

Staff member
Jun 21, 2019
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IGN: Walnoodle
Discord: Believe you have it friend
Prof Points: To be adjusted when the time comes
Hunt Piece:
Wrapped up in what could only be butchers paper and twine would be a square of corse black fur and a large feline like skull. Attached to the skull would be a tag that read: Jungle Cat skull and patch of fur; Seraphina von der Ebene.

  • IGN: MrFluff1
  • Discord (Forum PM or in your post): MrFluff1#4364
  • Approved Character Application (Preferable to have one): Re-working on it. I will PM on Discord when finished
  • Combat Proficiency: (Hold off on this for now since proficiencies are being worked on, as of 09/09/2019) I will have update when the time comes
  • Send a piece of your hunt to Einherjar Bovëen, this can range from skulls, bones, leather. Anything goes, really. Engrave your name on the piece you send, though: Two Teeth from a fully grown Troll with the signature of Benjamin Syldove along it. It seemed to hold like a necklace around the neck.
IGN: Riamz

Discord (Forum PM or in your post): (you have it, I'm part of the discord xd)

Approved Character Application:

Combat Proficiency: 0, counter offer though +20 hunting, +10 stealth training, he can set up traps and shank the prey, alternatively just give him a spear.

4 dead rabbits would be sent to Einherjar, tied together by their hind legs. Attached to the string holding the animals together was a paper tag reading:

" I usually eat my hunt sorry.

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IGN: HamburgerHeaven
Discord: Julette#7827
Approved Character Application: link.
Combat Proficiency: +10 Axes, +5 shielding, +5 unarmed.
The letter would arrive in a thick envelope. Inside it were a letter, along with five squares of cut-out fur. Think of it as fabric samples, except it's very clearly fur from different wolves due to the varying coloration and fur lenght. Along with it also was five canine teeth, assumedly from the various wolves the fur once belonged to, except they all seemed to be carved with various patterns and had a hole through the top, making it also function as necklace pendants. The letter itself read, in dainty intricate caligraphy handwriting: "Greetings. As a former wind watcher I have encountered many wild animals in my ventures outside my previous hold, I send this to serve as both an example of my hunt aswell as my craft. -Sincerely, Aymeronn"

IGN: Jupiter6700
Discord: Jupiter#2639
Character Name: Cazzlyzza Mu-Yaotl
Character Application Form: Lizord
A piece of your hunt:
A Maiar skin-cloak and a Saltwater Crocodile skull would accompany her letter in a wooden crate
IC Letter:
To Wartaal Einherjar;
Hello there! I am Cazzlyzza Mu-Yaotl, a Mu-Zzaar and a loyal defender to the Qar-Digmaan as well as a captain to a ship which I now have in the Regalian Navy, and I'm an Ironspire. But enough about that, I have written to you today to become part of this hunt that I've been hearing about for the past couple of weeks. As a child, my mother taught me to hunt and track, she was a lovely person who was resourceful and probably one of the best hunters in Karfanth. If you didn't know, us Mu-Allar have a special ability where, once we get the smell of blood in our nose, we can track the creator of that blood from up to half a mile away. I'm a good tracker and I can take down large prey, I was part of the expedition to kill the Giant Drow Spider this summer, you can ask the Sihndar. I'm keeping that trophy though. I hope you will accept me, I think that I have a lot to offer to you and this entire hunt!

-Cazzlyzza Mu-Yaotl
IGN: TheBearistotle
Discord: Bearistotle#0047
Character Name: Quin
Character Application Form:
A piece of your hunt:
A small piece of charcoal from a home in Rothburg. Most evidently, it seems to be a piece of a crime scene that Einherjar would recognize.
Proficiency necessary: 30 hunting, 20 unarmed, 4 perception.
IC Letter:
You know who I am. Your hunts need a Krataal, and I am exactly the one to fill that spot. Whether we hunt person or legendary beast, they will be no match for the Throng's abilities. I expect to see you at base.
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