Preserved Sheet Deimar 'antoine' Ravenstad

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Jul 23, 2012
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United Kingdom
Ravenstad Estates
Roleplay Guilds
House Ravenstad
Basic Information:

  • Deimar 'Antoine' Ravenstad is a 23 year old, who is a male Ailor.

  • Deimar is the first-born son of: the Late, Alexander Ravenstad, and Constance Ravenstad. Deimar was born on the 14th Day of May, on an unseasonably warm evening in 280AC. Deimar was born in the town of Monter'ai to which he has long lasting roots within.

  • Deimar hasn't fully settled in a while, although most of the time he would be seen in the Ravenstad Estates, with this: he is looking to settle in Regalia or "L'empire" as he would refer it to.

  • Deimar's immediate would include:
    • Jean Ravenstad - Age: '21' - Deimar's Brother @Oursaxmax
    • Alexander Ravenstad - Deceased - Deimar's Father
    • Constance Ravenstad - Age: 60 - Deimar's Mother NPC
  • Deimar's extended family would include:
    • Anton Ravenstad - Age: Undisclosed - Current Patriarch of - House Ravenstad and Deimar's cousin. @Jccdude
    • Percy Ravenstad - Age: Undisclosed - Deimar's Cousin @Elochai99
    • Charles Ravenstad - Deceased - Deimar's Uncle
    • Sasha Ravenstad - Deceased - Deimar's Great-Aunt
    • Adalicia Ravenstad - Age '16' - Deimar's third-born cousin NPC
    • Maria Monter'ai - Deceased - Deimar's Great-Aunt
    • Augustus Ravenstad - Deceased - Deimar's Great-Uncle
    • Carlos Duhavre - Deceased - Deimar's Great-Uncle
    • Sybille Duhavre - Deceased - Deimar's Aunt
Visual Information
Body Description:

  • Deimar stands at 5'11" and weighs roughly 168 lbs. He remains well fit through a regime of well-rounded exercise and plenty of meats within his diet, thus keeping him toned with an athletic build. He has sharp features, well rounded off with no broadness about him, what muscle he does have would likely only be seen at his legs (as Deimar never skips leg day). His years of occasional sparing with his cousin: Anton, has given him a rather keen posture within his arms.
  • Deimar, having spent a lot of time outside, exercising and sparing of the sorts has developed light tanning, more prominent on exposed skin such as his face. The rest of his body's skin tone is fair as he likes to keep himself as clothed as possible. His skin isn't creased in any place and he may be seen powdering his face in order to blur the skin tone difference if contrast would be seen.
  • He prefers to keep his facial hair in reigns and would trim it frequently, although as of late he can be seen as being more lax and letting it grow ever so slightly more. His hair is usually swept along to one side, frequently changing positions throughout the day, as he readjusts locks that go askew. He keeps his body hair finely trimmed, although he doesn't reveal much more than his face, if one were to see his arm and leg hair they would be of a short length, a faint tint of ginger about them.

Head Description:

  • Deimar has a well chiselled face, with smoothed features toward the top part of his head. He has a soft, plump nose and relatively large, almond shaped eyes. Above his eyes one would see freshly plucked eyebrows which go down to the centre on a light slant.
  • If one were to take a closer inspection of Deimar's eyes, they would be met with: small, beady pupils which don't phase too much at the approaching and receding lights that become present. The colour of his irises would be that of a sky blue, sometimes perceived as sea-blue depending on light. If he were to look to someone they would see that they're met with a friendly look, with no hint of fiendish intent about him. When angered, Deimar will usually express this through changes in looks to the person or thing that angers him.
  • Deimar has strong belief in that facial hair should be a thing kept under close scrutiny of one's self. He shows this by maintaining a clean-shaven beard with little to no stubble being present. His hair is that of a near-vibrant ginger which would flow gracefully to one side, he allows his hair to be swept back toward the sides, but in formal attire he can be seen with his hair brushed firmly down with not a hair out of place.
  • Deimar would not have any immediate facial features to differentiate him, however upon closer inspection one would find a beauty spot to the upper left of his septum; usually half-masked by the presence of light stubble as of recent.
Clothing and Accessories:

