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Merina gave a little gasp as her hand pressed to her chest dramatically, "Why, and I thought they were affectionate. Seems she's just barred to his side as a slave- such things I am out of the loop of." The Claith woman gave a cheerful little laugh as if finding herself funny before half-skipping off- clearly mad or high off something.
The Yanar would hear of these words, a small shake of her head as she frowned lightly. "She should have known better, toeing and crossing the line as if she would face no punishment. She has only herself to blame." Joasaie casts the thoughts aside, preferring to spend time with her children rather than think of the Drow.

@Athelois @Annju
"Well damn.." The Isldar, Katrina, cursed. The very same drowdar she had chased into the slums was in a whole new world of trouble. Unsure of what to do or how to help both parties, for remained quiet, slowly formulating a plan to hopefully spare both parties trouble.
Tua would be at the estate having this read to him, after hearing the last word would have said "I should have eaten her"
Aldrick Reinard would lean back into his chair, a chuckle escaping him, releasing a mumble to the possible company or maybe just himself. "He's really pushin' his limits. I find it hard to believe that anyone is takin' this seriously. If we're lucky lil miss one eye might chuck a dagger in 'is gut outa rage or somethin'.. That'll be a day of celebration." The red-coated man released a snort at that, bringing his glass to the edge of his lip for a small sip. A mischevious smirk growing on the lips of the blonde.

@Eronoc @Masterman120
Roesia would be sitting in the North Wind Cafe/Bar building and she would have an unreadable expression on her face, but most would take it as a somewhat relieved expression that the statement had been false.
Sylvia would prepare her uniform as an Ulfurtonn House Guard. "Looks like it's time to go hunting. I shall retrieve her swiftly." She would speak directly to Vidarr, should he be in the room.
Ikaiko Mordida let his feet sway above the frozen harbor, as he slowly raised his webbed hand to let it drag down his face in an enthusiastic face palm. True disappointment. "Mmph... Fool. The drow walked a rope so high and thin, it had snapped beneath the weight of her greed, rather than letting her chose a side to fall back on. Now, as she lays fallen-- broken before the empire on such thin ice, this winter is reaching its end, and the ice bellow her thaws with each passing day. Unless she hopes to drown, I expect the woman would have half the mind to leave the city before she is out of time."
Nyth would eye the poster in a confused manner, having not been able to read common before over hearing what someone said it was. They'd let out a grunt."About time something became of her. She was probably giving that information to Bastien, but now. Well...Now look where she is."They'd mutter out in a dull tone before continuing on their way.
Theodosia blinked, lips thinned into a line as she murmured to possible company in the comfort of her inn room. "I don't get it, why turn me against my brother if- And what about-. Mm.. at least I get something out of this." @Masterman120

Nouveau on the other hand, had a dastardly grin on her features as she squealed and cackled into a mug of ale in the discomfortable place she hid in. "Hah, serves the attention seeking harlot right! She'll learn! Down with that disgusting degenerate!" She cheered.
Theodosia blinked, lips thinned into a line as she murmured to possible company in the comfort of her inn room. "I don't get it, why turn me against my brother if- And what about-. Mm.. at least I get something out of this." @Masterman120
Arnold poked his head up from a book, a light smile crossing his features.
"Correction, we get something out of this."
"Takes a special kind of stupid to make an enemy of the one who saved your neck from the noose." Allison spoke out looking over the declaration upon her desk. She'd just go to pin it up on her board.
"Oh, Rena. What have you done?.." The Cielothar sympathetically whispered.
Rena had been blissfully unaware of this news as she had been long away from the city. However ironically even without such news she chose to return the city. Surely, she thought, there must be a peaceful way to end this.

...Although upon hearing this she took a very deep breath and prepared her list of defenses, rather ticked off he made up about half the things he accused her of.

"He really is desperate if he thinks he can twist lies into truth."
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Eric let out a low chuckle and sigh as the news reached him, "About time sssomeone did sssomething about her, jussst the sssort of good newsss I could do with."
Inkeri Årud, laid and chained to a cot that had found itself within the Black Tower, received such a note. The Velheimer woman carefully read each and every word that was written on the parchment, the corners of her lips pulling further and further up, forming a sort of grin amongst her fair and frosted touched skin. In a brittle and rooted voice, the woman spoke aloud, "That degenerate wench deserves wha' ever is comin' to 'er."
Avynn twisted the paper under her finger as she thought. "Vidarr wil' be his own downfall." She finally said to herself, curling the fist she punched his sisters nose with. She could still feel the satisfaction of it.

@SasuNaru2016 @MugKing (ilu)
"Oh no. It's never nice to see a husband and wife fight. And so publically, too." The Ithanian tutted from her bed, a pack of ice pressed to her temple in an attempt to ease the swelling.
