Preserved Sheet Deirdre Byrne

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One (1) Angry Gamer
Jun 16, 2017
Reaction score
Kansas, USA


Full Name: Deirdre Byrne (Deer-dra Burn)
Age: 38
Gender: Female
Race: Ailor (Highland Ceardian)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Preferred Weapon: Throwing Knives

Skill Information

Total Points: 28 (38 from age - 10 for vampirism)
  • +10 Unarmed Combat (from culture)
  • +10 Fast Blades Combat (from skills)
  • +5 Throwing Combat (from skills)
  • +8 Rogue Training (from skills)
  • +5 Hunting Knowledge (from skills)
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 25 (10 Unarmed+10 Fast Blades+5 Throwing)
  • Body Shape: Athletic
  • Body Fat: Low
  • Common (learned in childhood)
Special Traits
  • Anterrin Bloodline
    • Auld Grip
    • Spirit Shift
    • Stonework Sapping
    • Holy Flight
    • Chainless Flight

Visual Information

Eye Color: Grey
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Short to medium length, wavy
Skin Color: Pale white
Clothing: Dark leathers and cloth layers.
Height: 5' 3''

  • Deirdre has exceptionally pale skin, seemingly having been pale even before she was turned. Her pale skin is only exemplified by her pitch black hair, not a hint of color within it. She keeps her hair chopped short, it hanging in frantic waves around her chin, parted down the middle of her scalp. She has high cheekbones and a thin face, with naturally highly arched brows. Her resting expression can be described as intimidating, with her piercing grey-blue eyes often lined with khoal.
  • Boasting a rather athletic build for such a small frame, she has rather muscular legs, and strong biceps. She has little fat on her body, with more sinewy muscle under her skin, giving her a firmly toned look. She has an averaged sized chest, but often binds them down purely for ease of movement.
  • Deirdre is focused entirely on functionality rather than fashion. She wears light, flexible leathers over thin, breathable cloth underclothes. She prefers darker colors, allowing her to blend into the shadows, opting for full length sleeves and pants, often with gloves and tall boots for that extra bit of protection. She keeps a practical belt around her waist, usually sporting a small pouch of necessities, as well as sheathes for a couple daggers or knives.
  • Her voice is on the lower end for females, and could be described as sultry. That being said, she would rarely be heard speaking sweet nothings, more so practically growling at people. She often has an angry or annoyed tone, even if she isn't necessarily feeling those emotions.

Personality and Abilities
  • Fear
    • Her automatic response to fear is to become aggressively defensive. She will become violent if she feels cornered, refusing capture while she has the ability. If she is put into a situation where she cannot defend herself, her fear will show through with violent shaking, a mix of adrenaline and anger.
  • Stress
    • Deirdre does not handle stress well, and will do her best to rid herself of the source of stress, be it a person or something else. This means she tends to avoid things that will put a lot of responsibility on her shoulders.
  • Happy
    • She loves to smile, her white teeth pretty and straight. She finds happiness most often around her closest friend, Alban, and can almost seem maniacal with her mad grin. She often tends to laugh, a loud, sharp noise, which she has no embarrassment about.
  • Law and Authorities
    • She has a complete disregard for the law and anyone who presents themselves as an authority over her, save perhaps for Alban, who even then she ignores half the time. She is a rule breaker, loves to pick fights, and enjoys chaos, setting her at odds with the law and those who uphold it. In addition, she has no desire to put herself under the rule of a coven leader, feeling only restricted by that sort of hierarchy.
  • Other Races
    • Despite being an Ailor turned vampire, she has little to no emotional holding to her own race, seeing everyone who isn't a vampire as equally beneath her.
  • Religion
    • Deirdre cared little for religion even before she was turned, which had a factor in her choice to remain as a vampire when she was bitten. Her personal belief is that the Empire and other civilizations around the world only use religion to control their masses, but she has no direct reason to go out of her way to try and tear it down. In fact, she avoids feeding from the very devout, aware that it would only draw attention, and trouble, to her kind.
  • Arcane and Magic
    • Finding herself often shoulder to shoulder with those practicing magic and being of arcane nature, she accepts them, though believes that her own nature is of a superior status. She has no personal desire to practice magic, firmly believing her own abilities are sufficient.
  • Family
    • Deirdre abandoned her birth family as a young teenager, when she was originally bitten. She had a difficult childhood because of them, and didn't find much better in the coven she was in for over 20 years. The only person she considers her family is Alban, with whom she has a complex relationship. She is protective of him, but is well aware that he can handle himself.
  • Biggest Insecurity
    • Her insecurities are carefully hidden beneath layers of egotistical arrogance and violent anger. It would be hard to discover, but Deirdre is very insecure about her self worth. She feels the need to prove herself, be it through fighting or boasting.
  • Pride
    • She's quite proud of her abilities, both physically and the vampiric traits she possesses. She's also proud of her own physical appearance to the point of being conceited, believing her vampirism makes her inherently better, more attractive, and stronger than others.
  • Motivation
    • Deirdre cherishes her freedom, and now that she has it, she will do everything she can to ensure she remains that way. This means avoiding any sort of coven or hierarchy, as well as avoiding a dungeon cell.
  • Biggest Fear
    • Deirdre's biggest fears would be losing her vampirism and/or being locked in a cell for the rest of her days with no escape. She'd rather be executed than imprisoned for life. Imprisonment or capture is a huge fear of hers, and she will fight tooth and claw to avoid it.

