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Death And Fire At Freisöldner Keep

Heralds spread from the Golden Willow to the Slums with news of complete chaos. All throughout the afternoon and evening, word spread that two terrible acts had been committed at Freisöldner Keep, the base of all operating sellswords and mercenaries within the Regalian Empire.


That very morning, a masked assassin had killed one of the Sellswords. Lucas de Escrebano, murdered while he rested in the local clinic. Rumour spread that he may have been stabbed, or burnt alive, or even dismembered while all who watched did nothing. Whatever the truth, the assassin fled and was later captured by the Bluesteel Forces. The death of de Escrebano shook the keep and all within.

They shook in a far more literal sense not an hour after the murder. The Freisöldner Inspector's office, or the man within, was a target as well this day. Luchs Kade had been walking down the hall of Freisöldner Keep when he has swept off his feet, slammed into a wall, and would later be treated for a severe concussion and minor burns. This was more fortunate than one would expect, for an unknown assailant had blown the entire office up. The walls were cracked in many areas, a smoking ruin replacing the office that had stood tall above the Keep. All the paperwork, documents, and even their weapons had been destroyed in the blast.


A few moments later, another masked criminal was seen fleeing the scene. This criminal was nearly caught, receiving a nasty gash on their left arm, yet they escaped the scene very much alive. An hour passed, before shoddy red fireworks flew over the Keep, a clear sign of rebellion from this mysterious masked warrior. In only a single day, the Sellswords of Freisöldner Keep were made to look foolish, unaware, and most of all, a target. How would the men within, and nobles outside, react to such a day?

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News of the attack reached the desks of the Regalian Guard long past dusk. An immediate conference of officers took place to convene on what possible motivations the perpetrators may have had. New orders began to filter through the hold as well as the first rumours of who the Landsgericht Inspector suspected.

These careless whispers ranged from personal attacks to outlandish scenarios but the most prominent rumours were certainly that it were either the 'Ring-eyed Demons' or 'Songaskian Sympathizers'. In either scenario runners were sent in the middle of the night to muster all guardsmen to be briefed within the castle. Within or without, the Guard would not stand to let these blackguards go unpunished.
Hearing the news, Edmure gave off an intense frown, checking his immediate surroundings and memory for a person with a gash on their arm but sadly came up clueless. He gave a shrug before seating himself again, simply stating "I hope they got Ames."
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Darius Silevon stood within his make-shift tent. He had spent the day co-ordinating troop movements, whilst trying to maintain a line of communications back to Regalia, he had been rather cheery. Now, though, his face seemed deadpan, a horrified look spread across his face, as he read over the letter for the third time, the information still taking some time to sink in. A shaky hand slid over, covering his mouth, as his breathing grew ragged. No, not now, not now that it was all going so well. He slinked down into his seat, his gaze focusing on the floor, as he took some time to compose himself. His look of horror was slowly fading into one of fury. He slammed the letter onto the table, calling out to the guards outside his tent.

"Bring me paper and ink! I'll show that bastard what happends to the fools that attack my men.."

The contents of the letters he shipped off back to Regalia would only be seen by a few set of eyes, but it was clear to every man in the camp that day, Darius would have his vengeance.

Tagging those that recieved a letter:
@Betel_ @LumosJared @TheBioverse @Varisus
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Merina was sitting in the tavern when she heard shouts that the keep had been attacked. She'd finish her ale with another pair of swigs before hopping up and shuffling off at her slow pace due to her leg, humming a bit in thought before shaking her head. "What's the point of blowing up a keep?" The oblivious girl asked herself.
Aaron put down his quill, before looking at the letter..His eyes moved as he read the words. He frowned at the letter, putting it down and jumping into a hole of thoughts and theories.
"Garett Ames? Maybe.."
"Could be a random attack, or the sellsword had done something to the assassin's family or friends..Or even to the assassin himself. I should get a bit more careful..I'll maybe contact Silevon.."
He slumped back in his chair, knowing bad things were going to happen. He was ready to help any possible way..But he was a politician? He was also a writer. He had so much on his mind; grudges, politics, jobs, documents and papers and social problems too.

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Avilda heard the news with unwavering silence. She did not seem surprised but her eyes briefly clouded with anger. She soon made her way out, she had to check if all of the people she knew were safe. Hopefully soon this person would be brought to their knees and pay for the injustice they had caused.

@MugKing @Betel_ @HeyoFreyo @WalnutNinja
Chemyle read over whatever bits and pieces of information had been scratched onto a pieces of parchment throughout the long day of news brought to and from runners within Black Tower, keeping a calm mask only betrayed by the troubled look in her eyes as she scanned the writing. It didn't make sense entirely, not yet. A few facts dismissed by others and suspects scattered in possibility. The topic hadn't been able to be addressed the day before, leaving the Drache to her own sources yet again, an unfortunate and reoccurring matter.
An unsung one,
at that.

"Predicaments, indeed."
Seraphina pursed her lips as she listened intently to the news spoken to her. The Keep had once been home to the Hammers, her original guard force and now it was home for herself and the other sell-swords. To hear that part of it had been blown up only struck anger into the Avanthar's heart. Her longer fingers tapped out a steady beat and she began to plot.

"This certainly will be fun. Let's hope whoever did this enjoys a good bash to the face with a shield."
The moment word of this disaster reached the long, pointed ears of the currently injured Katrina, the nelfin ran, ran as quickly towards the keep as fast as her bruised, shaky legs could carry her. For once, the femme felt concern, concern for her many friends that resided within the keep, her eyebrows furrowed in disgust at the actions, though, then she thought; one of her most disliked enemies was based there and, for a moment, a smirk curled it's way onto the lips. Overall, it was a truly bitter sweet outcome for the nelfin, who, after searching the keep, returned home to pen letters to her friends, who were potentially at risk, offering them temporary accommodation either on the top floor of her shop, or within the confines of her own home. She was more than aware this could easily benefit her. With sellswords staying at her home, she would get free protection should any more assailants or would-be assassins come knocking once more.
News of the attack on then Keep reached the ears of Marcus Bigge. He furrowed his brows at the news, muttering to himself as he shook his head in disappointment. He thought for a moment before marching out of the tavern "Spirit protect us."