Archived Diamond Armor For Everyone

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dead account
Sep 5, 2013
Reaction score
I have played on this server for a long time now, and I always liked it no matter how big the difference between premiums and non-premiums was. I could handle myself against non-premiums in the wild, just because they had the same armor sets like me in pvp. I always kept distance and tried to avoid premiums, because they wear diamond armor.
Now, when everybody can wear diamond armor, and I never feel very safe. I can't seem to get much diamonds out of mining, and living in a really small faction doesn't help either. Sure, there is mcmmo, but Im talking outside of that. I don't want to pvp with people unless it's fair (so only a planned battle). If my faction ever gets attacked, we're pretty screwed now. If this was supposed to make premiums less overpowered in pvp, they shouldve done something else. Like, some enchantments on diamond armor doesn't work. I don't know either, and I know most of the people will disagree with me, but this was my opinion on the new change.
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Question, if everyone can wear diamond armor, what is the purpose of this thread?
I have played on this server for a long time now, and I always liked it no matter how big the difference between premiums and non-premiums was. I could handle myself against non-premiums in the wild, just because they had the same armor sets like me in pvp. I always kept distance and tried to avoid premiums, because they wear diamond armor.
Now, when everybody can wear diamond armor, and I never feel very safe. I can't seem to get much diamonds out of mining, and living in a really small faction doesn't help either. Sure, there is mcmmo, but Im talking outside of that. I don't want to pvp with people unless it's fair (so only a planned battle). If my faction ever gets attacked, we're pretty screwed now. If this was supposed to make premiums less overpowered in pvp, they shouldve done something else. Like, some enchantments on diamond armor doesn't work. I don't know either, and I know most of the people will disagree with me, but this was my opinion on the new change.

New Ceardia is your best bet in finding diamonds. The mines are vast and the ores are plenty. If your interested in joining a safer faction let me know ;)
Because now non-premiums are stronger in raids too, and iron armor is kinda useless. Now Im not only easy killed by prems, but non-prems too.
To be completely honest, you're not going to run into very many non-premiums using diamond god armour. Premiums never lose their armour, even on death. However, non-premiums do. Do you really think a non-premium has the patience, time and money to remake sets of god armour every time they run out in the wilderness and lose it in battle? I don't think it'll be much of a problem for you.
To be completely honest, you're not going to run into very many non-premiums using diamond god armour. Premiums never lose their armour, even on death. Do you really think a non-premium has the patience, time and money to remake sets of god armour every time they run out in the wilderness and lose it in battle? I don't think it'll be much of a problem for you.
Oh, uh never really thought about that. Thank you for your comment
To be completely honest, you're not going to run into very many non-premiums using diamond god armour. Premiums never lose their armour, even on death. However, non-premiums do. Do you really think a non-premium has the patience, time and money to remake sets of god armour every time they run out in the wilderness and lose it in battle? I don't think it'll be much of a problem for you.

And the ones that do have too much time on their hands.
Glad to see you finally took your complaining to the forums. But no, I disagree. You speak as though everyone has diamond armour and you are the only person left in iron armour. Well you are not, there will still be other non-premiums running about in iron armour. And as Cawkward said, you may still lose your armour on death, so I doubt there will be too many people running about the wilderness in it.
I personally just bought god armour, and I only use it in PVP raids.
Giving diamond armour to non-prems is one of the best things the server has done for pvp in awhile. I tested some pvp with my alt account, who has under 100 power, and was able to take out a few diamond armoured premiums with good combat stats. With the testing I have done, besides the fact that armour drops, nonprems can pretty much be just as useful now as premiums.
Good point but even my premium friend does not have diamond armor (that I know about) but yes their should be a place that the server buys diamonds up for a lot of money every so often we could even do it if you have a lot of money.
We are not reversing this change.

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