Archived Delete Option

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Sep 9, 2013
Reaction score
I'm sure many of us have a lot of regrets (I hope) or simply just want to delete old character apps or remove special permissions. SO I think it would be a super good idea to just allow players to delete their old threads so we're not forced to change titles to 'delete this please' and so on or tag a staff member if we'd like to have something removed.
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Perhaps if this were a different server where the staff were less diligent and there were less involved staff I think this might be a good solution. However there are a lot of staff who are always on the forums. Although this is a good idea, I don't really see that much of a need for it.
It's not that important but at the same time it's something that would be nice and overall convenient to have. I'd think the staff would also appreciate it to as they wouldn't have to answer to constant tags all the time. Less work for them and everyone's happy.
I'll tag @MonMarty for this since he may know what is and is not possible with the forums.
I think the delete option is enabled in the sheets for now, we'll probably add it in the permission section as well.
Why not just enable it for all the threads? The only person that would be able to delete a thread is either the creator of said thred or staff and I honestly can't see any cons to people deleting their threads if they'd like? It just seems like something that should already be an option and whilst it's not that huge of a deal it certainly is convenient.
Eh I don't like people being able to delete just any thread they started. There needs to be some accountability with these things.
But why not? What I'm saying is I don't see a situation where a player being able to delete their thread would be a bad thing. If you can prove me wrong with an example or scenario then go ahead I just don't see the issue in it all.
I see the fact that you can't delete any one of your threads as a small moderation of the forums. It causes people to actually think before posting.
True, but a lot of threads ended up being flooded with salt, to the point where the main topic dies out very fast. That's why I think you should be able to delete your own thread.

Plus, it might occasionally prevent a necro post. Not that this is a valid reason; it just has that extra benefit.
True, but a lot of threads ended up being flooded with salt, to the point where the main topic dies out very fast. That's why I think you should be able to delete your own thread.

Plus, it might occasionally prevent a necro post. Not that this is a valid reason; it just has that extra benefit.
And that there is why staff lock threads frequently
Okay what if allowing players to lock their own threads? Would that be better than deleting?
But why not? What I'm saying is I don't see a situation where a player being able to delete their thread would be a bad thing. If you can prove me wrong with an example or scenario then go ahead I just don't see the issue in it all.

In the case of a roleplay question or just a server question in general. People can go back and look at those threads for the answers or whatnot. That way staff don't have to answer the same question over and over because people keep deleting the threads they made. However, despite that scenario I feel that this would be useful on various other threads like the character applications.
That would be superb, except some players would use it to get the last word in and lock the thread before anyone could respond
That's the only problem I see with this... I love the idea of locking it yourself like you can in marketplace, or auction house.
That's the only problem I see with this... I love the idea of locking it yourself like you can in marketplace, or auction house.
What if the staff added a new group to the tag groups. Similiar to the -at-staff (I don't actually want to tag them) but in this group would be staff that are willing to get notifications about thread locking it could be like @Lock