Archived Death Kicks

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Mar 3, 2013
Reaction score
The Matrix
Let me explain the concept.

I have played, up until I found MassiveCraft, on McPvP servers. These servers incorporate a system that enacts itself on the death of a player.

I know this isn't a server dedicated to PvP. Yet MC has a large player base, at least we did before the update, this system allows player slots to be freed up quicker. (I'm sure as soon as the server updates the traffic will be back.)

When a player dies, non premium, he is forced to wait one minute before he can log back into the server. When a premium player dies, he simply respawns.

You may think this sounds completely unfair and or pointless; on the second I'm not sure, as I don't know how densely the servers will be after sharding.

Yet if you think the first, I suggest you go check out this system in progress. I assure you it works very well. I agree it may not be fit for the server, as it's primarily an RP server, yet I think that if need be it could help get players into the game.
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I understand the point, but for those non-premiums that spend a few minutes/hours trying to get on, say they get killed as soon as they log on or fall into lava? Then they are forced to spend another few minutes/hours trying to get back onto the server. Most potential new players would just find another server to play on in that time.

Trust me, when sharding is completed and we have that many slots for each world I'm sure it will still be full. We were capped at 250 for a short amount of time and we were always packed, and plus there are new players everyday.
It would give non-premiums a sense of danger.. Who cares about dying these days anyways?
I understand the point, but for those non-premiums that spend a few minutes/hours trying to get on, say they get killed as soon as they log on or fall into lava? Then they are forced to spend another few minutes/hours trying to get back onto the server. Most potential new players would just find another server to play on in that time.

Trust me, when sharding is completed and we have that many slots for each world I'm sure it will still be full. We were capped at 250 for a short amount of time and we were always packed, and plus there are new players everyday.

I understand that, sadly it'd be a draw of luck.

I doubt it would be a long wait to get on when multiple players would possibly be dying.

I figure there will be enough player slots; merely suggested this as another system that could be implemented, if it was needed.

It would give non-premiums a sense of danger.. Who cares about dying these days anyways?
I felt a sense of danger as a non-premium. I hated losing my items. :D
When, then we will create our own system to it. The players would not get tempbanned, it could more look like the current jail.
Since this is the third request of this sort, I will talk to cayorion about it.
I think this is a great idea, and I am now a non-prem myself. This limits people asking "can some prems relog so my friends can get on plz!!!11"
I belive a similar suggestion was made by cowboys, like they spawn in an alternate realm for a set amount of time after pvp death.
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