Life Story

Deirdre was born to a pair of poor, uncompassionate parents who already had too many children. Her early childhood was filled with being co-parented by her elder siblings, who admittedly did what they could to provide for the younger ones, ensuring everyone had at least a little something to eat. Their mother was stretched thin across the large family, and their father was neglectful. As she got older, she found herself in the middle of the children, leaving her often overlooked, and allowing her to escape her responsibilities and spend time alone. It was this time she cherished the most, seeding within her a deep rooted independence. She found joy in the woods and fields around her little village, exploring every creek and cave until she knew it like the back of her own hand.

As she grew into a young teen, she remained quiet and unseen at home, but bloomed into a brave and confident young woman out on her own. She made a few friends from the village, but was never very social, preferring to stay especially close with one or two people. It was an evening in her 15th year that she was alone at the side of a little creek waiting for a friend that the vampire found her. Her friend never arrived, the vampire had already had his fill with her, but thought to have a little fun after his meal with Deirdre. What started out as a game of cat and mouse between the girl and the vampire soon turned into Deirdre putting up a vicious fight. Through dumb luck, she made it away from the vampire, but she had been bitten, a nasty gash across the back of her shoulder from a taunting bite. She was deep within the forest, the sun now well and set, and she was lost and in pain. She sheltered in a shallow cave in the side of a cliff, coming close to death because of her injuries. She unsuccessfully tried to find her way back to her village the next day, succumbing to the pains of the change. By the third day, she felt like she was losing her mind, and that's when the vampire came back to find her. She was brought to the local coven, a small but strict group, who eased her through the rest of her change. She quickly realized she had no desire to return to her family, and came to know her new coven as her true family.

Through the years, she became stronger, going from a malnourished twig of a girl to a filled out, athletic, deadly young woman. It was in the coven she met Alban, and it was with him that she trained, hunted, and killed. The pair became close, her quick, roguish fighting style complimenting his bulkier, tankish style. While they never claimed to be romantically involved, the pair have a past, taking solace in one another's company, appreciating the freedom that they offer each other in their companionship. It was this close connection that had them defending one another and taking their sides during the growing feuds within the coven. Deirdre began to hate the restrictions put on her by their coven, and hated being told what to do even more.

It came to a head with a violent blow out argument, ending with both Deirdre and Alban abandoning the coven and their home in the highlands. They left together, deciding to make their way to the capital where they could settle among the masses and live and feed as they pleased, bound by no coven and no laws beneath the surface of the metropolis. It's here Deidre begins her life in Regalia, along with her best friend, two vampires in a city full of internal conflict.
