Preserved Sheet Diara Damba The Double D

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You betcha
Oct 21, 2017
Reaction score
~ Diara Damba ~


Basic Information
  • Full Name: Diara Assastin Damba
    • DD (Dee dee)
    • Dia
    • Double D
  • Age: 60
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Songaskian
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Guile
Skill Information

Total Points: 60
  • +10 Body Care (racial boost)
  • +10 Alchemy Sciences (from points)
  • +5 Statesman Knowledge (from points)
  • +5 Dragon Knowledge (from points)
  • +10 perception training (from points)
  • +11 Rogue training (from points)
Body Shape
  • 0
  • Average
  • Low

  • Sofaal (learned in childhood)
  • Common (learned in childhood)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
19 points total
  • Magic: Whistling Pencil (3 points)
  • Magic: Tethering (4 points)
  • Magic: Lustre (2 points)
  • Magic: Saying Dust (3 points)
  • Magic: Guiding light (3 points)
  • Magic: Obstructing (4 points)
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Amber/Orange reminiscent of fire
  • Hair Color: Jet black
  • Hair Style: Short and curly
  • Skin Color: Brown
  • Clothing: Greedy commoner clothing, actor style
  • Height: 5'8
Personality and Abilities

Option One: The Question List
  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • When in her best of moods, Diara tends to grow extremely confident in her contentedness. She takes hold of the situation, becomes the planner of the night, and quite a conversationalist.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • There is no such thing as a fight response for Diara when backed into a corner. She will immediately take flight in the most dangerous and horrific of situations. The most frightening of characters will suck the confidence and smooth right out of her, opting for more clumsy mistakes, a quakey voice, and senile distress and dillusion.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • Stress tends to bring an aggressive response from Diara, who will take to a commanding tone when the stress is from someone she believes to be lower on the food chain compared to her. If the stress is out of her hands, or exhibited from a worldly event, she will likely take the same reactions she does when experiencing fear.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • Contracting is a flexible illusion she believes can be wielded by the wittiest of people. Law and authorities is less about ethics, and more about riches and power to her.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • Other races, especially those that are more alien to the human appearance are rather quirky or odd to her. She has no strong sense of racism or superiority about her however.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • Her upbringing in the slums brought a rather peculiar stance on her beliefs. She's a power seizer, magic and alchemy are two broad fields she strives to manipulate for her own self-interests. It's no doubt that she respects and worships dragons, but the only line drawn is visualizing dragons as all-powerful like the sun in the Shambala faith. Instead she views them as deities, or powerful manipulators of the world. In fact, she also has a dangerous perception of Shambala, also viewing the sun as a finite being in Aloria just as she views the dragons. Aside from this she isn't much different.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • Arcane and magics are simply artifacts of power or gifts handed down by superior puppeteers of the Aloria plane. Since her upbringing in a practitioner or bokor shop filled with magical stones and parlor tricks, she's been a collector. She simply wants to harness supernatural forces to improve her daily life.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • From occasion she'll think about her father at home, but much time has gone by, resulting in a rather forgetful and disinterested attitude towards family. She believes her true family is Shabiara and Djini, her two companions at the bokor shop she lived in for a majority of her life.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • Diara is just on the edge of being a hypocrite. Their pride comes in their attitude believing she knows exactly how the world operates, living amongst a society in regalia who are ignorant of the reality around them.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • The improvement of daily life is motivated by the collection of magical artifacts or alchemical tools to make work easier. With the burden of work being low, there is more time to relax in luxury. Another great motivator is money and power, but not control of an entire city. Just enough money and power to be satisfied and drowned out by luxury.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Though she is confident in understanding reality around her by the Shabala faith, she often questions her skewed views on whether the sun is all powerful or finite like other beings. Because of this insecurity and unconfidence, she's not the strongest disciple, though still strong aside from the one difference.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Diara's biggest insecurity is striving to succeed and meet her goal of power and prosperity, only to have it stolen or taken from her, resulting in her falling to rock bottom or worse, death. A major fear factor is dying. With as much self-interest and greed as she has, she wants to survive for as long as she can to drown out her worries and troubles in feel good luxury.
Life Story (Required)


247 AC, Diara was born amongst a large pearly city in Farah'deen within the lower slums along the outskirts. Her father being a medical physician brought in enough of a living for their small family to barely stay out of the threats of hunger and poverty. For the majority of her young life she underwent normal nursing. At the age of eight she was finally intelligent enough to be aware of her life, later conducting childish conversations within alleyways or market places. Nothing eerie or edgy occurred during this period aside from the common financial crisis that arrived and left at the families doorstep.


As she reached her adolescent years, she was finally rounding an age where she could be viewed as a young adult, if not an independent. The friends she made in the slum like district of the pearl city were not entirely good idols. From black markets to drug trades and illegal alchemy, Diara slowly delved on an irresponsible path. The most notable experience that occured was the encounter with a fortune teller by the name of Shabiara who lived in a rather rundown boker shop in Farah'deen. This older couger of a woman slowly came to like Diara, exploiting her innocent features and sleight of hand skills to make a quick profit from the occasional customer.

It wasn't until the age of 18 that her father finally realized this, given his long and busy working schedule. She was essentially kept under careful watch by her father from that moment on, planning to get her into a more righteous occupation. She loved her father, but it was apparent that being a medical practitioner was not the route she was meant for, after attempting to learn from him for an entire year, she left at the age of twenty, a reasonable age to move out, and lived under Shabiara's roof for a job and living. Shabiara of course played a large part in her departure from home, carefully guiding the young adult to her as an apprentice and worker for her rundown shop.

The Causatum

For several following years Diara picked up on the whole fortune telling gig, and learned valuable skills in guile and wit to make a man lower their guard, essentially exploiting gentlemen who underestimated her intelligence and charisma. Shabiara was never mean to her, rather possessively passive aggressive. She was a commanding and powerful presence who could also have warmth, the 'mother knows best' arrogance about her, and Diara fell for it for the most part. A rather close romantic relationship ensued with her and her court, a man named Djani who was considered to have a robin hood notoriety about him in the pearly cities slums.


Over the years, Diara got older and older alongside her two companions. With this, relations naturally got harsher and harsher to the point where the two parties, Djani and Shabiara against Diara, were sick of each other. She stormed out on a gloomy and rainy day and flipped a coin. Heads she would swallow her pride and turn around to apologize, likely being hitched down by the two romantic partners. Tails she would go through with the runaway. As fate would have it, her coin landed on tails. Booking a ship with what little she had, she set off to the center of the world, arriving along the docks of Regalia blending in with her lesser form to walk in Shabiara's path, but at her own command.
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