• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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    2. Posts are in-character.
    3. Posts are not anonymous.
    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
    5. Out-of-character commentary on threads is not allowed unless it is specifically spoiled or bracketed, and/or highlights additional information for in-character responses.
    6. Meme responses are not allowed. This includes reposting the same content as the poster(s) above, or repeating catch phrases on a post.

Delegrera Agency And Co (misc Businesses)


The Local Chav
Jun 6, 2014
Reaction score
England is my city
The Spanish Inqusition
OOC Note
Before we get started, there are a few businesses that go unused and dormant from roleplay which can still be present in roleplay and with my lack of time, I figured to make this. A collection of NPC companies under one agency that can be activated when used in roleplay to help fill the gap. If you're interested, use the submission category at the bottom and I'll get on it when I get the chance. Make your event a bit more known, deliver items a bit more dangerously through the city and otherwise. If you've got any suggestions, send me a message and i'll add them to the list. Anyway, without further ado, browse this catalog of businesses available for anyone. All prices IC.

"Are you tired of your business failing to meet the standards of the Golden Willow, or your event falling in disuse. Seek no more, as Fletcher Advertisement have you covered. A family-run business from the heart of the holy city will shout your business from the rooftops if we could, we'll hitch posters and talk to the city folk to make sure people take an interest and boost your attendance, almost guaranteed. For the price of forty regals a day, we'll do just that. Inquire within, and hold a prosperous future with help from us."

IC 40 regals for somebody to talk about your business in the main street, and bolster your event/business success.

Services will be provided by Christina Fletcher, Lorelei Fletcher, Renauld Fletcher and/or Sam Fletcher.


"Regalia, although strong and untampered, holds wretched miscreants that take your loot and could potentially slice your throat before the city guard could even hear the problem. Here at Kingsley and Sons Mail, we hold your deliveries with utmost importance and travel in fast, safe and cheap convoys to deliver them. We can deliver presents, letters and other deliveries at discretion to the public of course. Just drop the parcel into our offices near the main street before midday and it will be delivered before nightfall. Prices vary, inquire inside for more information."

IC 5 to 20 r depending on parcel size, for somebody to deliver it to that address or location.

Services will be provided by John Sands, Jocelyn Lussier, Arthur Columbus, and Sadie Boe.


"Are you tired of getting mugged across the states of Eotor for your hard earned cash? Well, have you considered some extra protection? Here at Horley and Wife Blacksmiths, we are offering military-grade iron armor to combat the criminal scum that roams the treeline, all for the low price of 2000r for a full plate build. Common man, fear not, for we also offer a range of cheaper but less effective armor to upgrade your selection. Blades, shields and armour to keep your nogin intact, what else could you ask for!"

IC 2000R for full plate, does pawn old mercenary kit and damaged wares for a reduced price. (300r-1200r)


IC Name (Client):
Service Required:
Business Request:
Additional Information:


IC Name (Client): Sam Fletcher
Service Required: Fletcher and Child Advertisement Co
Business Request: Advertise a business event in the park, celebrating three years of freedom from the Songaskian enslavers many years ago.
Additional Information: Link to the event here.

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Client Name
  • Castellucci Malafronte.
Service Required
  • Fletcher and Child Advertisement Co.
Business Request
  • The grand opening of the first Malafronte Banking Guild branch in Regalia, which will feature a soiree for the guests of the event which will include light Vultarin-themed refreshments, then a brief welcoming speech by the branch manager, Franco Malafronte which will talk quickly of the history of the Malafronte Banking Guild and the services the Regalian branch will provide to all citizens of the Empire. After-which, guests will be encouraged to sign up for membership for the Guild which will enable anyone to utilize the Regalian branch's services.
Additional Information
  • N/A.
Castellucci Malafronte,
Thank you for using Fletcher's Advertisement Company for your business opening, I will ensure somebody gets to speaking about this tonight in the main street. Hopefully, we'll have wide-grinned participants walking into the event itching to sign to your company. Spirit bless, and thank you for choosing us to convey your message.

Renaud Abraham Fletcher,
Fletcher Company Manager.
Service has been distributed with four successful clients out of five attempted. Ready to accept next contract. 28/12/2018
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IC Name (Client): Deo dei Termini
Service Required: Fletcher and Child Advertisment Co.
Business Request: The Gilded Orchid S.T.C has a collection of events coming up hosted by various staff members within the premises. We would like to get more people informed regarding them and have a larger attendence for the event through these services.
Additional Information: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/masayan-night-in-the-orchid.80546/