D'hellegtum Vun Der Hirsch


Professional Procrastinator
Aug 17, 2015
Reaction score




In need of a quiet, serene environment to ease your thoughts? Wish for a relaxing game of chess or a cozy spot to hold idle conversation? Look no further! Come visit D'Hellegtum vun der Hirsch to enjoy our cocktails and accompanying appetizers!

Owned and managed by House Rosendahl, this quaint little spot is intended to serve as a serene haven those who wish for a drink without the hustle and bustle of larger enterprises. Provided they have good manners and decent attire, anyone, no matter their race or culture, is permitted admittance to the establishment. Those who prove overly loud and obtrusive will promptly be escorted from the building.

Additionally, this establishment further serves as a workshop for Rosendahl craftsmen, who produce fine works of ivory and whale bone sculpture. One may commission a piece by personally visiting the establishment or by submitting a letter to the owner.


/tp regalia, then make a full 180. Walk straight until you see the sign for D'Hellegum!


Check out our menu!

Unfortunately, all items are exclusively available IC
  • Drinks
    • Kaffee - 5r - Rich and aromatic
    • Ale - 6r - Same old, same old
    • Mulled Wine - 8r - Fragrant and delectable
    • Whiskey - 6r - The reliable classic
    • Leutz Nectar - 8r - Cherry flavored
  • Finger Food
    • Lemon Tart - 3r - Sharp yet invigorating
    • Pork Bites - 3r - For dedicated carnivores
    • Olive Bowl - 3r - A plate of those virescent ovals
  • Meals
    • Traditional Stew - 6r - A hearty combination of meats and vegetables
    • Grilled Salmon - 10r - Tender fish with a side of greens
    • Barnacle Trout - 10r - A delicate dish with cream sauce
    • Mousse Puille - 8r - A favorite of Brissiaud

Wish to join staff? Apply here!
  • IG Name:
  • Character Name:
  • Character Race:
  • Character Application: (Optional)
  • IC Letter to Owner:
Last edited:
  • IG Name: Manatee_
  • Character Name: Deyala Suen Sandoval
  • Character Race: Ch'ien-Ji mixed with Ailor-Songaskia.
  • Bouncer or Bartender?: Bartender.
  • Letter to owner: Hi there. My name is Deyala, and I'm fresh off the boat. As in, a few hours fresh off the boat. I write to you with the desire to acquire a job so that I may stay afloat in my journey towards spiritual enlightenment in this city. Thank you very much.
I used to own that house also cute!