Preserved Sheet Dhorn Borbek

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Your Friendly Neighborhood Orc
Jun 11, 2014
Reaction score
Puerto Rico
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Dhorn Gijak Borbork

  • Age: 38

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Orc, Valuur Orc

  • Sexuality: Homosexual

Skill Information

Total Points: 38

  • +20 Unarmed Combat Skill (+10 Racial Points, +10 Points)

  • +10 Medical Sciences (+10 Racial Points)

  • +3 Throwing Combat Skill (+3 Points)

  • +10 Athletic Training (+10 Points)

  • +10 Alchemy Sciences (+10 Points)

  • +5 Nature Care Sciences (+5 Points)
Body Shape
  • 23 Combat Points + (10 Athletic Points * 2) = 43

  • Muscular

  • Built Body Fat
  • Vashkylarr (10/10) Native Tongue

  • Common (10/10) Taught by parents

  • Daendroque (5/10) Can pick out words enough to partly keep track of a conversation

  • Skodje (5/10) Can pick out words enough to partly keep track of a conversation

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Black sclera, hazel iris

  • Hair Color: Black

  • Hair Style: Undercut pulled back into a ponytail

  • Skin Color: Olive green

  • Clothing: A simple vest or shirtless. Simple leather pants with a cloth around the waist, navel belt armor over the stomach, and worn leather fingerless gloves. Along with a pair of large sandals.

  • Height: 6'10'' feet, 208 cm

Personality and Abilities

Perceived by others:
  • Most people that see Dhorn at first glance would see a gruff, tough Orc. Possibly not looking very smart as most people assume from Orcs. When they talk to him and get to know him more they'd discover he is a lot nicer than most, along with actually being educated. When he speaks he seems to know more beyond just brute force. Coming across people that actually wish to converse with Dhorn would find he smiles at most to try to appear less intimidating. Though that doesn't mean he won't fight or know when is a time to stand and fight.

Feelings about themselves:
  • Dhorn is proud of himself with how far he's gotten in life, being more educated than most Orcs or anyone at that. Even so, he always humbles himself around people he considers his friends or respects. Dhorn is not one to seek out a fight but if he is being challenged to something such as a fist fight he will accept as long as it is honorable. He has high virtues with a battle, win or lose, he respects someone else in the art of a simple fight. He often has hesitation with people challenging him out of anger or malice and knows where his limits are against an opponent. Even so, if a friend's life is at risk he will fight to the best of his ability. Dhorn sees life with unavoidable conflicts in them no matter how much he wishes not to fight at times. People will always hate each other.

Friends and family:
  • Dhorn is pretty protective over his friends since his circle of them isn't very large and tends to stay small. What family he does have he is a little distant with, mostly because he never sees them anymore. When he's with people he trusts he talks a bit more than with strangers, though he can warm up to new people if their impression on him is good enough. If you are rude to him, he will be rude in return. If you are kind, he will be kind in return. He's not completely like the quiet type, just less talkative in crowds and with people he doesn't know.

  • Dhorn is generally a just and virtuous person. He doesn't fight people unless it's to protect a friend, to defend someone he thinks need protecting, or someone challenges him to a simple test of strength. He will often accept challenges to test himself, even if he loses he uses that opportunity to learn what he could do better in a fight. To Dhorn people in the world will always hate each other so if he is not involved in a conflict or his friends aren't he will not intervene most of the time. Most people that are good in his eyes are those that do not cause unnecessary conflict and bloodshed. Blood does have to be shed in some events when it is a battle between two forces but those often have a cause on either side. Killing and harm without reason or just for 'fun' does not pass by Dhorn well.

Life Story

Young child:

  • Dhorn was born on the 22nd of April to family newly fleeing their homelands of Daendroc to Nordskag. He was about 6 when it all happened. Their clan decimated with few left alive by an Orc tribe of old tradition that was responsible, who cornered them to the shoreline till they were forced to flee by sea. Eventually making it to Nordskag and settling on the edge of Kongehjem.

  • Durz Borbek was his father, Gijak Borbek was his mother, and Bashuk Borbek was his sister.

