• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
    5. Out-of-character commentary on threads is not allowed unless it is specifically spoiled or bracketed, and/or highlights additional information for in-character responses.
    6. Meme responses are not allowed. This includes reposting the same content as the poster(s) above, or repeating catch phrases on a post.


Alexander scoffed as he read the denouncement, almost unable to believe what was written. "If what is claimed really is true then people truly have hit a low, sending thugs for someone in their own home, that's madness. Also attacking a castle with a few sellswords, probably not the best idea." He sighed as he turned to walk off, shaking his head as he just continued onwards.
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Leon Claudio Looks at the new's that just been put up by Kehlen, He sighs before he reaches back to his house and pulls out a small chest. He lifts the chest open to reveal some clothing " If worse comes to worse, I can always return to you." He said before closing the chest.


Let it be known to all the peerage and common folk of Regalia that this evening, following the House Kehlen's denunciation of House Tyrannian of the Veer and it's vassal House Winslough of Hinter Calem, House Tyrannian attempted to force the House Kehlen to issue a public apology through use of armed mercenaries. In their shortsightedness, they failed to realize that walking into the well guarded estate of House Kehlen in an effort to threaten the patriarch's life would be met with harsh consequences.

Their sellsword, Garret Ames, along with the Winslough guardsman Bolverk Sterke-Enn made an attempt on Ser Wulfram Kehlen's life under orders from Lord Gallus Tyrannian of the Veer, Lady Azara Tyrannian of the Veer, and Imperial Sir Winslough of Hinter Calem. The Lady Dianne Black is witness to these crimes and was in fact, threatened herself. As such, the following is requested:

House Kehlen of Redde requests...
  • House Tyrannian of the Veer be unseated from the Noble Peerage
  • House Winslough of Hinter Calem be unseated from the Noble Peerage
  • Houses Tyrannian and Winslough be declared heretics, for they have demanded an apology for a statement endorsed by the High Reverend
  • That House Tyrannian pay reparations for the damages inflicted to Castle Kronau and its staff
  • Houses Tyrannian and Winslough be made to make a public atonement for their blasphemy
It is a tragic day when so called "noblemen" attempt to resolve their disputes without honour and virtue. So are the ways of the pagans the Veer has permitted within it's borders and only now do we truly see how far their corruption has spread.

Ser Wulfram Ernst Kehlen
Lord of the Crown Strait
A reply form House Artiemus would be made known.

"Let it be known that House Artiemus is shocked and appalled by such accusations, and will conduct an internal investigation into the proceedings and in the Isle of Angle Veer. House Artiemus ask House Kehlen to present forth what evidence it has, so that they can make an accurate judgement."
Garret Ames limped on into the room, a hand held to his left arm as he huffed. "Lord Gallus- I return, with minimal trouble sides a stab wound or two along with Winslough's men making some- /mistakes/. Either way it seems everything is going as planned." He'd fall to a nearby chair as his Lord entered the room grinning. "Forgive mi, mi Lord but- May I bum a Sigg... Stressful day and all." Flickering his gaze to Enzo in the opposite chair, offering them one of the Siggs. "Fun day lass?"
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The scrawny Shendar, Sylmaer, could not read. However, during the day at the Azure Premise he overheard Alexander @TheMoistestMan discussing the announcement. "I mean yeah fella, I can't believe this. It's ridiculous... They really should've hired a professional sneak, at 'e least for advice. I understand want'n ta keep the job to yer own men, but really. Although I wouldn't be surprised to hear 'e Blue Bloods are gett'n more rough. It's gett'n a lot more common these days. Everyone bein' so tense and all." He gave a slight shrug, dismissing the topic before returning to work.
Azara Tyrannian

Azara stood beside her cousin, looking at the notice. "Hmmm... It's done with, I love you dearly cousin, good on you." she commented, in attempt to brighten the mood. @Aespair @Varisus
Robert Carwell reads the paper over, shaking his head. "My two brothers in arms were fools to give him such power."
Enzo Celyreos looked over the paper curiously, he'd rather liked one of the two listed houses requested for ejection from nobility.
He'd be sure to check with Christopher if the details were factual before making his judgement..
Alden Thornwell stepped back from the poster. The man stood still for a few moments, before breaking out into laughter. His roaring laughs soon ended, as he turned over, commenting to Gwendolyn, "They tried to to take the castle with a couple of Sellswords. Oh, it seems like some of these noblemen are just as stupid as we suspected, doesn't it."

"Wort gegen die Ungerechtigkeit. Zurückhaltung. In these times, pages, you must always remember these tenants of Ehrenhof. Though also remember Treue zu Selbst, for nobody can be perfect."

With that, the paladin concluded his etiquette lesson of the morning and returned to the grand hall of the Höghstaubne Castle.
Nace Trevaskis walked toward the Regalian Noticeboard, kaffee in hand, glancing over toward Shane Marth who strolled up beside the Highlander in a similar posture. "Mornin' Shane-o..-" he said, stopping short to notice the denunciation being posted on the wooden board, briefly glancing over it before taking a sip of the kaffee, then spitting it out as he neared the requested actions by House Kehlen, dropping the glass as he laughed out "Oh man! This just keeps gettin' better now doesn't it?!" he sputtered out, spilling his kaffee everywhere.


It is the prudent thought of the Judicial Minister and Revain of Galloway, Rodderick Howlester to remind the Nobility of the Anglian Veer that State Law Fourteen: Regalian Conspire may be applicable in this specific situation. It is of great disheartening that tension in the archipelago has risen so high that nobility have now resorted to using their chartered House Guards to assault the Nobility and upset the balance of Regalian Law right here in the Holy Capital. Those whom have sided with an individual who took it upon himself to house rebels and pagans whilst also utilising his own House Guard to assault the property and threaten the life of Baron Wulfram Kehlen either with express or implied consent could very well be found guilty of the same crimes that House Tyrannian purports to commit, and such must be noted in the days to come.

