Death Magic Spell Rebalance

Discussion in 'Roleplay Discussion' started by MonMarty, Dec 9, 2017.

  1. MonMarty

    MonMarty Thotdodger Staff Member Server Owner

    Jun 30, 2012
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    Death Magic had a few spells that, while written with a certain intent, ended up being creatively used in ways that they were originally not intended, which threaded into borderline power gaming and disruptive actions that deteriorated ongoing narrative down the lines of Shadow Magic vaping. These limitations are now immediately put in place, but not retroactively in effect for past uses of the spells to avoid us having to go back and administrate. The exact changes are as followed:

    Curse of Kindling has had this added:
    "Curse of Kindling is inherently a dangerous spell when used numerous time on the same individual. The first Curse of Kindling has no effect, but on the second Curse of Kindling, the person affected will start losing functional vocabulary and on the third Curse of Kindling, they will start losing motor skills and combat skill proficiency will be halved. By a fourth Curse of Kindling on the same person, the individual will lose sentience half the time and revert to being an instinct based animal."

    Curse of Chains has has an OOC rule added:
    "This means that Necrothors need to be characters who were either an approved Character Application and played separately (and actively) from being a Necrothor for at least a month, or have existed for several months and actively been played during that period. "

    Curse of Banishment has had this added:
    "That being said, Curse of Banishment does require eye contact with the target to function (as well as being within 30 feet of the target), meaning it cannot just be cast from any location to free another person from imprisonment."

    Link to the article on the Wiki:

    For reference, the Curse of Chains OOC rule addition will be actively enforced backwards, as we want to avoid characters who are either made for the specific purpose of being a Necrothor, or inactive characters being pulled out of a hat just for the sake of it.
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