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Dictum Of Digmaan Yaotl, Salvation


Partnered Streamer Pog
Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score

(definitely listen to the music)

Seagulls cry and fill the sky with a symphony of hunger.

The coast roars and waves crash against the hull, the anchor drops to a hollow splash.

Silence drowns all aboard as the ship lands upon the shores of Anglia's bleeding heart.

The skies were the colour of sadness, the sun choked by the early morning depression,
laced with the veil of some wicked power upon the horizon.

- Digmaan Cro Zzhin Yaotl, the Anglian Misery



Hollow footprints left behind feint reminders of the journey bustling with the activity of the taloned swarmers and behemoths which watched over munitions stowed under. The trail of surly scaled beings hoisting the Digmaan's greater weapons of war moved off the makeshift transports he had within his control at a slow and careful pace offboard. A couple of cat-men shiphands lowered their heads in deference as the Digmaan moved to the bow.

He stood there viewing the shores of the heartlands with a swallowing fear building up in his chest, his scales rising and falling with each breath as he took in the nefarious fog wall. It covered the lips of the open harbor of a once great port-city which had been removed from safety, this dark veil spreading further past near infinitely to the naked eye. The bull-headed beastmen in unison caved in pegs to set up tents with their hammer like fists, and the plantoids moved along the soil to set up minor gardens. Sharp eared humanoids sought after individuals to bring them into the fold of greater groups forming within the camp as it began to take form, it was community which mattered.

A detachment of men wiped away the sweat from their brow as they hoisted lumber into pointed barriers along the camp perimeter. Soft pastel figures rummaged through their collective literatures as small frog elders edged up to compare notes. All hands were at the ready as they amassed to the heartlands underneath the Gordian Knot.

The clawed hand of Cro-Zzhin brushed the base of the ship's railing, the camp was coming along fine as all were focused on their objectives.​

"Many hands lighten the load."
His father's advice troubled him briefly, "What must we do next..." he spoke to himself, off-hand stroking the long deceased skull of a Cro-Allar, decorated and forever stuck in a madden grin.


Clawed feet click against the hull of the ship behind the Cro-Allar, "Digmaan. Might Mozz suggest... this?" like a shadow with intent the Arbiter offered over a scroll, tightly wound up and prepared ahead of time for the Digmaan's presentation. Cro-Zzhin was caught off guard by the dutiful raptor but grasped the scroll without hesitation.

A raptor warbled and stole the Digmaan's attention briefly. he was dressed in a golden ceremonial armor, feathered, it cut through the darkness of the lands as the sun hit it just right to gleam. He raised one of his swords and an army retaliates with their own mixture of roars and growls. The Rhax grinned, the numbers have tripled, so have the stakes. He would do his best to lead the forces of the Cabal to greatness.

Cro-Zzhin unraveled what was a shopping list of demands from the S.A.R.D researchers, "Hmphf- Granted. Take it to them, with the recent meeting with the Black's researchers it shall make this quicker." he handed it back and looked back onto his warcamp. The Arbiter lowered his head and scurried off to the front where Al-Allar and Maraya unloaded their own supplies for the many tests to come.

The Digmaan turned suddenly to catch the Arbiter just before he walked the gangplank and commanded,

"Remind them all of the severity of our success."

The raptor bobbed its head and descended into the fray. That left the Digmaan alone as everyone sorted themselves out at their stations. He traced his claws along the railing once more before retreating to his quarters, a letter shall be drafted at once, no - a demands. It isn't enough.

"This isn't enough."

Within Regalia arrived the Digmaan's correspondence, Al-Allar tenders of the Enclave grounds went to work with the Zu in plastering his Dictum in his stead. The Digmaan prefered the stage, the crowd, but the severity of the Empire's predicament weighed far greater than his vanity and he couldn't be everywhere all at once.


Upon boards and handed out fliers, the State Council would receive his words and the nobility which accepted the missive. It even travels so far as to the Montania-Vultaro Hegemony so all may see.

"Heed our plea, there are those which are in need." scrawled out upon the top of the message,

"The research being put into this REQUIRES any and all VOLUNTEERS, and any and all SCHOLARS. If you will support this effort send correspondence to the Enclave. We must do all that we can to recover those lost to this darkness, and to restore our Empire."
(PM via Forums or Voice support in comments below)

"SOUL magic and CELESTIAL magic is REQUIRED for further research into the Mists. A grand reward shall be bestowed upon you by the Digmaan for success and further development. If you will support this effort send correspondence to the Enclave."
(PM via Forums or Voice support in comments below)

The Digmaan shall take immediate strategic action to buy up an allotment of grain reserves, and will build a rationing system to regulate their distribution to the Crown City's population. These surplus rations will be distributed over-time by Digmaan-controlled rationing stations."

"To Nobility and Lesser Families which possess spendable income, the Digmaan Cro-Zzhin Yaotl requests your financial backing in this venture. If you will support this effort send correspondence to the Enclave.
(PM via Forums or Voice support in comments below)

"The Digmaan Cro-Zzhin Yaotl, representative Archon of the Cabal shall provide to the families of those which sign on grain ration."

"We shall not leave the Common people behind nor those of the Allar. Digmaan of Hadar to you we offer discussion to support your cattle with feed in the coming months. We of Digmaan Yaotl find this as no time for skirmishing conflict, but preservation. As always we of Digmaan Yaotl shall make it our concerted effort in helping Home."

"This is a time to look to social leaders, your elders, and those of wisdom to guide your communities. Hunger shall not set in if the Greed can be laid to rest."


"We're only as strong as each individual link of the chain...
If one of us breaks - we all shall."
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