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Dictum Of Digmaan Yaotl, Trust


Partnered Streamer Pog
Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score
"A little bit of spilt blood never hurts a generation."


music for pleasure

The stands rumbled as lizardmen were bustling and shouting in their reptilian tongue, the rainbow hall echoed a discordant tone of disapproval. The Digmaan moved through the masses of colored scale hides towards his throne. Falling upon it he would huff, tail curling about the base as he sat down.

Raising his hand he called for silence then began to speak to the public of the Talon Court, his dictum was about to begin.

"Continue your efforts to stabilize the colonial regions, we shall not let up in our efforts to uphold our alliances. Your efforts do not go unnoticed, excellence in the field will deliver us a future worthwhile. We shall be remembered. Deliver those that have fallen to the rightful families, we shall uphold honor with our old friends."

He paused, tongue clicking against the row of teeth within his maw. His eyes drifting from the Allar to the mixed gatherings of commoner and other walks of life which attended tonight.

"Progression on the Alchemical project has made increasingly bigger bounds, a higher expectation has been met which I am proud of. Continue your efforts on that research, my Digmaan."

The differing organizations bracketed within the Digmaan rumbled with delight to his praise, the soldiers rucked and the alchemists chittered.

"May this final message be carried to her honored grace, Kaya Sorenvik. You've nothing to fear from me - my attention is turned elsewhere. Agree to disagree and neither of us shall aggress one another in the Hadarian lands. And may this be a warning to anyone which sharpen blades in the South. If you do so, and I find out. I'm coming for you. May this be a warning not to provoke me."

He took in a deep breath, figurative steam puffed from his nostrils as his chest rose and fell. His polished scales flared with a twitching muscle upon the temple of his head. Irritation set in and then he rose off his throne.

"Digmaan Yaotl has spoken."