  • Having family which dabble deeply into the silk trade would come as an extreme benefit to Deimar's lavish lifestyle. He can be commonly seen in luxurious coats made of silk with gold trim upon these fashion items that would be of a commodity to him. The Ravenstad Boutique allows him access to anything which would fit his stylish lifestyle, not limited to: Overcoats of rich house colours; under-shirts of fine and intricate quality; gloves of an embroidered type. All of which he would find scandalously fashionable. Common colours Deimar can be seen wearing are those of a royal red colour with the occasional scarlet being worn to formal events.
  • Deimar has invested time into the research of jewellery making and as such has developed an avid interest in the collection and wearing of jewellery that catches Deimar's fancy. Evidence of this included the broach worn around Deimar's neck which serves as a family heirloom given to him by his late grand-mother. Also, various rings he stows away at times when he feels the inevitable teed to swan around the town of Monter'ai. Unlike his cousins, he hasn't sensed the need to be seen wearing animal furs, although he doesn't disagree with the iconic fashion they possess, he believes he wouldn't be able to fit into furs in a fashionable sense, and thus decides against wearing them.
Behaviour Information

Personality Traits:

  • Refined: During his early childhood Deimar could be seen comparing his attire to that of his cousins and having common arguments with Percy in particular about whom had the keenest sense of fashion. He would proceed to swan around the estate making it clear of his attitude and demeanour regarding his attire.
  • Headstrong: Deimar has an illustrious bearing to be renowned as a well respected jeweller/fashion expert across many a-field. He can be seen as bearing strong determination to out-do anyone he would permit as a rival to his fashion drive.
  • Womaniser: Although, saying this Deimar would never let himself be courting two women at the same time, for the sake of respect for the women, himself and his families name. It isn't uncommon to see Deimar around a woman at a given time, no likely looking his sharpest using all the tactics in his book to win the favour of the woman he is speaking with.
  • Caring: Deimar has always sought to care for those he values, this can show itself in regards to Anton, as a mutual understanding: If one looks after another, they can expect the same in return. This is also apparent when he is talking to a woman he particularly likes, he will go out of his way to protect them from others who may go out of their way to be rude and disrespectful towards them.
  • Stubborn: When contested about his clarity on a situation he would turn his nose up to whoever challenges this. He would reassure himself mentally, that what he is doing or saying at that particular time is right, regardless or whether it is or not.
  • Arrogant: Deimar, to the common person, would give off an aire of arrogance toward them when he is in the presence of someone of equal, or higher social standing in regards to himself. He would always have a sense of superiority about him when his buisness ideas or fashion was brought up no matter who he is with or who he is talking to.
  • Callous: Much like his cousin, Anton. Deimar, having being around Anton has adopted this trait, and although he is very conversational to people he redeems as powerful and will give a friendly attitude toward them, in most cases. In the wide scope he will redeem people whom aren't at his level as uncouth, especially if they've no way to act around Deimar.
  • Curious: Deimar has always had an interest with the lives and personalities of others. He will go out of his own way to inquire about things he usually shouldn't, and this can land him under scrutiny of others in regards to his mere curiosity. This can show itself as being a threat to the security and privacy of those he is curious about.

  • Fashion: Likely coming as a glaringly obvious like, ever since he can remember, Deimar has always had a strong intent for fashion as a child and had impulses to be the 'next best thing' in the world of Aloria. Himself, knowing that this won't be realised as he aged, settled his erratic thoughts down and became determined onto having his own chain of shops around Regalia catering to just about anyone.
  • Parties: Deimar sees parties as his prime-time for 'dress up' and will spend countless hours preparing what will wow the audience of Anton's frequent and lavish parties. He enjoys parties involving people whom he can have conversations easily to (mostly the women) and in his free time will learn ballroom dancing so he can then further his stance and presence at his cousins parties.
  • Conversations: Deimar will happily talk about pretty much anything and is never afraid to input his opinions on matters, whether they be ones of small talk or sensitive issues. He will usually steer the conversation back to his usual self, being that of business planning for his future shops and stalls.
  • Rich foods: Deimar will never resist the opportunity to try new and scandalously rich foods such as strawberries and fine Ithanian wines. When offered foods such as fruits he will almost never reject such fine foods and happily accept anyone's offer.

