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Denouncement Of Cro-zzharlo


Hannibal ante portas
Jun 29, 2016
Reaction score
A letter would be pinned to every available noticeboard and sent to both the offices of the Hightowers and those of the Crimson Inquisition.


Citizens of Regalia,

It is with a heavy heart that I address the people of Regalia under such despondent circumstances. Indeed it is a foul and sad day when such a dutiful race as the Allar are tainted by the callous, selfish and wild behaviours of a traitor. It was made aware to me in the early hours of this morning that Digmaan Cro-Zzharlo committed foul acts of heresy, not only refusing to fulfil his own duties to our Empire but outwardly encouraging other Digmaan to follow in his iniquitous ways. Such news struck me like a wretched dagger, a betrayal most nefarious that slashes deep and true at the hearts of our peoples and our Empire.

It is with swift and immediate declaration that I, Digmaan Cro-Vazziss, on behalf of the Embassy of the Allar and Allar Peoples and furthermore by my own conviction, do hereby denounce Cro-Zzharlo for his act of blatant heresy and reinforce calls for his imminent detainment.

In addition, I formally and officially declare the vassalisation of Cro-Zzharlo null and void. As his former overlord I consider his actions a betrayal of my own principles and consider him no longer an ally but a staunch enemy to my Digmaan and to the peoples of Hadar.

To the people of Regalia...
This betrayal extends far beyond a mere political tragedy, for I fear that the Allar community and the Allar people may suffer the stiff hand of unfair vengence for the actions of a tainted heretic. I openly ask the great and honourable citizens of this City and the dutiful organisations that guard its borders to seek no unfair reprisals. An entire race should not be brought to heel for the heretical treachery of one individual. I have instructed my Digmaan to make immediate inquiries into the location and movements of Cro-Zzharlo as to assist in his capture and will cooperate to ensure justice is delivered. I ask that your wrath be fairly guided by the Imperial Spirit unto he that betrays the Empire and not those that have also been betrayed by his sins.

Finally, to the Allar community...
I call for all members of the Allar community to relay any information on the Cro-Allar to the relevant authorities and I will personally reward any whom assist in his detainment. However I wish to make something very clear. Should any Allar, whether in association with others or alone, attempt or intend to harbour or otherwise protect Cro-Zzharlo from justice, you too shall face the fury of my wrath and be declared a traitor to our people and to our Empire. Do not be misguided, do not dissent my people, for we are far stronger than the shameful and abhorrent treacheries of one that should stand as an example but instead stands a traitor.

I have cleared my schedule for the coming week to make myself available to any and all audiences with whomever wishes to seek council or assistance on this foul and disheartening matter. Do not shy away from writing to me to request a meeting for I hope only to reassure that this is an isolated and exceptional incident that will not misrepresent the Allar servitude to the Holy Empire.

With heavy hearted gratitude for your understanding,
I confide now in the Imperial Spirit to see the will of justice done fairly and swiftly.

Digmaan Zaallsan Cro-Vazziss of Hadar
Ambassador to the Digmaan Embassy of Allar and Allar Peoples.

Sselliaz Es-Vazziss quietly sat within the embassy with the note resting in his webbed hands. Letting out a deep sigh he would turn to look distantly out of the green tinted windows.
"How hath it come to this, Zzharlo? Without my own guidance you fall to these levels? Indeed. You are more like your old master than I thought."
With a sigh, the chubby elder pushed himself to waddle to his study as his mind was crowded with the cold reality of the world.
Syrils Mu-Vazziss
Would stop by at the notice-board, only to read it over with tired eyes. It was only moments after she gained a distastful expression.
"I thought Ssuch a Digmaan like Zzhalo would know better than to go againsst the Empire itself.." she continued to mutter her thoughts before proceedingnto head inside the Tavern to get some Mead and rest her mind from the tragity.
Zzalangua motioned over, his gaze idly casted upon the notice board. With a simple "Hmmz..." he shake his head, continuing on without another word.