  • His father was a blacksmith while his mother was a Graklak fighter along with some other clan members. Dhorn later went to train in the school, as well as his sister, at the age of 10 and his sister at age 14.
Middle age:

  • Going between the training ground and the city, Dhorn experience several forms of hate towards Orcs. Some being Orc hating locals trying to fight the young Orc. He managed to defend himself, for the most part, thanks to his training, but they would also manage to gang up on him and throwing him into the water. Along with throwing paint or sewer water on him.

  • Dhorn found an interest in plants and herbal remedies early, sparked by the basic medical training in the School of Graklak. Eventually pushing himself to learn to read and educate himself so he could study books on different plants. He found himself spending time alone in the local wild landscape of the North Skags and learning of the written information about Daendroc plant life.

  • The one time he had someone act nice to him that wasn't another Orc was a young Ailor boy about the same age as him at the time, 14. The boy has found Dhorn wondering the pine forest to study and enjoy the flora. Instead of attacking him or mocking him, the boy, named Trygg, offered a Friblomst flower. They became friends quickly and often talked out in the forest, Trygg taught Skodje and some common to him over the years. Becoming friends with Trygg and his kindness towards Dhorn was a point in his life where he started to become kinder and less aggressive than other Orcs.

  • At 20 years of age, Dhorn graduate from the School or Graklak. Only to have his mother die of an unknown illness soon after. Deciding to travel back to Daen to study the vast wildlife in the jungles he vaguely remembered as a small child. After saying goodbye to his childhood friend, he lived in the wilds in solidarity. Teaching himself about herbology and the ways of nature for 9 years.

  • He never heard from his sister after he left Nordskag to study in Daen but he still communicates with his father on occasion. Other than that he is not very aware of his family's whereabouts or where his sister is these days. Though about 5 years into his study he got news that his friend Trygg died of an unknown illness much like his mother about a year after he left Nordskag.

  • After learning about alchemy and medicine he wanted to use these skills to help people. So at the age of 29, he traveled to Regalia. He struggled to adjust from the wilds of Daen to the big city for some time but he found his way eventually. Dhorn has been living there for about 5 years in and out of the city to visit Daen from time to time for a few months of study.
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Couldn't find anything for a peer review, it's a very well written character and I would love to roleplay with him some day.

I must also note this
To Dhorn people in the world will always hate each other so if he is not involved in a conflict or his friends aren't he will not intervene most of the time. Most people that are good in his eyes are those that do not cause unnecessary conflict and bloodshed. Blood does have to be shed in some events when it is a battle between two forces but those often have a cause on either side. Killing and harm without reason or just for 'fun' does not pass by Dhorn well.
I really love this! It's such a unique philosophical set, I havent seen in a a character.

Good luck with review! Hope you enjoy playing the character as much as I enjoyed reading the app!
@Caelamus Updated the skill information, aged him up by 4 years, and changed small details to the visual info
Skill Information

Total Points: 38
  • +10 Unarmed Combat Skill (+Racial Points)

  • +10 Siege Combat Skill (+Racial Points)

  • +10 Metallurgy Arts (+Racial Points)

  • +8 Throwing Combat Skill

  • +10 Athletic Training

  • +10 Medical Sciences

  • +10 Alchemy Sciences
Body Shape
  • 28 Combat Points + (10 Athletic Points * 2) = 48

  • Strongman

  • Built Body Fat
  • Vashkylarr (10/10) Native Tongue

  • Common (10/10) Native taught by parents

  • Daendroque (9/10) Learned over time from parents and travel

  • Skodje (6/10) Can pick out words enough to partly keep track of a conversation

  • Dwarven (1/10) Only knows a few basic words to communicate
Common is no longer a free language, at the age of 30 he may only know 3 languages, additionally, racial bonuses are not added into the body build stat.

He has +8 Throwing skill and plus 10 Athletic, this would leave him with a total of 28 points over all. I would recommend adding other skills in as well or consider keeping him at muscular.

After reviewing the character and the niche you seem to be going for with adding some scholarly knowledge in, I would recommend considering making him a Valuur Orc, but it's up to you!
I went ahead and changed him to a Valuur Orc and made the appropriate changes to the Skill Information. Thanks! @Caelamus