Archived Death Tax

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Captain of Laveer
Nov 22, 2015
Reaction score
Right now, there is no real incentive to avoid death aside from the embarrassment of being killed. This comes to mind because we raided a faction and spent a great deal of effort finding a way into the base, implementing a plan to reach their /f home, executing our plan flawlessly just to have them backpack all their items and /f home repeatedly with no care if they die.

After an hour or so of killing the same unarmored/unarmed people over and over again and them not surrendering as a result we felt cheated that we gained nothing from such a successful raid!

What if a Death tax was implemented so every time somebody is killed some small % of their regals maybe 0.5% or 50r + 0.5% of of the faction bank or 50r (whichever is less) is transferred to whoever killed them. If the player/faction has less than 200r then only 1r each would be taken. This sort of system would discourage absolute refusal of surrender because the long term cost of not surrendering to raiders could be higher than the cost of surrender. Mass theft by way of alt's or rogue faction members joining a fac on purpose and then getting killed on purpose would be delt with the same way as any other joining of factions for the purpose of stealing.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Right now, there is no real incentive to avoid death aside from the embarrassment of being killed. This comes to mind because we raided a faction and spent a great deal of effort finding a way into the base, implementing a plan to reach their /f home, executing our plan flawlessly just to have them backpack all their items and /f home repeatedly with no care if they die.

After an hour or so of killing the same unarmored/unarmed people over and over again and them not surrendering as a result we felt cheated that we gained nothing from such a successful raid!

What if a Death tax was implemented so every time somebody is killed some small % of their regals maybe 0.5% or 50r + 0.5% of of the faction bank or 50r (whichever is less) is transferred to whoever killed them. If the player/faction has less than 200r then only 1r each would be taken. This sort of system would discourage absolute refusal of surrender because the long term cost of not surrendering to raiders could be higher than the cost of surrender. Mass theft by way of alt's or rogue faction members joining a fac on purpose and then getting killed on purpose would be delt with the same way as any other joining of factions for the purpose of stealing.
.5% is a ton of regals for some people. For me, that would be almost 400 regals. This is would discourage rich people to ever PvP. A unskilled player like I could loose 2k easy in one raid. This would just encourage people to Stash regals in alt accounts
As well as what oldman said, this would only punish faction leaders, which frankly isn't really fair to them, as well as it could be extremely easily abused through joining a faction and having your friend kill you repeatedly.
After an hour or so of killing the same unarmored/unarmed people over and over again and them not surrendering as a result we felt cheated that we gained nothing from such a successful raid!
As much as it would be nice for people to actually surrender, you should really try raiding other people with actual items, not noobs with nothing.
As much as it would be nice for people to actually surrender, you should really try raiding other people with actual items, not noobs with nothing.
We got God items (mostly tooks because we succesfully infiltrated their base and caught them off gaurd) from the initial kills, but then because there was no penalty to dying they bp'd all their stuff. and came in without stuff. I won't name the faction, but they had similar numbers of members to us and were a mix of survivalists, builders, and merchants- same as my faction.

Also, you are not suggesting that I raid somebody of equivalent skill, you are asking me to raid people of much higher skill then me, which is silly. I'm not a great PVPer so even moreso when I pull off a succesful raid against a fac of similar age/wealth/player count as mine, I wish there was a reward! It is hard to find places to raid that aren't allied to PVP elites who can show up and easily kill my whole faction. Again, I am not nub hunting, but I want to participate in PVP.

They had an underground base where I found a wall that was ice, so I used a torch to melt it and go in. We hid and snuck around the base for a while and made a good plan of attack and executed it well. This wasn't just mowing down nubs, it was an equal battle between two factions that we won.
.5% is a ton of regals for some people. For me, that would be almost 400 regals. This is would discourage rich people to ever PvP. A unskilled player like I could loose 2k easy in one raid. This would just encourage people to Stash regals in alt accounts
.5% being a lot to some is why I suggested a 50r cap. If .5% is lower then go that way, if 50r is less then go that way.

Alt accounts are a problem to the idea, I agree, but alts a problem for a lot of ideas. This could be dealt with as alt abuse.

I also mentioned in the initial post that joining a fac just to have a friend kill you repeatedly would be the same as faction theft. Same as joining a fac and stealing items.
What about a cooldown so one can't simply kill the same person over and over for money.
  • Discourages raiders from killing the same guy 20 times in 5 minuts.
  • You don't lose anything extra besides those initial 50R.
  • Raiders stil get their money and potentional loot from raiding.
  • Raids end quicker because they have what they came for (not garanteed tho :3)
  • Raids would become actual raids instead of wars if ya get what i'm saying <3
Just because you take easy route which inherently doesnt giveout higher reward doesnt mean you can magically get reward.

Its like in pokemon. If you only search route1.. you are only going to get pidgey and ratatta. You can't just say "oh but i want Eevee and Arcanine and Pikachu to appear at route1 too."

You cant just fight lower skill people and magically expect a higher reward for it.
you are only going to get pidgey and ratatta.
My ratatta is better than your ratatta though...

Joke aside, a death tax will just discourage the very rich to PvP, or the super poor to PvP. I don't PvP now as is (more of a time factor than anything) but if I ever decided to jump into the survival server for a long time, I would not like losing what little regals I have. Currently with votes losing rewards, many people only have an income of 100r/day. So if they end up getting stuck in a raid, they can kiss a lot of that goodbye. If they are new, they essentially have been raided past the point of recovery, and will either stick to underground bunkers or never PvP again.

That's just my opinion. The way I see it, it hinders new player growth in the survival worlds, and both rich and poor alike.
No thank you!

I know it's easy to forget, if you've been on a server for a long time, but getting started in any multiplayer survival world for the first time or from total scratch can be exceedingly difficult. It's hard enough just to travel, find resources, dodge other players, and stay well fed enough to not die of starvation. Adding a penalty for death atop that might be a little too much for the average newbie to overcome.. Especially now that voting is off the table.

Older players aren't the only ones playing. We've got to think about the newbies- they are extremely important to the life of the server in the long term. Making it too difficult to get established anywhere can effectively chase away those who would otherwise like to stay for the foreseeable future.

-Edit- Also yes, there is an incentive to avoid being killed, if you aren't in possession of premium. You lose your items, and have to go back to square one if you haven't got a home started in a world yet. I know that's bound to happen sometimes, but when it gets to the fourth or fifth time you get to wondering why you're even bothering.
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Upon review, I will be rejecting this feature suggestion. A tax for dying would simply discourage players from participating in the survival/pvp part of the factions worlds. Death in and of itself is typically enough of a "punishment", and they already lose all their power from dying repeatedly which can be harmful to the faction if it wants to expand.
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