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Declaration By The Creed Thumpers

After the leader of the Telikos Beggars was almost horrendously beaten by the joined gangs Creed Thumpers and The Talons, Edward Jarsdel took the initiative to display a projection of power within the slums. Having his men carry him from the location to the Emporium, the center of the slums where most slumfolk were gathered, the Jarsdel put on a show for all to see.

While the unconscious leader of Beggars was held under Edward's foot, people gathered, slowly, more and more. They would see that men in black coats and shaven undercuts were surrounding the entire ordeal, there was no way of disrupting it without a massive fight breaking out. A sigg between his fingers, Edward inhaled from the tabacca as he began to announce to the crowd.

"This man is the leader of the shit-eaters called Telikos Beggars! He is the one who laid his claim on the gates and towers of the slums, and by extension, laid a claim on /you/. Today, we have brought his sorry arse to justice. He has been given a merciless beating, and from this day on, I declare the Beggars to be our property. Should he defy this declaration, he will face severe consequences."

He continued on with his speech, delivering a few kicks into the man to keep him on the ground. Some more men seemed to join in on the assault.

"I leave this sorry arse to your mercy, those who he attempted to lay a claim on. The slum gates and towers belong to the people of the slums! You are free, this is a no mans land. Now, my gift to you all. Do whatever you want to him."

And with that, the men in black coats seemed to walk off, leaving the crowd. While some reached for the Beggar king's aid, the others seemed to mock him. What this meant for the gang scene of crime was yet unclear, whether this was a victory or the beginning of a gang war yet to be seen.

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"Nobody f*cks with the creed thumpers"
Merina grinned as she folded her arms and watched the beating- an odd fire in her eyes as if the overall nice woman was finding the scene entertaining. It wasn't until the Thumpers had begun off that she threw a triumphant fist in the air and called, "Don't mess with the Talons or the Creed Thumpers, this'll be what happens to ya!" She laughed briefly, her tone not so much as aggressive as her words, before she turned and made her way back towards the bar, "Who wants a drink!"


The Velheimer male happened to be just close by when this all occurred, watching from the entrance way of some slum based home. He was approached by a woman clad in brown rags "Howya handsome, havin' a peaky are ye?" she inquired, gesturing over to the scene with a quick tilt of her head. The Northman chuckled "Its a blinder of a sigh' ain' it? Gods know that'll hur' the weaklings pride more than his body. This gang been aroun' long?" he asked, turning once more only to notice that the woman had already rejoined the crowd.

Sigbjǫrn was interested, in the curious sense mind you. The men were odd by his standards and he couldn't help but grin subtly as he slid back into the house.
