Archived Defencive Incentives

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No, I will not do that for a Klondike bar.
Dec 31, 2013
Reaction score
Not In the bushes by the 7 eleven on your corner
DISCLAIMER: This is just deductive reasoning I have used over the past couple of weeks from what I have seen so far on Massive. This is ment to be taken as purely suggestive and not me moaning and groaning about me not getting a handout.

Introductions: The Why
From what I have seen so far, there is a decent size wedge in-between the pvp and rp community. While there are plenty of people who try to blend both of them into their playstyle, it's difficult to do it successfully. The point being, Rp'ers and Pvp'ers revolve around what appears to be a tradition on massive. The pvp'ers miffed that the Rp'ers don't defend their faction. Understandable, but that's why they are RP'ers, and not PVP'ers. What I think we should do, and I'm getting this from @MonMarty's reply to "Pvp vs. Rp" (link at the bottom), Is implement a reward system for successfully, or at least partially, Defending your faction.

The Juicy bits: The What and/or How

Lets say Faction A, the hardcore ride and die hard pvp faction, for instance Liath, decides to take the fight to a More rp centric Faction, enter Tyberia. Liath brings 3 seasoned, hardened fighters, to meet a group of 5 or so defenders. Pause, rewind the DvD and freeze frame. We implement a sort of skill rank, leaving mcmmo out of it, More on this later when I have something. But for the sake of simplicity, I'll make one up right now. The 3 Liath fighters have an accumulated skill level of 45. The accumulated skill level of the defenders being 35.
45-35=10, 10 being the skill gap and the deciding factor in. Liath gets a total of 4 kills, and the defenders get one. Now lets use a custom formula, again for simplicity that would probably be changed later on. It will con 4-1=3(duh), take the first number from earlier, 10, times 10, so 100, then take that by the aforementioned 3, so it is 300. Now you could subtract that number from maximum tribute, and it would stack on top of each other with each accumulative raid. Say the same thing happens again, so you would subtract 100 from the maximum tribute again, bringing us to a total of -200+Tribute=new tribute. To prevent raiders ending up paying defenders for a raid the offenders one, It would be reset every 2 weeks.

This is just my offering up of help, And I realize there might be some broken points in here, I just don't know all that much about massive, and I apologise for it
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Nice idea, it might be a bit of as waste of time though. I mean the RP'ers can either go out and have a chance to decrease tribute while dying in the process, or they can simply stay inside and not pay any tribute. So do you see the big loophole here. If you close that then you will get somewhere.