Archived Despawning Leaves

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Jul 16, 2012
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Viva La Republic!
Hello, I'll make this quick.

If there's one thing that has contributed to worlds looking griefed, it's been leaves not despawning from trees. I've tested it, and on none of the worlds do leaves despawn once all logs have been harvested. This results in ugly floating leaves all over the forests. One only has to look at the Jungle area between Stormblade and Osai to see what harm it can do to an area. Yeah, we can always restore it or manually take it down ourselves, but it takes time from staff and players. It's been this way for ages, and I feel with new worlds that are rumored to have lots of forests, we'll need to make leaves despawn when logs are harvested.

The alternative is a more griefed world.

So, is it possible to do this? If it isn't, is it being worked on? I feel this is important to ensure our worlds stay looking nice.
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Maybe it can be sort of like a few other mods, where when you cut down one log they all fall, except the leaves would also break if you cut it down?
Maybe it can be sort of like a few other mods, where when you cut down one log they all fall, except the leaves would also break if you cut it down?

I think you're talking about treefeller. Mcmmo has something similar to that, but the leaves still don't despawn.
If there's one thing that has contributed to worlds looking griefed, it's been leaves not despawning from trees. I've tested it, and on none of the worlds do leaves despawn once all logs have been harvested.
Hmmm, the leaves eventually despawn for me. The only times I've gone to areas and seen them not despawn is when a lazy person hasn't cut all of the logs out of them, which I totally agree looks horrible.
Well I mean where the leaves ALL disappear once cut down. Not like slowly crunch away, but go out of existance once the log is cut.
Perhaps a plugin where all natural leaves are linked to the top or second to top log. Then when that log is chopped down, all the leaves despawn. They would also have to drop their stuff, saplings and apples. Another addition to this might be that these leaves regenerate after being manually destroyed, and the log is not chopped down. That way people could have leaf farms, and not be going and taking all the leaves off all the trees in the area, and leaving the trunks to look ugly.
I say ban all the noobs who don't clean up after their leaves!
jk, but really, people should do their part. The main reason we have floating leaves is due to lazy people.
Ill help take down leaves around stormblade. I could use the apples
If there's one thing that has contributed to worlds looking griefed, it's been leaves not despawning from trees. I've tested it, and on none of the worlds do leaves despawn once all logs have been harvested.
I just took a look at it, this statement is false. As Film said above, it could just be because a log or two is remaining, in which case it would screw up the entire mechanism.

Going further into it, I'll take a look into CraftBukkit tomorrow and see if I can search through the directories for code that might inspire me to make a plugin, too tired today. But here is something that should be similar to the plugin.yml:
name: DespawnLeaves
version: 1.01
description: Despawns leaves
author: Imboring56
This would execute a command that despawns the entire tree segment if the ratio of logs to leaves is considerably less. As for the code needed to run the command:
if(tree.leaves > tree.logs) {
  if(tree.leaves >= 10 && tree.logs <= 5) {
Very general code here, for I don't currently have to knowledge about it, nor am I willing to explore the topic at my current condition. However, I will say that I will try to code something similar tomorrow, as well as explore new possibilities of automatic anti-grief tools.
I think you're talking about treefeller. Mcmmo has something similar to that, but the leaves still don't despawn.

Actually i know on technic pac theres a mod that even removes leaves, though i do not know if it is client side or not.
Its treecapitator and I am not 100% sure if its client side I don't believe it is though
I expect, given the server behavior, that such a plugin is already running. I planted new trees the other day, and it generated with some of the leaves not directly touching the main body of leaves. These leaves despawned over the next couple of minutes. The problem, I think, is not the code to despawn leaves, but the code to trigger despawning of leaves when this code is prematurely terminated by someone leaving the area. I expect that it needs a nearby block change event to initiate.

A unique way to approach this problem would be through reforestation. If there was a plugin that automatically planted new trees, then most of the floating leaves would eventually be harvested with the new trees, or incorporated into them. An existing plugin that does this is Uberforest (

The advantage of this approach is that people could work to keep back the encroaching forest instead of just harvesting floating leaves. This has a much better role play value.
I find leaves do despawn in ithania. The problem is that players will leave , thus unloading, the chunk and mess up the whole process.
Hello, I'll make this quick.

If there's one thing that has contributed to worlds looking griefed, it's been leaves not despawning from trees. I've tested it, and on none of the worlds do leaves despawn once all logs have been harvested. This results in ugly floating leaves all over the forests. One only has to look at the Jungle area between Stormblade and Osai to see what harm it can do to an area. Yeah, we can always restore it or manually take it down ourselves, but it takes time from staff and players. It's been this way for ages, and I feel with new worlds that are rumored to have lots of forests, we'll need to make leaves despawn when logs are harvested.

The alternative is a more griefed world.

So, is it possible to do this? If it isn't, is it being worked on? I feel this is important to ensure our worlds stay looking nice.
the holy floating leaves whoo
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