Preserved Sheet Dei Ren

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monty appreciator
Apr 12, 2015
Reaction score
Basic Information:
  • Full Name: Dei Ren
  • Age: 28
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Full-Blooded Sihai
  • Current Chosen Dynasty: Common Dynasty
  • Preferred Dynasties: Common & War Dynasty
  • Sexuality: Bisexual

Skill Information:
Total Points: 33
  • Combat Proficiency:
    • Eastern Martial Combat: +8
  • Tactical Proficiency:
    • Squad Tactic: +2
  • Science Proficiency:
    • Medical Science: +1
  • Arts Proficiency:
    • Finecraft Arts: +20
  • Body Proficiency:
    • Athletic Training: +2

Body Shape:
  • Physical Stat: 8 Combat + 4 Athletic = 12
  • Body Shape: Athletic
  • Body Fat: Low

  • Wa'an
  • Common

Visual Information:
  • Eye Colour: Brown
  • Hair Colour: Black
  • Hair Style: Neck Length, Side Parted
  • Skin Colour: Light Yellowish-Bronze
  • Clothing: Practical
  • Height: 5'8"

Personality Information:
  • Character Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Character Personality Type: ENFJ-A | The Protagonist
  • Character Religion: Loong Dragon Worship

Life Story:
Childhood - Adolescence:

  • Dei Ren was born in the northern areas of Dexai in one of the large Ingdi, her family having been made up of Common and War Dynasties. The family had a strong tradition of joining the military with both dynasties, half joining as soldiers, the other acting as scientists looking to further aid the military in discovery or as medics.
  • Her childhood was quite common, spending time with family, learning basic math and the alphabet, playing with siblings and the other children. Nothing special happened at this time.
  • As she continued to age, her studies got more complex, taking a small focus into learning biology.
  • Around this time she would also begin to take greater care in exercise and training with her family, having now shifted into that of the War Dynasty. This would also be the time where she began learning how to properly wield a weapon and fight.
  • At the age of 18, Ren would enlist into the military of her kingdom.
  • Ren's time in the military was slow to begin with, going through the basic training at first before getting more advanced as time went on. Eventually the base training would be over with, and she was able to be deployed around different sections of Dexai to serve.
  • Her deployments varied greatly between guarding the Loong temples, patrolling around different cities and villages and even watching over the Outer Isles where outsiders were permitted to trade. Most of these deployments were quite uneventful, passing the time with simple games, training and discussing possible scenarios with her comrades. She also gained various chances to lead other recruits and low ranking military members during this time under the guidance of a superior who helped her learn the ropes and stop her from making any tactical mistake.
  • Her time in the Outer Isles were the most interesting, even if battles never really took place there. She took a strong focus into the clockwork of the Qadir traders and scholars, inspecting over the creations and even questioning them often about the specifics of the technology. This is the point where she began to learn how to handle and create clockwork.
  • After some years of service, Ren would decide to leave Dexai for a time in search of greater experiences and technology that could help the Sihai military and people. Ren informed her superiors and her family of her decision, promising to write back to her family and provide technology schematics and advancements to the military. She found herself on the ship of Qadir traders, once more taking upon the form of the Common Dynasty to now focus on technological study.
  • Ren would travel with the Qadir to one of the cities in Al-Alus that neighbored some Hadritya, continuing her apprenticeship in clockwork. Adjusting to the heat of the desert was tough at first, though she adapted eventually.
  • The more time spent in Farah'deen led to Ren forgoing some cultural aspects of the Sihai to instead adapt to Qadir culture given her location and tutorship for the time. She developed greater skill at clockwork and commonly traded with the Hadrityas, even going through some shadier channels to purchase more secrets of clockwork that were locked away to quicken her learning.
  • Ren soon came to learn all that she could currently in terms of clockwork yet word spread of all that has happened in Regalia as a major playground for matters that affect the world at large, and would travel there with her tutors.
Recent - Present:
  • Upon arriving in Regalia, Ren was overwhelmed with a sense of curiosity and possible technology advancements that could come with being in a place that held seemingly all sentient races in the world at large. She broke away from her tutors, giving them her thanks before now continuing her adventure in Regalia.
Last edited:
Updated app to fit in line with the new proficiency update.
I actually decided to age her down, thus resulting in large change of points which needs a re-review please. All changes are in red. @Yigit