Archived Defender Support Idea

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I'm tempermental, deal with it.
Jul 2, 2012
Reaction score
United States, East Coast
Roleplay Guilds
Emerald Alliance
I was thinking "what is it that RPers hate most about factions, other than raids? TAXES!" and then this idea popped out. It's probably got a bunch of flaws, and if Cayorion broke his hands then it can't be implemented any time soon, but what would people think about this: Every time a faction member dies to an enemy player in their territory, the faction gets a payment equal to the tax the dead player had 3 days ago - but only for the first 3 deaths, the count of which resets every 3 days. A player would need to be pacifist false to get the bonus.

Breakdown: PvPer kills RPer, money goes to faction. Tax 3 days ago forces the player to pay 3 days of whatever tax it is before they can get the payment. First 3 deaths prevents factions from abusing the hell out of this. Not that I think it couldn't be abused.

So, explain to me how this would be abused and suggest ways to prevent that.
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So I might be misunderstanding, but what you are suggesting is that the person who dies pays money to their own faction equal to what their tax rate was three days ago?
So I might be misunderstanding, but what you are suggesting is that the person who dies pays money to their own faction equal to what their tax rate was three days ago?

No, the money is added to their faction. Most factions have low tax rates (1-3r) so each death is worth 1-3r and would help the faction pay its taxes, which would help take a bit of sting off the fact that the person just died (and probably lost items). It may not seem like much, but it would at least give a reason to run out and defend a little.

Maybe also have something where each enemy killed on faction territory takes 5r from the raider and gives it to the faction. That way defenders have more to fight for than just dying horribly.
No, the money is added to their faction. Most factions have low tax rates (1-3r) so each death is worth 1-3r and would help the faction pay its taxes, which would help take a bit of sting off the fact that the person just died (and probably lost items). It may not seem like much, but it would at least give a reason to run out and defend a little.
I don't know, I just look at it like "Ok, if we go out and defend and kill someone, we get their loot and the regals ( maybe ) . If we die, we lose whatever loot we had, but we still get money to pay our taxes.

And you wanted someone to point out a way this /could/ be abused. If say, a player had an alt in their faction, and always had that account's taxes left at 10 regals, and the flag set so people who don't pay their taxes don't get kicked, they don't have to leave any money on it, but can just log on to the alternate account when they are being raided, and step outside and make it look they are trying to fight, when they have no intention of doing so. Que the inevitable death three times, and that's a free 30 regals, which in some cases, might pay for a faction's taxes for 1-2 days all by itself. I don't really know how to prevent this, besides the raiding faction suspecting the defenders of doing this, making a ticket, staff looking at logs for IP matches to that account and another's, and possibly other logs to determine whether or not it is a real player trying to actually defend their faction, or an alternate account looking to make a quick regal or two.

Maybe also have something where each enemy killed on faction territory takes 5r from the raider and gives it to the faction. That way defenders have more to fight for than just dying horribly.

In multiple suggestions by people, and in multiple suggestions of my own, I have mentioned something along these lines. I suggested that when players are killed by other players, they lose regals equal to what their taxes are set at. So if I go raid someone, and my taxes are set five regals, and I die in the raid, five regals are taken. The biggest question though, is from where? Do we take it from the personal money of the person who died, pressuring the individual, as they now have to pay taxes, and if they don't, might be kicked from their faction. Or do we take it from the faction bank, and pressure the entire faction, possibly jeopardizing the faction's claimed territory?
No, the money is added to their faction. Most factions have low tax rates (1-3r) so each death is worth 1-3r and would help the faction pay its taxes, which would help take a bit of sting off the fact that the person just died (and probably lost items). It may not seem like much, but it would at least give a reason to run out and defend a little.

Maybe also have something where each enemy killed on faction territory takes 5r from the raider and gives it to the faction. That way defenders have more to fight for than just dying horribly.

Wait can't they just take the money out of the faction bank and give it back to the player who died...?
Wait can't they just take the money out of the faction bank and give it back to the player who died...?
Exactly, and therefore generate free money essentially, until every player in their faction has died three times, Mecharic's suggested cap.
If Tyberia has say 170 members roughly, and let's just say half of them are active enough to have died the maximum three times cap within a month, and lets just say that their tax rates are 3 regals each, after all is said and done; 765 regals have been generated from 85 people dying three times each, and be awarded three regals per death to the faction bank.