Archived Deep Sewers (sewers Update Talk / Ideas)

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Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!
May 17, 2016
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Hello! So it is confirmed at this point, from soooo many Staff, that the Sewers are getting a fresh coat of paint- or erm... shit as it were. As in, a totally new Sewer System. I honestly spend half my time in the Sewers (which is a weird sentence to say), and I have had a lot of ideas for how to make things feel... Better... for RP. Many of these have probably already been thought up, and might even be in the works already- and some will be my own personal preference that might not align fully with someone else's. Im 100% open to discussion etc over various points, because that is fun, and I'm bored, so lets get into it.

NOTE: Most of these probably will NOT make it in, I understand they are way too much for Staff to work on, but, optimistic and wishful thinking ahead.

More Levels -

I always saw the Sewers as a massive complex of multi-tiered madness, where gangs held battles for dominance. That is... Sadly only partially true at the moment. The Sewers are one level- and the battles seem fairly scarce to be honest. In Progressions, it has even been stated that there are Deeper Levels of the Sewers that do not exist In-Game. I would love for this to be expanded on In-Game.

Upper Sewers would be mostly walkways and maintenance tunnels- because lets be honest, they DO need to be maintained, no matter what the laws say currently on the matter. It makes no sense- especially with rouge mages blowing shit (literally) up all the time down there- for the Sewers to just, never need to be worked on.

The Main Sewers would be the next level down, where most of the Gang Bases and businesses have been carved out- literally. They aren't full rooms that just happen to exist, they are painstakingly carved into the walls and stone itself. Some may take advantage of existing passageways, but mostly its a hard life, and having to literally carve yourself a place down under only adds to that feeling. This would more resemble the current Sewers, with bases, and wooden structures, and shoddy propped-up shelters littering everywhere. They would be fairly easy to access too, just being down a small flight of stairs.

The Deep Sewers would be the second-lowest level in the Sewers. These are the grimy, mostly mud and shit floored tunnels that wind around with little side rooms, where the majority of the cities shit goes. The tunnels would be smaller, with more frequent collapses, and the Mutants that the Mysterious Machine mentioned in the World Progress reign. Some of the tougher gangs, who value their privacy and security more, may have claimed larger chunks of this level, converting entire sections of tunnel into bases by carving out their own rooms and passages. This level ALSO houses the Main Entry into the Beggar King's Castle. Very prominent. And grand- compared to the rest of the sewers.

The Beggar King's Castle will have to be expanded upon, with the Beggar King becoming a real thing, it seems fitting for his domain to have more rooms. The Throne Room, the Guard's Barracks, the Armory, a Storage Room, and maybe a Library and Dinning Hall. Nothing too grand- functional with a little flare.

The Dark (optional level) would be the final level of the sewers. This is, literally, the Darkest section, with nearly no lighting at all, save for the occasional Redstone Torch. This layer is infested with mutated beasts- humanoid and otherwise, ICly. This may or may not exist In-Game, but instead of a special location for player quests- as it is rumored some gangs or even nobles have secret ways in, and they store their valuables in heavily trapped vaults.

Housing and Rentable Space

Another of the big complaints I have heard about the Sewers is a lack of rentable space. I understand, In-Character, they would not have the MONEY to rent a house, but in reality, who are they paying their rent to anyway in the Sewers? Renting at ALL in the Sewers makes no sense- but, a large part of it's appeal is Gangs, and running large groups, and they requires bases. Also, having a place your Sewer Dweller can call home is good, and opens more doors for roleplay.

There needs to be a TON more rentable spaces. Most of them would just be simple, copy-pasted boxes left to the player's design, not even being that large, maybe 16x22 or less for the Deep Sewers level. Dotted around would be pre-designed locations were large bases have been carved into the Walls, or built around passages in the Deep Sewers. The main point is, both large and small rentable spaces would get a HUGE boost to quantity. I would also love to see spaces in the Main Sewers right on the main path, near Main Stairwells to be designed with businesses in mind, such as the Magdalen and Comfort. I loved those, but more things are needed. Maybe a place designed to be a Smuggling base with a secret passage to the surface in the Harbor District for example.

EDIT: Especially with the loss of the Poor and Elven Districts, it makes sense: ICly, more people would be forced into the Sewers, to carve their own homes. and IGly, Regalia Propper lost around 20-30 rentable spaces. More would need to be added to accommodate, especially for the 'Poor' people.

Minor Changes and Notes

I love the use of Prismarine Blocks in the current sewers, they fit so perfectly with the theme, they feel like they are meant to be sewer walls. If they are still used, I would be happy- I understand if they get swapped out for other blocks though.

More Quirks- I love all the weird little bits in the Sewers, it makes it feel so.. alive, and authentic. The collapsed bridges are a great touch, but maybe adding some places where a bridge collapsed and a new one was Jerry-Rigged up by the Sewer Dwellers would be cool. Also, the random tree in the sewers, little nooks and such- that might even be rentable, just weird one-off holes carved higher up on the walls that you have to climb to reach- that kind of thing.

Wider Walkways would also be great- I like the cramped feeling, it adds to the atmosphere, but having some passage ways be wider- maybe making it looks like they were carved into with logs being propped up and put in place to hold it together- to make it look like Sewer Dwellers got sick of it and made them bigger themselves would be cool.

Random blasted holes- because lets face it, fights happen A LOT in the Sewers. Having a few spots of 'charred bricks' and places where something looks like it got hit by a big rock would add to that 'living' feel.

I understand and want to repeat again- I doubt most of this will happen, as it is WAY to much work to do, but, figured tossing some ideas out there would be fun, and maybe a few will stick, who knows.
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Dynamic Changes

This is my final point, and maybe the hardest or easiest. Dynamically changing the Sewers, to reflect player or staff events, or just randomness. One day, maybe a tunnel collapses. Welp, that happened. time to figure out a new route to get around.

Of boy, an expert stone mage just TORN THE SUPPORT PILLAR OUT. Lets go pop a log in place and hope like void it doesn't collapse.

More stuff. Like, hidden or unique areas. The Beggar King castle is an example, like the Shendar Grove, cistern, the dock, etc.
I think that making the sewers more like a city with public areas and stuff would be alot better, kinda make it seem like people actually live there. Right now it just looks like well... a normal sewer.
I can assure you that you all will be quite happy with the new sewers.
Hmmm... *scratches chin* I wonder if the world progression after the harvest festival adds a change to the sewers also the ideas above are gr8 m8
Oh one little add on, add water. And tiny tiny tiny logs or rafts
Oh one little add on, add water. And tiny tiny tiny logs or rafts
Yea, the sewers were WAY too dry for way too longer lol.

Also, little rafts are a MUST HAVE. During the Flood, there was a group of Pirate-Mekket sailing around on a table and it was beutifal.
We need an entirely flooded region of the sewers. The roleplay created during the flood, with pirates and predator Maiar, was too fun not to have again.
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