Archived Dessication.

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Leaving Massive, bye. AND SHUT IT YOU
Sep 3, 2013
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Somewhere incredibly boring
IronLegion, for now.
Ok, so, I was thinking. If Arachne becomes an individual race, then for RP, what would they eat? So I thought about how spiders eat. Here's my idea.

A command, maybe '/arachne d toggle'. When on, making a kill against a player in anywhere that you would normally be able to build will hold you still for a little while, preventing you from attacking anything else. After that timer is up, a cocoon will apear, maybe looking like this?

Breaking a web block and then left clicking the stained clay will open up an inventory, initially containing the items that player would have dropped, and once a timer on it has finished, the items would be lost, and replaced with modified rotten flesh and modified slime, called 'Dessicated Flesh' and 'Dessicated Slime' respectively. The flesh would be randomly placed throughout the double chest sized inventory, and the slime would fill every spare spot on the two bottom rows.

The Dessicated Flesh would act like a normal item, and refill 4.5 hunger chunks.
The slime would activate when clicked, so that it can not be put into the player inventory. It would refill 6 hunger chunks instantly.

Both would activate heavy poison / wither to the player if they are not arachne, along with nausea.

I understand that this would take a long time to code, please feel free to leave thoughts below.

Edit: New idea, instead of the command, this could happen when killing someone who's stuck in cobweb?
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Me being a Arachne this seems awesome, although seems a bit complex to implement and not needed.
Heh, very creative. I think that this should be made on a smaller scale (just 1 chest) and should happen when spiders kill something.
I have to agree that this is indeed very creative and also interesting HOWEVER:
This would involve block changes on kill.
The problems this implies:
  • Griefing factions with it
  • Griefing protected areas with it
  • Deadbolt griefing (replace deadbolt signs)
And should you decide do disable it on Faction/Protected regions/deadbolts there is another problem:
  • Rarely useable as most kills are in or very close to faction bases in the form of raids.
If you manage to avoid these Problems it should be fine and good. Otherwise my personal vote would be for NO. My easoning for that is that it would be either to much danger for protected stuff/griefing (Block changes on kill) or the effect would not be worth the effort (disabled on protected areas).
Simple answer would be that the cocoon would make sure to not replace blocks exept cobweb, and that it didn't work unless you were in your own territory and that it could be easilly disposable.

Edit: Also maybe that it won't work within 5 blocks of a deadlocked chest?
Re-Edit: Also maybe able to break grass and leaves?
Simple answer would be that the cocoon would make sure to not replace blocks exept cobweb, and that it didn't work unless you were in your own territory and that it could be easilly disposable.

Edit: Also maybe that it won't work within 5 blocks of a deadlocked chest?

If it were locked with your Building perms and would check for deadbolts near it then it would solve the griefing issue.
Btw I noticed another thing that would need to be added. A cooldown timer for eating Dissected flesh/slime. Reason:
Spam kill someone with an inventory filled with 1 dirt per slot (leaves faction, dies, joins faction , /home <- rinse and repeat). In other words without a cooldown timer (not to large) they would get easy infinite high quality food.

TL: DR: MAYBE . Timer to prevent cheap conversion of dirt/cobble to food.
If it were locked with your Building perms and would check for deadbolts near it then it would solve the griefing issue.
Btw I noticed another thing that would need to be added. A cooldown timer for eating Dissected flesh/slime. Reason:
Spam kill someone with an inventory filled with 1 dirt per slot (leaves faction, dies, joins faction , /home <- rinse and repeat). In other words without a cooldown timer (not to large) they would get easy infinite high quality food.

TL: DR: MAYBE . Timer to prevent cheap conversion of dirt/cobble to food.
Yes, a timer would be necessary, for being dessicated and for dessicating. Allthough I think you may have misread, I meant that the items would be destroyed, and then the flesh and slime would randomly appear in the chest.

Also maybe not being able to do it to anyone who has been in your faction less than a day ago?

Edit: Unless that faction was wilderness of course, I have a feeling that if it was coded to block recent members then it would include wilderness.
Spiderer1210 Sorry man, I just feel that this might be too op and may be abused.
Spiderer1210 Sorry man, I just feel that this might be too op and may be abused.
We were discussing ways to avoid abusement. Allthough, for the possiblitity of it being called too op, maybe...
Arachne take half the food chunks from any other meat, and a quarter from bread or any vegetarian foods?
We were discussing ways to avoid abusement. Allthough, for the possiblitity of it being called too op, maybe...
Arachne take half the food chunks from any other meat, and a quarter from bread or any vegetarian foods?

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