his complexion exasperated by the torch light, grim.

"To the House Viduggla, you ravaged my homeland before you left. A quaint business deal gone awry, all due to spiteful behavior. You ruined the landscape, sent the civilian life astray, and for that I will demand a reckoning. You will payback the damages you've done to the occupation zone on your way out, or suffer the consequences."

- Krsssh -

He growled, kicking over a vase scattering its pieces across mosaic tiles which clicked underneath his clawed feet.

"Digmaan Yaotl has spoken."

@BeashSlap @HydraLana
A short Anglian would have been seen listening to the Digmann in a dark robe, masked by a hood, going to leave after the Digmann spoke with a small smile.
Late in the evening (or extremely early in the morning) of his return to Regalia, Ardige stood there looking out over the city. He'd awoken, laid there for a minute and then gotten up to look out over it. His house was tall and so his view, while still largely blocked by houses, did still get a fine look up into the night sky and moon high overhead. He'd gotten some of his high strung emotions out thus far but...he resisted going all the way down into the basement to get rid of a bit more of it. Wasn't this an utter shit show...but he gave a dark sneer as he looked out the window as a thought came to him. It quickly faded as he gave a sigh, resolving to at least try to do what had been agreed to. But if he failed...he gave a faint smile as he would then head back to bed, feeling the other there cuddle up close to his form as he returned to sleep.
News of the Digmaan's dictum was brought to Louis' ears via the mouth of a retainer, whose job it was to read out weekly missives and news surrounding Regalia. "It would appear that House Viduggla is of the opinion that the Digmaan is weak. Why else would they so brazenly spit on their deal with him? Why else would they risk making another enemy when they are already at war?" Louis mused to the retainer, anxiously anticipating what course of action the Digmaan would decide to take.