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Arnold Heinrich fought back laughter at the sight of the notice. A single thought went through his mind.
"Klaus is going to love this."
Nouveau blinked at the notice, a smirk gradually creeping onto her features. She muttered quietly as she shuffled away, slinging her arms across her swollen abdomen as she exited the tavern.
"Harlot finally got what was coming for her. Hah."
Charles de Nodier looked upon the notice, scratching his chin, "Humpert, dear brother, wasn't she that one madame?" Poor Charles continued to ponder in remembrance of the woman but felt no sympathy for her position. "Her hatè wasn't even all that good, good riddance to such wasted fashion potential."

Irina Haagenvig stared at the notice, now back from her trip to Drixagh. She took the flyer from the wall and smiled.
"Disgrace of a woman is finally getting what's coming to her."

Alphonse Renalts similarly took a flyer from the wall, giving a mere sigh to the message presented.
"Why do people do this to themselves?"
Klaus slowly read over the notice, his green eyes slowly widening with pure excitement and joy! A cackle erupted from his throat as he bent forward, slapping the paper down onto the counter and slapping his other hand along his knee. The man laughed until he was red in the face- forgetting simply that he was in the tavern to drown himself in drink. The tavern-goers looked at him as if he was a madman, but continued on their ways. Finally, his laughter came to a pause, and under a breath he spoke a single line:

"I owe this man a drink."
Avilda read the notice with nothing but a grin on her face "About time someone did this." She clicked her tongue inside her cheek as she pulled out a paper of her own, starting to scribble on it as she moved off down the street. "Really need ta get Vidarr somethin' nice."
Bastien Celyreos takes note, though not caring much for either parties.
"Oh...Alfhild...how many times have I told you." The Songaskian shook her head reading the notice before moving off into the tavern getting herself something to drink.​
"Ahahahaha!" A certain Mutant would suddenly drop onto its side in the center of the tavern, releasing a vile chittered cackle as it overheard two patrons discuss the subject. "And Tenshi hasssn't even ssstarted yet! Poor girl gon' get ruined." And the creature continued its cackling fit, as the two Patrons swiftly departed from the presence of the vile beast.
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Merina gained a wild smile within a moment of reading the notice, "Oh finally! That was woman is just mad. Maybe she'll finally hang," Before she turned back and hobbled off, still using a cane to support her broken ankle, to tell a certain best friend.

"Huh" Rodderick hummed as he examined the notice. "Isn't treason actually. Libel at best but hey, Can't blame the guy. Anyone that followed Krupp around like an astray duck probably learnt to toss around the word treason like it was the Emperor's hymn"

The Duke rested back in the armchair of his living room; bringing the nearby teacup to his lips to bring some moisture to his mouth, continuing to speak to his Katriane who sat close by in personal chambers.

"Pity the accused in question is so horrendous to be around otherwise I'd offer her legal aid. Well.. If she showered first. One thing never changes though love. All these public denouncements but never any proof or references".

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"..Indeed," Katriane replied. She carefully leaned over, cradling Alfie close to her frame with a gentle grasp. Her gaze first lifted to look over her husband's features, then gradually fell to examine the notice. Her lips pressed together, yet she said nothing at first. One of her hands busied itself by softly caressing the side of her infant son's face. "But I suspect this has been a long time coming with that woman, whether due to defamation, treason, or otherwise."

She wearily sighed, secured their child close to her with one arm, and used her other hand to rest on Rodderick's arm. "
This is only one of many more to come, Rodd."
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