
  • IGN: TheWildMeme19
  • Character's full name: Eliza Grais
  • Race/Gender/Age: 25/Female/Ailor
  • Fighting Style/Level: Warrior of Stealthmark
  • Character sheet: W.I.P (Happy to send the body to ya in PMS)
  • IC letter to Vidarr Ulfurtonn:
Dear Sir Ulfurtonn Ulvtaender.

My name is Eliza Grais. As I must assume you must be a rather busy man I will keep this short:

I am a woman who has devoted the majority of her life towards her military training of a stealth-mark but currently has no use for it. I am low in both life fulfillment and coin. To serve under your house guard would be an honor and fill the hole in my heart and possibly my pocket. I do hope you will give me a chance to prove my skill and my worth to you.


Eliza Grais
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  • IGN: TheWildMeme19
  • Character's full name: Eliza Grais
  • Race/Gender/Age: 25/Female/Ailor
  • Fighting Style/Level: Warrior of Stealthmark
  • Character sheet: W.I.P (Happy to send the body to ya in PMS)
  • IC letter to Vidarr Ulfurtonn:
Dear Sir Ulfurtonn Ulvtaender.

My name is Eliza Grais. As I must assume you must be a rather busy man I will keep this short:

I am a woman who has devoted the majority of her life towards her military training of a stealth-mark but currently has no use for it. I am low in both life fulfillment and coin. To serve under your house guard would be an honor and fill the hole in my heart and possibly my pocket. I do hope you will give me a chance to prove my skill and my worth to you.


Eliza Grais
Accepted on trial until an approved app is present.
  • IGN: A_r_e_s
  • Character's full name: Vedrfolnir Berdalfsson
  • Fighting Style/Level: Champion Skagger
  • Character Sheet: Currently Re-reviewing, but will send.
  • IC letter to Vidarr Ulfurtonn:
Written in Tunge, the letter read, "Let me in to the damned guard."
IGN: SenseMakeNo

Character's full name: Porangi

Race: Maiar

Gender: Male

Age: 36

FIghting Style: Animal like, slinking about on all fours and using teeth instead of weapons, has Eel like flexibility that allows him to twist himself into strange stances.

Character Sheet

Discord NonSensible#1094

To Vidarr Ulfurtonn,

I am Porangi.

While I have no formal training, I am a seasoned warrior and wish to use my experience under your employ. Unfortunatley, I have previosly used my talents for dishonorable purposes, and have the price. I wish to join the Ulvtænder in order to restore my hounur and my overall status in this world.

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The freshly whipped Velheimer is handed the letter, the staff quickly reading it to him before he poured cold water on his back, hissing out in pain. Out of anger he took the letter and tore it in half, uses it to soak up the blood on his back
Sad to say, Rejected!
(Vidarr doesnt like fish)
  • Edited overall house-guard name due to Imperialism.
  • Edited all "Úlfurtönn" to "Wolfzahn".
  • Changed all rank names.
  • Applications are still open !
  • IGN: DrDrago
  • Character's full name: Tua Kapena
  • Race/Gender/Age: Maiar/Male/34
  • Fighting Style/Level: Champion Blackmark
  • Character sheet(Required):
  • IC letter to Sylvia Astri(Please put in spoiler to avoid clutter): I am Tua
  • Discord: You have it