  • Outdated Fashion: Deimar physically shudders at anyone, being noble or not, wearing clashing colours or last seasons fashion. He will make it no secret either, going so far as to call them out for being fashionably abhorred with no regret upon doing so.
  • Scoundrels: Those who set bad examples to others in sense of: Family name, honour and piety happen to disgust Deimar deeply. He regards the idea of family first to anyone and those who attempt to bring dishonour to their family name with unscrupulous means will be regarded as the lowest of the low by Deimar.
  • Water: Almost being perceived as hydrophobic by people who know Deimar closely, he hates the look, feel and sound of water. He only tolerates water if it is in a glass and being drank. This hatred can probably be traced to his early childhood, when he was on one of the Ravenstad vessels and fell overboard and nearly met an untimely demise. However, as of recent years Deimar has grew to accept the rather nautical life of the Ravenstads and as such has attempted recently to overcome his dislike for the ocean and seas.
  • Rodents: This usually encompasses: Rats, mice and other animals of the sorts. Seeing them as a disgrace, if he were to find one in the house of someone he would immediately feel uncomfortable and usually leave without saying so, further cementing his stubborn attitude. He regards them as dirty and unclean and if he were to be near one would immediately turn the other way and walk away hurriedly.
Abilities and Disabilities


  • Military Training: In his short time of being recommended into military academy by Anton, he quickly grasped the perception of sword wielding and basic attack/defence mechanisms that come with sword wielding. He learnt military discipline and can hold himself fairly well in skirmishes, and knows how to react to strategic ambushes.
  • Silver Tongued: With a conversational personality, Deimar has developed a cunning personality to accompany it and he can usually sweet-talk his way to get what he wants to a small degree. This usually works better on woman, due to the reason he would enjoy to spend a lot of time in their presence. He shares many of the same interests as the noble woman and chooses to indulge in what would be seen as feminine.
  • Multilingual: Having conducted many voyages to Regalia he has grasped the language of the common tongue as well as being fluent in d'Ithanie. This has come as a great advantage in conversation of intrigue only to be heard by certain members of his company.

  • Feminism: Being from Ithania his traits would be perceived as rather feminine from the viewpoints of Regalian citizens,and he has often been shunned for this, Although it doesn't phase Deimar's clouded notion that he is more fashionably aware than everyone, it does create for some derogatory conversations about him.
  • Fist Fighting: Deimar, seeing the sport of fighting with ones hands untidy, would have blissfully ignored the notion of fighting with ones hands, and thus avoids drunkards for this very reason. Seeing them as nothing more than a man ready to punch someone at first sight.
  • Frail Posture: Although Deimar has an athletic build, he cannot seem to gain tone such that to be someone of a strong or well-built posture. As a consequence he would look like an easy target for opportunistic thieves and brigands. To try and counter this to would usually never walk around unfamiliar places alone and far away from the great populace.
Combat Styles:

Coming as an obvious one, Deimar: having a fair amount of militaristic training has chosen sword-fighting as his preferred class choice. Having a light weighted and versatile sword, he would find ease in swinging motions with these swords, and has grown accustomed to their unique and elegant design. In the estate, a finely crafted Mameluke Sword can be seen hung proudly above the front doorway of his room as one steps in, it lies on a silk-clad display case, cushioned slightly above the scabbard that accompanies the sword. When presented with the rare opportunity of accompanying Anton in the smaller battles, he would choose this sword above all else and join Anton in their many campaigns across Ithania.

Weapons of Choice:

  • Mameluke Sword: Deimar prefers a versatile weapon with an easy swing motion to get the job done in skirmishes. He would usually present this weapon when he duels his cousin, Anton. He was given this sword by one of the wealthier blacksmiths of Monter'ai, after extreme scrutiny of how he wanted it made. He came across this sword on one of his training days when he saw one of the officers have one unscathed and admired it's speed and strength in practice.
  • Rapier: One of Deimar's alternative options, he would rarely be seen using a rapier due to its strength requirement. Whilst he can use one relatively comfortably, Deimar has always opted for the speedier option when it comes to weapon options.



Elder Relatives

Maria Monter'ai (NPC) : Coming as the great-aunt to Deimar; he would not see much of her. Apart from when he is enjoying a cup of tea with the rest of the Ravenstad family. Having the sense of unease about her, Deimar would usually avoid conversation with her but with regard her with respect and grace whilst in her presence.

Augustus Ravenstad -Deceased- : Great-uncle to Deimar, Deimar knew him as a shy and closed-off character, not hearing much of him around family gatherings as a child. He was rather intrigued as to why he was such a meek character of the family and suspects that Maria may have been a person of manipulative properties, something which further puts Deimar off Maria.

Carlos Duhavre (NPC) : A great-uncle to Deimar, he has rarely saw him even at family gatherings. He thought of him as a lazy and self-centered man and didn't want to have much to do with him. Deimar saw his laziness as untidiness and as such didn't regard him as high as other members of his family.