Furthermore, I would like to also remind the House Guards of House Tyrannian and House Winslough that notwithstanding the fact that they serve Noble Houses, they are not immune to the Emperor's State Law. An action taken against another Noble House is a serious offence, and acts of aggression are strictly prohibited by the Charter Rights you are bound to. I have forwarded these infractions to the Honorable Lord Jared Kade, whom I'm sure will investigate this matter intensively.

Finally, his Sovereign Lordship would like to make the following statement to the denizens of the Crown Isle and the rest of the venerable Noble Peerage.

"Hold fast to Unionism and Justice, for in these times of discord, faith and justice is of paramount importance for the safety and security of the Regalian people"

Shane looked down to his now brownish coat with a grumble, his usual response. A hand went to snack the back of Nace's head until he spied Garret's name. The Claith then turned to squint over the document, frowning once he finished. "Those Tryrannians... Wha' is Garret thinkin', throwin' himself in with tha' lot?" He shook his head with a sigh, before turning to ask Nace why he had decided to waste his drink on drenching his coat with it.
@OnyxXIII I see you've deleted the reply from your family here. If that reply is voided, I need to know because that itself was what prompted Rodderick's response. ]]
@OnyxXIII I see you've deleted the reply from your family here. If that reply is voided, I need to know because that itself was what prompted Rodderick's response. ]]
It was temporarily voided so that I could discuss what actually happened with Aespair, but it seems to roughly be our stance still. Neither House Winslough nor House Tyrannian claims any responsibility for anything that may or may not have happened at that point in time. I can post one again if you'd like for reference.


Let it be known to all the peerage and common folk of Regalia that this evening, following the House Kehlen's denunciation of House Tyrannian of the Veer and it's vassal House Winslough of Hinter Calem, House Tyrannian attempted to force the House Kehlen to issue a public apology through use of armed mercenaries. In their shortsightedness, they failed to realize that walking into the well guarded estate of House Kehlen in an effort to threaten the patriarch's life would be met with harsh consequences.

Their sellsword, Garret Ames, along with the Winslough guardsman Bolverk Sterke-Enn made an attempt on Ser Wulfram Kehlen's life under orders from Lord Gallus Tyrannian of the Veer, Lady Azara Tyrannian of the Veer, and Imperial Sir Winslough of Hinter Calem. The Lady Dianne Black is witness to these crimes and was in fact, threatened herself. As such, the following is requested:

House Kehlen of Redde requests...
  • House Tyrannian of the Veer be unseated from the Noble Peerage
  • House Winslough of Hinter Calem be unseated from the Noble Peerage
  • Houses Tyrannian and Winslough be declared heretics, for they have demanded an apology for a statement endorsed by the High Reverend
  • That House Tyrannian pay reparations for the damages inflicted to Castle Kronau and its staff
  • Houses Tyrannian and Winslough be made to make a public atonement for their blasphemy
It is a tragic day when so called "noblemen" attempt to resolve their disputes without honour and virtue. So are the ways of the pagans the Veer has permitted within it's borders and only now do we truly see how far their corruption has spread.

Ser Wulfram Ernst Kehlen
Lord of the Crown Strait
My apologies for voiding my response; it was posted before anyone told me what had happened IG.

The early post from House Winslough was torn down within and hour and this was swiftly posted in response from House Winslough would actually bear only the comments.

"House Winslough retracts the previous statement, which was made in error with misinformation. Ser Leopold Winslough is happy to discuss these matters with officials should it become necessary, but these charges are preposterous and false. Should House Kehlen persist in taking such blatant and dishonest action against my house - a house which, I remind the public, he attacked without provocation - I will be forced to seek legitimate legal action against his house."

It would, as before, be sealed with a Falcon sigil and posted underneath Kehlen's own declaration.
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My apologies for voiding my response; it was posted before anyone told me what had happened IG.

The swiftly posted response from House Winslough would actually bear only the comments.

"Ser Leopold Winslough is happy to discuss this with officials should it become necessary, but these charges are preposterous and false. Should House Kehlen persist in taking such blatant and dishonest action against my house - a house which, I remind the public, he attacked without provocation - I will be forced to seek legitimate legal action against his house."

It would, as before, be sealed with a Falcon sigil and posted underneath Kehlen's own declaration.
That is not the original post here so it doesnt solve the problem. IC actions were taken by my character to the original reply, not one edited to avoid its original meaning.
That is not the original post here so it doesnt solve the problem. IC actions were taken by my character to the original reply, not one edited to avoid its original meaning.
That was the original meaning of my first post. The other one just added a lot of convoluted (and mistaken) context, which is why I voided it.
That was the original meaning of my first post. The other one just added a lot of convoluted (and mistaken) context, which is why I voided it.
I don't consent to that void because IC actions have already commenced as a result of the original wording of that letter/post. That mistaken context is what drove the reply.
I don't consent to that void because IC actions have already commenced as a result of the original wording of that letter/post. That mistaken context is what drove the reply.
I don't have any backup of the original post, so personally I'm unable to do anything about it.

Since you're insistent about it, say the one reply was posted, and torn down soon after and replaced.
I don't have any backup of the original post, so personally I'm unable to do anything about it.

Since you're insistent about it, say the one reply was posted, and torn down soon after and replaced.
Let me make some minor edits to the new post to reflect that.
After reading this document Tiberius would say in his seat "Does this mean war is near in our own Holy City?"