Preserved Application Devynn Du Vik Song

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Dec 3, 2016
Reaction score







  • Full Name - Devynn du Vik-Song
  • Nickname - Vyn
  • Age - 26
  • Gender - Female
  • Race - Sihai (1/2) Velheim (1/2)
  • Sexuality - Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapons - A Falchion and a Flamberge




  • 26 Points to spend from age.
  • + 5 Hunting Knowledge (Bonus)
  • + 6 Unarmed Combat Skill (Practiced/Training.)
  • + 10 Blade Combat Skill (Practiced/Training.)
  • + 5 Athletic Training (Practiced/Training.)
  • + 5 Fast Blade Combat Skill (Practiced/Training.)

  • 10 Blade Combat Skill + 5 Fast Blade Combat Skill + 6 Unarmed Combat Skill + (5x2 Athletic Training) = 31 Physical Stat
  • Muscular Body Shape
  • Average Body Fat

  • Skodje - Mother (10/10)
  • Tatsugo - Father (10/10)
  • Common - Learned living in Regalia (10/10)




  • Eye Color - Dark Brown
  • Hair Color - Black, with brown undertones.
  • Hair Style - Velheim inspired, with beads from the Sihai braided in.
  • Skin Color - Sandy
  • Clothing - Dressed for the cold, leather jackets, furs, covers everything but the face.
  • Height - 5'11"





  • Character Alignment
    • Chaotic Neutral - With her partner in crime, she does intend to stir up issues with her personal beliefs.
  • Character Personality Type
    • ISPF - The Composer
  • Character's Religion
    • Unionism




Early Life (1-10)
  • Devynn, being born into a mixed family, was easily about her home life. She was born in Regalia, however, making the issue of such be a bit more acceptable, as Regalia was home to many races and mixes alike. She lived simply, and beneath the eye of her mother and father. She had a little brother, born to her family when she was just turning six, however, he was lost to a still unknown sickness only a few months into his childhood. It wasn't the biggest disappointment to her, as she enjoyed being an only child. She began learning basic skills such as hunting and to be bilingual at this point in life, so she could traverse Regalia a bit more skillfully.
Teenage Life (11-18)
  • As a teenager, she was well-behaved, as to not cause trouble for her still grieving mother and father. They both had simple jobs working in different shops around Regalia. Devynn quickly learned how to get on the good side to the different owners, and was able to get a small job at the age of thirteen, delivering bread from the Bakery her mother worked at. Eventually, with the small coin she was making, she was beginning to purchase weapons of her own, as of course, it was beginning to form in her mind that fighting was enjoyable. She had witnessed fights and spars, and found such as fascinating. She'd begin to fight in duels, and trained, a bit sloppily beneath others. She had quit her work, and left home, in search of crime and adventure, at the age of eighteen.
Adult Life (19-26)
  • With her crime spree beginning, ranging from as little as taking things like fresh fish from vendors, to stabbing people in the Wraith, she had definitely gotten a bad taste for her own downfall. She was arrested at nineteen, having gotten caught in her antics by a Violet, and dialed it down since, as she refused to be beaten as she had been. She quickly made friends with a boy, only slightly older than her, and has been relaying such antics and fighting trends to him. She bought a home in the slums, and keeps up her scheming and what not there. She tries to avoid the public, or crowded areas. Nerves.




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What? Sorry, little hard to understand :)
half sihai-velheim typically default to the half human status and lose the sihai abilities, you have a mix of velheim and sihai bonuses, there should be only one or the other though in this case should be the velheim culture bonus.