Diamond Armor For Non- Premiums!

"Diamonds are as breakable as hearts for I've broken a lot of both...well, ripped out actually"
-Lanaskan Shadowaika
First we had the problems non prems being not being able to wear diamond armor. Now we have non prems singled out for the armor they'll drop when they die :P
...Well. This is real nice of the staff to give us this feature. I probably won't use diamond armour often, only for major battles. I'll just keep to iron armour for as long as possible, as iron is easier to get more of.
Again, thank you for this awesome-sauce feature. I'm sure non-perms will appreciate it.
Neat but I don't see how it will really help in the long run at least in the PVP system. Say a non prem wants to PVP. The non prem takes the time to make full god armor then gets killed. All the work the player put into the armor is gone and he is forced to start back over meanwhile the prem collects the set of god armor. Diamond Armor, Iron Armor whatever you put them in wont help them if they lose armor on death. To combat the drastic difference between the two fighters perhaps change it so non prems lose items on death always but not armor. I feel like that would be a significant change in the right direction. Premiums would still have the perks of not losing stuff if they are passive while non prems are not utterly useless in a raid should they die. They would at least be able to rearm and fight again. Rather than lol all dead time to awkwardly sit next to cannons they cant use and complain about the horde of prems outside.
I just like to say that you guys are the best staff on earth. ;)
Although the essence of why I used to complain was the gap in pvp itself,
seeing that this gap cannot be closed entirely, I thank you for at least narrowing it.

(note I always supported fair combat from the times that I was non premium till even now )

Erdu Cololee
It does help, people now have the tools to defeat their premium invaders. You don't drop your armour if you don't die.:)
Meh, alright, I see you guys have a point... But how long until we've twisted the features up so much to suit non-prems, that there will be nothing that prems would gain from paying for it. I understand that it reeeally sucks when you lose the armour you've been working so hard on, I get mad about it too, but that's why I try keep enchants low and will be using iron only, I'd also keep a pretty powerful set in a chest, using it only for mega battles, I'd even take the time to make multiple sets of heavily enchanted armour, store it away, then when I need it, I just come back stronger and stronger.

Eh... That's just how I'd handle armour, you guys can do what you want. Good luck.
Hey hey don't get me wrong I love sending wave after wave of my own non prems to death:D I was just saying I don't think it will help too much combat wise should help the economy though :P
This changes nothing basicly:p The fact that you gave premiums 15% ressistance to damage just made it worse...

The current gap is so huge that non premiums aren't even able to fight, i do not even let my Members join the army if they aren't premium.
This changes nothing basicly:P The fact that you gave premiums 15% ressistance to damage just made it worse...

The current gap is so huge that non premiums aren't even able to fight, i do not even let my Members join the army if they aren't premium.
I agree. Although the Non premiums were given Diamond armor. Premiums have even more protection than ever now.

Premium + Diamond Prot 4 Armor. + Undead Race + Own faction land 30% pain resistance. = Nearly indestructible.

I feel like giving diamond armor to non prems was just used to that Non prems would be distracted by that and not notice the rest of the features given to the premium; such as /fix. and 50% mcmmo experience and the 75s per every month as premium. All players should get 75s per 1 month server game time (Be logged in for 1 month in total) Just to thank them for their dedication ;)