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Decline Of The Beggars


Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!
May 17, 2016
Reaction score



The months since Jochund, The Beggar King,'s execution were filled with murmurings from the Beggars, but little else. Their position had been fortified, though at the threat of Imperial mortars, most of their goods and assets were moved to an undisclosed location. Outside of rare appearances, the new King did little, and in the unfolding drama of daily life in the slums, the Beggars were pushed to the back of everyone's minds, nearly forgotten. And so they would stay, were it not one final shout, so to speak, from the group.

Several men in ragged Beggar's uniforms were seen dragging an unconscious and bleeding Allar from the Ruined Bathhouse base late into the night following the first meeting of the Rat Court. All wore masks of dull brass coloring with red tinted glass over the eyes, though little else stood out about their appearance. With a very small crowd, they quickly beheaded Versscall Zzermet, the Third Beggar King, leaving his body to rot, and the head impaled on a spike in the clearing in front of the Tree.

After this swift disposal, the men left, carrying bags of who knew what into the depths of the Slums, where any following would have eventually lost them in the winding tunnels.

No new Beggar King was proclaimed, nor was any formal word heard from any involved. Everything returned, once more, to silence.


My gang leader, Versscall, has been killed! I came to the decision to dissolve the Beggars due to general lack of interest in Rp at all at the moment. Im busy with work and its just, exhausting rather than entertaining at this point. Ill still be lurking around and Rping off and on, and doing things on the forums constantly because thats what I do. But, yea. Beggars have been destroyed, seemingly, by infighting, with a single group ditching the smaller few with all the supplies and assets, with vague implications that they might reform in the future if I can be bothered. Their masks are of significance. Possibly TM