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Dictum Of Digmaan Yaotl, Prosperity


Partnered Streamer Pog
Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score

"I demand silence before my performances."


(Music for your enjoyment)

Laying upon his turquoise throne the Cro-Allar raised his goblet to his maw, teetering his head back with great thirst. Something's been gnawing at the back of his mind, the hour approaches, it was nearly highnoon. The sun peeked through the window blinds casting a uniform grid of light which cut through the opium trails which burned from within the silent room.

His sight dragged over Cro-Droq's throne with a longing desire, "Oh, I wonder what you're up to today…" his words were at a murmur, if only he could ask him that himself right about now. The scaled being brought his golden claws against the skull of a long deceased Cro-Allar which was hooked to his hip.

Tap - tap

A hollow sound bounced off the skull and echoed throughout the room. No Krallok, Tharaozz, or Jogro were present, even the trusted Rhax. Cro-Zzhin required silence before his performances, a time to decompress and relax.

One last stroke of his macabre fetish he granted himself before releasing his breath. His nostrils flared as he rose and donned his headpiece, an amethyst polished just as his scales, radiant in the light like a beacon. A walking jeweler's nightmare, jingling and clicking from the slightest movements of his arms. He always kept a swaying gait, leisurely sauntering up to the doors.

Clap - Clap

They swung open for him by command of his percussive request. Jogro lined the embassy walls, their ancient ceremonial Chrysant armor polished to a sheen as well as the Digmaan himself. His reflect was remarkable. Teal scales moved from one mirrored breastplate to the next. Each passed pillared host a slew of citrine eyes gawking in his presence.

"Eyes on me", he thought to himself. But then the dread set in. Behind that stoic predatory gaze of his was an abundance of self-confidence, but also the truth, a slow and insidious killer. The Cycle as he called it took root within his subconscious thoughts as he approached the greenway of games. Inevitability of the end. My renown however will make me immortal he reassures himself. I'll be nought but bones and dust, however my name will be celebrated.

Click - click
Rhax Zzalangua and Zzungo at attention, their digitgrade legs snapped together, spear in one hand, shield in the other. Two fine weapons to assist in the Story. Eric Decimar floated from behind a clump of skittish Al-Allar, ever the vigilant. "Do you require the Allar, our Digmaan?", If only they knew the extent in which Cro-Zzhin wished to request, alas, he dipped his head as it were simpler than explaining the Story.

The host of Allar gather before the requested bark of Jogro and Rhax sounding off to the district, a sturdy rockhead such as Zzazrah even understood it was just about that time. He set up the podium, and Cro-Zzhin took stand over the multicolored scale swarm. Krallok Llazzil watched from the sidelines with an unwieldy mug. The Digmaan cleared his throat… "show time."


"Embraced we are. Full of purpose, duty, diligence. Successful have we become here in Regalia, the Holy City of this great Empire. It wasn't always that way, no. We clawed our way to the top. Carved out a significant place for ourselves, our people. Long before the other non-Ailor we had to earn our place here. Remind yourselves that we hold a torch above the rest and must continue to lead by example."

"Digmaan Yaotl has grown due to your efforts, and shall only continue to do so. With every passing moment more Allar flock to the Ouroboros of Yaotl, we shall be the leader in the great Digmaan rivalry, and when the Essa-Rassa-Allar and Eszul-Rassa-Allar gather with the Digmaan-Rassa-Allar, they will see that Hadar is beholden to us. We shall return enlightened, brave, but most of all prepared."

"As our size swells so too does our coffers overflow with riches unknown to the likes of any other Digmaan. With these riches I announce to you, and to the nobility.. they're to be invested. To the Allar I ask of you, bring forth your ideas, your studies, your experiments. Research bonds shall be granted to those with sound plans to benefit the Digmaan and Empire. I shall place you center stage. Noblemen will see the benefits of allowing us their investment to improve the quality of life, and our weapons of war. To the Nobility and Patrician families of the Holy City, I am keen that money invested in Yaotl will be of great use to these research bonds and an oh so wise use of such."

His hands moved with the words he spoke, decorated in various rings which produced noise, claws encased in gold grated against each other. Unceasingly passionate about how he felt, the Cro-Allar stood tall over the varied crowd.

"I spoke a great deal about the reviled and lawless ruffians we were plagued with a month ago. Now, I bring to you a new threat which must be dismantled and done away with immediately so that our lives can return to normality. Jacobins. These worms disrupt the nature flow of life, they're deviants to the Caste. Root out the Jacobins from our society. Those which wish to partake in these heinous crimes with incompatible races must be punished. Do away with them, and we may live a more relaxed lifestyle again. Their attack on the State Council chambers was an attack on the Digmaan himself."

"During times of curfew you may seek shelter within the district, within the Embassy. Your Jogro and Rhax will do away with undesirables to maintain the strict trust the Empire holds within the Allar people. The Hadar District is meant for the Hadarian people, do make sure to maintain the standard. The guardsmen are no threat to those aligned with the Empire."

"We endure, turn the cheek, accept and move past any falsehoods allowed to creep into our dreams at night. The Krallok guide us, the Zu-Allar teach us, the Mu-Allar protect us, and as your Digmaan I shall inspire and lead you. Maintain this course we have set ourselves upon and all shall bask in the glory of our success! May the Spirit guide our path."

Eyes shifted over the wave of scales. Is this what is necessary to keep their attention?


The latest dictum of the Digmaan is distributed post haste to the public.
Yezzoliss Es-Gezza would have been sitting in his study in the upper-levels of the Embassy. Humming cheerily as he carefully places pins into a metallic mass with a pair of tweezers. His humming would quite as he would hear the muffled voice of the Digmaan downstairs. The old Es-Allar would glance to the clocktick gecko next to him and speak, "Llazzio? Do you hear that sound down below us? Hmmm... I dare say it sounds important."
The gecko would make little shrug and blink its emerald eyes, offer in response, "But that is /such/ a long walk! If its important you'll hear about it later."
"Mmm... very true, I myself deserve some time to relax. I am sure it is nothing. - Oh, make a note: I must meet with Digmaan Yaotl. That Cro-Allar is ever allusive and he never seems to be present when I am. Strange."
As the Es-Allar spoke this, a pen-like creation would flutter over a paper with no assistance and leave the note. The jolly humming would fill the room one more as Yezzoliss returned to his work.
Zzalangua Mu-Yaotl stood at attention, adjacent to Zzungo Mu-Yaotl. The slitted gaze he possessed unteetered as he listened to the Dictim. Such a bellowing voice, such motivation - NO, INSPIRATION. The Digmaan was an inspiration to them all, their hero, the figure head and representative. Without him, the Allar people were surely lost. Thus it was no surprise that the Rhax remained as a sentinel, scouring the crowd for threats. Paranoia taking fold as each possibility haunted the raptors heart. History would not repeat, and their Digmaan would survive.
"<Z> Long live Digmaan Yaotl!" The Mu-Allar barked as the crowd cheered.