Sasha Duhavre -Deceased- : Being the great-aunt of Deimar, he would have heard talk about her through conversation with Anton; and from what he learnt she was a rather prudent woman, but became more in touch with her life as she got older. He doesn't know of anything other than this and always wanted to learn more about her.

Mother and Father

Alexander Ravenstad
-Deceased- : Father of Deimar, he looked up to his father with great respect as it was him who taught him the theory of: 'dress to impress', and many other important life skills that shaped Deimar into the rather whimsical and flamboyant personality he is today. Following his death shortly into Deimar's teenage years, Deimar was heavily distraught by this, and would be seen wearing deeper colours, even sporting a few black patterns and keeps this trend to his gloves, which are ones of a jet black silk.

Constance Ravenstad (NPC) : Deimar always resented some of her decision and the ways in which she reacted to Alexander's decisions as such. He would never present this to her, and would always feign extreme respect for her whilst she was in his presence, as it would be the proper thing to do. Following her ageing, she has become much more mellow, especially after Alexander died and Deimar can now see her as a more approachable person because of such.

Brothers, Sisters and Cousins

Anton Ravenstad @Jccdude : Deimar has always respected the current patriarch of the House Ravenstad and values his decision above anyone else's as a result. He will be in Anton's company a lot of times, whether is be in his walks, in the tavern or when he is relaxing with a fine meal in a restaurant. He sees much more potential in Anton as a level-headed, practical man of business for the Ravenstad's many boutiques and deems him as more responsible than Percy.

Percy Ravenstad @Elochai99 : Deimar's perception of Percy is that of rivalry, seeing Percy as a one who copies Deimar's personality in order to further himself he deems a disgrace and will consistently remind Percy of what he does. Although he says this, he thinks of Percy deep down as a respectable people who has yet to find himself in the world of Aloria. However, as of recent. Deimar's respect for Percy is on thin ice after a recent outburst by Percy with next to no reason.

Jean Ravenstad @Oursaxmax : Deimar despises Jean, as do a large portion of the Ravenstad current generation as far as Deimar knows. The reasoning for this is his tendency to disrespect anyone, going as far as to insulting Deimar himself and challenging his superiority as an older sibling. Deimar is irritated by the fact he also tries to take jabs at Deimar's fashion sense, knowing this will no doubt invoke a reaction. When in the presence of people outside the family, Deimar tries to act with good manners and refinement.

Adalicia Ravenstad @Knife_Pony : Deimar has only made acquaintance with Adalicia outside of family gatherings once. From what he gathered she seems to be a rather shy, and protective character. Withdrawing herself from major events and actions. Being blissfully unaware of what is going on around her. He doesn't disrespect this, Deimar, although believes that this will lead to costly mistakes in the political world of Regalia and as such tries to protect her, alongside with Anton.

Aunt & Uncle

Charles Ravenstad -Deceased- : Deimar knows little to nothing about Charles and whenever brought up in conversation toward Anton, he would attempt to steer clear of any questions. Deimar believes Anton to still be in mourning after his death and as such doesn't present any further questions toward Anton as a result.

Sybille Duhavre -Deceased- : Again, as with Charles, Deimar's knowledge of Sybille is one that is shrouded because of the same reason presented by Charles. He believes Anton is still mourning and feel that it would be disrespectful to press Anton for questions about her.


Friends and Associates

Jocelyn Black [Friend / Love Interest of Deimar] @MayItSnow : Deimar met Jocelyn in the park whilst he would regarding the flowers around the lake, he saw her and immediately saw her express for fashion due to the elegant grace as to which she presented herself with. He hasn't made it a secret that he has an interest for Jocelyn and uses his charms to attempt to get closer to Jocelyn.

Miriel Niona [Once Friend / Believed to be Deceased by Deimar] @duct_tape_king : Deimar's once love interest, he quickly grew fond of her company and stories. Although his relationship was heavily disputed between himself and the Ravenstad family, he would choose not to disclose his relationship with Miriel and keep it behind closed doors. He believes Anton would've got suggestions of their closer than 'just friends' bond but never approached Deimar personally, something he found calmed his nerves.

Deimar has no friends.

Life Story

A warm glow of a springs evening shone through the arched windows of a large manor.

