Preserved Sheet Delphine Rolland | Isera

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Iced Coffee Addict
Nov 28, 2014
Reaction score
the Universe


Delphine Rolland
All The Good Girls Go To Hell | Balance Ton Quoi | Jalousie

Basic Information:
  • Name: Delphine Ellaivre Troissand Futé Couer Rolland Chouette de Vitroris
    • Nom de lune: Ellaivre Troissant [Waning Crescent, September]
    • Nom de Couer: Futé [Smart/Sharp]
    • Nom de Noblesse: Chouette [Female Owl]
  • Aliases: Isera
  • Nicknames: Delphie, chouchou
  • Birthdate: September 2, 283 AC
    • Zodiac: Virgo
  • Age: 25
    • [Visible Age 22]
  • Race: Ithanian Ailor
    • Lineage: Medavinti
  • Sexuality: find out ic
  • Preferred Weapon: Bottle of Wine / Large Book



Skill Information:
  • Total Points: 30 Age Points + 10 Talent + 10 Hobby
  • Core:
    • Medical Science +5 [Age Points]
    • Linguistic Sciences +6 [Age Points]
  • Talent:
    • Statecraft Command +10 [All Talent Points]
    • Strings Instrument +5 [Age Points]
  • Hobby:
    • Writing Art +10 [10 Age Points]
    • Theatre Art +5 [5 Hobby Points]
    • Painting Art +4 [Age Points]
    • Winemaking Art +5 [5 Hobby Points]


Body Shape:

  • 2.5 Total
    • Theatre Art 5 x 0.5 = +2.5
    • [Alais Vampire +15] [Active]
  • Description:
    • Average Body Shape
    • Moderate Body Fat
  • Common (learned in childhood)
  • d'Ithanie (parents language)
  • Daendroquin (learned in childhood for family business)
  • Modern Altalar (learned at university) [+3 Linguistic points]
  • Middle Altalar (learned at university) [+3 Linguistic points]

Special Traits:

  • Racial Abilities: Medavinti
    • Honed Skill II
    • Rogue Gift III
    • Honed Skill IV
  • Affliction:
    • Vampirism: Alais Bloodline [Active]
      • Proficiencies:
        • +5 Dancing Art
        • +5 Theatre Art
      • Mutations:
        • Crimson Curse
        • Crimson Silence
        • Crimson Lies
        • Crimson Guile
        • Crimson Reflection
      • Crimson Form:
        When Delphine enters her crimson form, her body grows significantly to 5'11" and her body fat and curves diminish from her form. She appears lanky, perhaps even emaciated. Her skin all over her body turns into a light red color, but her fingers and feet are stained black. The hair from her head turns an inky black color and appears cropped in a shaggy pixie cut. Sprouting from the sides of her head are two horns that twist backward into a spiral. These horns match the color of her red skin and are stained black at their tips just like her fingers and feet. Her lips also turn black, while her irises turn a dark red maroon that could almost be seen as black in some lighting. In this form, Delphine will go by the alias "Maline", and will often do so to disguise her true identity when engaging in undercity politics. She also frequently wears black dresses in this form, feeling that she can express herself more. She is not recognizable in this form.




Visual Information:
  • Eye Color: Rust Brown
  • Hair Color: Blonde
  • Hair Style: Intricate Braided Bun with Gold Hair Accessories
  • Skin Color: Pale
  • Clothing: Brightly colored dresses with gold jewelry accents, matching gloves, and fan
    • [Is known to wear black dresses in her crimson form]
  • Height: 5'4" (5'6" with heels)
To come~

  • Character Alignment: Lawful Evil
    • Though outwardly to those who are mundane, Delphine would seem to act as a Lawful Good, but this is merely a strategic facade that she maintains, covering a highly analytical Lawful Evil alignment that only ever does something that will be to the benefit of herself and her own interests; manipulating existing institutions to do so.
  • Personality Type: Executive/ESTJ
    • Pre-Vampirism: Logistician/ISTJ
  • Religion: Exploratory
    • Raised Priscellian Unionist and will refer to herself as continuing to practice to many, but has no belief in the religion
    • Currently exploring the Cult of Evolution and looking for more teachers and readings on the subject [this is highly private and hardly ever shared information]


Life Story:
  • Abbreviated:
    • Born to Aveline Rolland and Maxim Laurent (an Alais vampire) of a prominent merchant and winemaking family in the small town of Vitroris.
    • The young girl's childhood is marked by rumors and isolation, but she embraces the solitude and due to this becomes an excellent student.
    • Delphine is sent away to the Academie du Éducation dans l'Historie du Monde at 17.
    • A few years into her successful education, Delphine's world would be thrown off course by a handsome sanguine acquaintance who would eventually fully turn the brood when she turned 22.
    • With a new outlook on life from her Alais mentality, Delphine would flourish in the courts and parties of the city, but flunk out in the classroom.
    • Recalled to her home of Vitroris, Delphine must leave her partner in crime and would never learn of his true fate.
    • The young woman sets her eyes on the family fortune and getting back in the matriarch's good graces, but with rivalrous siblings, she determines that a move to Regalia would be a good change of pace in order to pursue business both above and below ground.

