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Declaration Of Imperialisation


i amne jusst a litle creechr
Oct 22, 2015
Reaction score
United Kingdom

[A dainty letter hung from the many noticeboards plaguing the city.]

From this day onwards, I, Agatha Harhold will be adopting and adapting to the Imperial Culture as standardised by his Imperial Holiness a few days past. Sadly, the remaining members of House Harhold have decided to stay put with their Anglian background, and will not be converting alongside me. However, some of my co-workers in the Ministry of Commons have decided to take up the Imperial Culture. Those people being:

> Sophie Perrot.
> Aesling Sylfina
> Eric Decimar
> Juneya Perrot

I personally urge any and all who would be interested in converting to the Imperial Culture to do so, as it is truly the epitome of all cultures.

Spirit Bless you all.

Agatha Harhold
Imperial Dame of Karlberg
Minister of Commons.