Deimar, born into the Ravenstad family, was pampered as a young child. Alexander, however, wished for his first-born son to be enrolled into the military academy, something Constance was heavily uneasy about even the thought of it. As a result, he was halted from joining the military academy until his fathers ultimate demise early into his teen years.

Early life
Deimar, was indoctrinated into d'Ithanie culture and more specifically: Ravenstad culture. With those most prominent being: A whimsical sense of authority in their home town of Monter'ai; a strong emphasis on courtly etiquette and an authoritarian belief of: ship ranking and ones belonging in a ship crew. He quickly grasped these concepts, with the idea of ship sailing a far gone idea that didn't really incur strong feelings for being apart of. On the other side of the spectrum, Deimar sensed; in his early childhood as being something like a deity toward fashion. He would consistently try and out-do the persons attending Ravenstad parties, and found great joy out of examining, and silently judging: how people would dress, and how colour co-ordination worked with clothing.

Early into Deimar's life, his second-born brother was born: Jean Ravenstad, and as early as Deimar can remember, he always sensed an odd tension to out-do Jean in almost every aspect he could think, ultimately involving how one presented themselves and how one could be the most cunning without being seen as impotent as a result. As such he always had a natural rivalry toward Jean and this would usually just descend into petty arguments about who was more influential in the Ravenstad family.

He applied himself to the ever-growing popularity of the Ravenstad boutique opened in Monter'ai in 222AC, he would work alongside Sasha, (who saw Deimar as more of a workman than family in the boutique) picking out warm colours to match the illustrious statement and impression Ravenstad clothing had. As such, he felt, later on in life that he couldn't develop a close bond and relationship with Sasha and as a result only distanced themselves further apart in the family. However, this never phased him as he was younger and the only thing that made him happy was being allowed to indulge in what he liked the most as a child: Fashion.

Sailing Incident
Deimar, already rather uncomfortable with the concept of sailing was convinced by his older cousin: Anton, to join him and his father on one of his voyages on the Ravenstad's Ship of the Line. Reluctantly agreeing Deimar nervously boarded the vessel and not too long after, looked as it thundered out of the docks and into the jagged waves of the ocean. Rather entranced by the encompassing water that scattered around the side of the ship as it dug into the water, Deimar was blissfully unaware as the ship entered rougher seas and was hastily jolted to the side of the ship, ultimately causing his body to slide over the small walls of the ship deck and plummet into the icy waters below. Anton, having seen this, quickly rushed to his father and ordered him to turn around, as Deimar hadn't braced for the treacherous danger the ocean posed, due to having little experience with nautical life.

Deimar quickly felt the grasp of the water attempt to drag him under, but pulled forward toward the dulling, blurring ship he was just in, still dazed by what had happened. He made view of what seemed like a coil of rope being tossed into the water. Deimar having no prior swimming training had difficulty making his way to the rope, something Anton saw apparent, and asked his father to pull a turn in order to bring the ship closer to Deimar. Now risking themselves as the vessel was now at risk of toppling, they made the sharp left turn and luckily for them, the winds direction was against the boat, essentially giving it support, although the stirring of the boat was an unsettling feeling. Having this happen Deimar could edge his way to the dangling rope and grasp onto it as his young-self grasped for dear life.

Anton and his father were tugging mercilessly at the rope as Deimar was slowly lifted from the barren oceanic wasteland of the Great Middle Sea. He boarded the ship shaking and traumatised, by the event that just unfolded, rested in the cabin of the ship, awaiting its return to the port in New Ceardia.

As of today, Deimar has always a slight uneasy feeling whilst on a ship but as he has aged and grown more aware of how the ocean works and acts, he feels himself as to be more confident when at sea and as such his fear of the ocean, and water itself has dulled drastically to the point where it can only be considered a mild fear of his, something of which he still vigorously denies.

Military Academy
After the passing of Alexander Ravenstad when Deimar had just entered his teen years. He was impulsed both by his fathers wishes of Deimar's future and Anton's encouragement to enrol in the military academy. There he learnt the basic combat concepts along with: military discipline, ordnance training and basic army ranking.

Anton had given Deimar ample preparation for his day and Deimar felt as if he was finally ready to induct himself fully into military academy as a result. Deimar knew of the early morning briefing, and had powdered his face the night before as a result. The first day dawned upon him as he was ordered outside into the courtyard of the academy, himself fashioned for the day ahead and determined to make a name for himself within the Ravenstad's to gain the respect of Anton, now patriarch of House Ravenstad. He followed the ordered barked at him and his group, being near the front of the rows he felt important for some odd reason and kept his eyes fixed, front and centred.