  • Full:
    • Delphine Rolland was born on September the 2nd of the year 283 AC to Aveline Rolland and Maxim Laurent. The Rollands being a prominent merchant and winemaking family in the small town of Vitroris. Their chateau is located in the countryside outside of La Portée de Paradis, in Haute Puisse, in order to give the family access to both the main port for trading as well as the fertile hills for their winemaking endeavors that had occurred for generations.

    • The two were not yet married but were in the plans to be. The father, Maxim, was to become Aveline's second husband, but his true intentions would not be in line with that promise. Maxim was an Alais Vampire that had wormed his way into the heart of Aveline in order to profit off the wealth of the family. Delphine would be the final product of that tumultuous relationship, coming out a brood.

    • Maxim would depart under cover of the night just days after Delphine's birth. The matriarch, Delphine's grandmother Édith Rolland, would be the one to ultimately discover Maxim's affliction, stumbling upon him feeding on Aveline late at night. Rumors circulated at the man's departure but ultimately only Édith, Aveline, and Aveline's first husband Archenbaud would ever know of the true reason for Maxim's departure.

    • The large family and their small amount of notoriety in the Vitroris meant that these rumors followed Delphine throughout her childhood. Mean comments were frequently passed her way as well as whispers behind her back. Due to this, Delphine frequently preferred to be alone, embracing solitary activities like reading and music. She also scorned large gatherings with the family and other social activities where she was often dressed up and paraded around.

    • Due to the family's wealth, Delphine was brought up with private tutors along with her brothers, sisters, and cousins. She seemed to excel in her subjects and her tutors highly recommended that she attend the Academie du Éducation dans l'Histoire du Monde.

    • The girl would leave the small town of Vitroris for the large city in Agennes-sur-Livre at 17 years of age. Whilst being enamored by the scholarly activity she threw herself headfirst into her studies in order to impress her family back home. Delphine excelled in this too, becoming a good pupil.

    • That would be up until she began to poke her nose into areas of history and subject matter that was a little dark for the taste of others just a few years later. Her teachers noticed her macabre fascination with the history of aberrants and tried their best to sway her from those subjects.

    • It was after a rather heated argument with a professor that she met a young man by the name of Pierre Lefebvre that her life took a turn. She was enamored by the man, his perfect looks, his perfect words, and the way that he opened up a brand new part of the world to her. Pierre had answers to some of her questions, and at first, she did not dare ask how or why for fear of him leaving her company. The two became thick as thieves at the academy and Delphine's attention would soon shift from her studies to only Pierre.

    • Her patience would wear thin, however, and she would continue to push Pierre for more complicated explanations about Vampires, the Void, and other illegal matters. What Delphine had not noticed all this time was Pierre's use of her for feeding as he was a Vampire. In a moment of weakness, Pierre went on a tirade to Delphine about how he knew of her brood status and that she had a destiny to eventually fulfill to continue the work of their ancestors and that she would eventually have to choose which side she wanted to be on.

    • Only a few days later the girl had made her decisions, she wanted to truly understand what she was. She convinced Pierre to turn her at the age of 22. After undergoing the rapid process, she felt that she had been reborn. For once she could enjoy the things she had avoided out of fear all of her life. Her grades would plummet and classes would be skipped or slept through as the girl and her handsome beau worked their ways through the parties and extravagances of the city, now having a taste for riches and fashion as the Alais in her took over her brain.

    • The grandeur could only last so long before she had completely flunked out of the academy and was receiving threatening letters from her mother and grandmother to return home after her failures. Pierre had also run into trouble with the law and looked to return home as well, but what Delphine would not know is that he never made it out of the city and was subsequently killed.

    • After returning home to Vitroris, arguments arose aplenty with Delphine's mother and grandmother as they berated her for embarrassing the family name at the prestigious academy and wasting their money on the endeavor. She pleaded with them to let her right her wrongs, taking aim at the family's winery stating frivolously that she has learned to enjoy wine at the academy and would like to pursue that in an attempt to redeem herself and the family's honor.

    • In actuality, Delphine was just buying time in an effort to wait on a letter from Pierre on his situation and their future. The letter would never come but in that time Delphine did try to make amends with her family and began to show prowess in managing the family resources, much to the anger of her elder brother and sister. She also surprised the family in her eagerness to attend social events and chat expertly with both strategic business partners as well as those of the peerage.

    • As the months turned into years, she could feel her older brother and sister circling like hawks waiting to find a weakness they could exploit or a scandal that would bring her down. With no word from Pierre and the ever-present threat of her siblings finding out about her affliction, Delphine spoke with her grandmother about working to expand the family's holdings to the Regalian Archipelago. A promising young businesswoman, her grandmother gave Delphine her blessing. Yet to Delphine the Holy City of Regalia also held new resources and information surrounding her affliction, and a newer fascination with the void. Thus, Delphine set off as quickly as possible, bored of her current affairs, but likely not anticipating the triumphs and defeats this great city would bestow upon her. Either way, she was onto her next life chapter.
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Hello @fantuinn just a few small changes marked in this color
  • Small change to her nom de couer from Rusé to Futé (and forgot to add the "couer" part originally)
  • Updated her "alias" name to Isera (also reflected that in the title of the thread for ease of searching by other players)
  • Added the unspent points in Medical Science and another Language
  • Updated the racial abilities to reflect the new update