The sergeant orders the group of recruits to give laps on the courtyard, something Deimar would soon come to hate with a passion. Although he enjoyed walks and did walks frequently; he loathed the idea of running especially in the form of sprints as he disliked the idea of getting hot and sweaty. This was noticed by the sergeant as Deimar would usually attempt pitifully to lag behind, making himself come last most of the time. As a result, Deimar was ordered to run, himself, across the courtyard. Deimar, giving the sergeant his usual cold glare would then be snapped at to do two laps. Knowing his attempts at superiority were now inferior he would reluctantly jog around the courtyard until the sergeant shouted to him to go faster, then faster, then faster, until he was in a full sprint racing around the courtyard. Exchaused, he felt himself lucky that the sergeant was 'generous enough' to allow him to return to his room without any further punishment.

After his short, 2 month endurance training. He was given the opportunity to use weapons, and got taught the concepts of swings and slashes. He enjoyed this part and when asked he deems this part of military academy the only 'useful part' of the whole experience. He showed zealous determination within swordsmanship and quickly grasped the favour of short swords, scimitars and rapiers. His favourite being: A mameluke sword, one of which he had custom made as an ornamental weapon by one of the influential and well-known blacksmiths of Monter'ai.

He came across this sword whilst in his final days of training, when the officer of the Military Academy was teaching the recruits about the arts of foreign weaponry, and how they've adapted to different styles of combat compared to, Ithanian combat styles. He admired how the style of combat fit Deimar's stature perfectly and enquired about the means of obtaining a sword with his commanding officer. The officer responded to his zealous attitude and had the sword brought to him, as Deimar was told about its techniques and forgery. He then requested if he could use this as his weapon of choice for the duration of the training, to which the officer accepted due to Deimar's sub-par handling with previous, conventional swords.

Deimar picked up a similarity with speed in terms of short-swords and daggers, and when phased with quick action combat he would chose the dagger for its swift speed, and compensate damage inflicted as a result of his choice. He learnt how to properly equip a dagger, and how to use its speed effectively without wasting muscle energy through strict discipline in the final days of his training; where the words "Kill or be killed." still stick his mind in regards to close combat.

Deimar's Return
Deimar's return was one that sparked extreme joy within the House Ravenstad as Anton had planned a party months in advance for Deimar's return.

Deimar's travelled back by carriage, a journey which was one of calmness and tranquillity; a contrast to the cruel and unforgiving life of being a recruit at the military academy. He was welcomed with open arms and was invited inside to the party, Deimar finally felt as if he could relax again and immediately got into the mood of things, and shortly after back into his eccentric and flamboyant personality, something he had to leave behind when he went to military academy.

He noticed Anton to be relatively distant, even though he had been the one to plan the return party, and inquired as to why he was so glum on this, the day of Deimar's return. Deimar insisted as to why he wasn't enjoying himself and, with some encouragement by Deimar, finally got Anton into a brighter mood, albeit knowing his new-founded emotion to be fake.

Deimar as of current:


Deimar being absolutely fabulous like always:


I thank you immensely for taking the courtesy of reading my application, and look forward to your response.
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I will be reviewing this application!~
As the application is incomplete, I'll be moving this thread to the Peer Review section. Once you've completed it, feel free to tag me and I'll offer it a proper review!
@Bioverse I think my character is ready for review! Thanks for telling me about the peer review :3
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'NPC' I am pretty sure I am playing Jean again.
If there was a button to like 100 times, that would deserve it.

Within the Personality Traits section, you don't seem to have the minimum of 8 personality traits-- with 4 negative and 4 positive ones. To best complete the list and balance out your traits, I would suggest adding two more positive personality traits.

Within the Dislikes section, could you specify what he means by vermin? Is this in regards to a lesser race, insects, or simply household animals?

His Life Story seems to be in order. However, I'd like to see a paragraph or two added in in regards to his combat training-- especially his Mameluke Sword, which is a foreign weapon, and would require and adequate teacher, alongside his rapier. This is both to demonstrate his situational style with his weapons for those curious, and a greater understanding for yourself.
Personality Traits: Added 4 positive and 4 negative traits, organised respectively.

Dislikes: Vermin --> Rodents. Also specified mice and rats as an especially big dislike.

Life story: Added backstory about why and how he learnt of the sword. Also added situational weaponry in regards to close quarter combat.
