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A miserable little pile of secrets
Staff member
Sep 7, 2015
Reaction score
Post purged due to crappy math that wasn't correct. I did it late last night and looking at it today have no idea how those numbers appeared.

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I agree that there the current income from voting is too high. I only get to vote three times a week because I share an IP with a certain someone. Even with this lack of votes I still am well off even with my occasional rent I pay for the next months on my properties. In my situation I think it would be fair to cut voting down to 5 or 6 regals per vote. I only have to pay 600 each month for both of my properties but some people have to pay more so that's where I'm getting 5 or 6. Its a massive difference from the 10 currently, but it won't end up hurting anyone. So yeah, lower the income from voting, but probably not to 3, I would say that 5 or 6 would be fine.
I feel the need to ask if you've factored in all of the money drains on Massive right now: Faction Tax, Regalia Housing, /fix, /lock, shops. And of course not everyone votes daily and not everyone spends their regals. I do believe the server actually has a plugin/expansion to the regals plugin that keeps track of regals on the server, allowing them to keep an eye on the amount of regals in circulation. I'd be willing to bet that with the loss of the 750r a month from Premium the overall regal count dropped (or started to) and this was a countermeasure to stabilize things.
I will admit I'm only using my personal expenses. I run a small vault faction, own two rental properties, occasionally use locks, and that's about it. For me personally I feel I'm making way too much on voting.

But if everyone else is fine with the current reward amounts, fine by me. Just wanted to mention that it Seems high to me.

I'll make a reference in the main post to add this.
To make further arguments in this thread fair, it should be mentioned that this math isn't accurate.

170 regals a day (voting reward without lottery) arrives at 1190 regals per week [(17*10)*7], or 62050 regals per year [(17*10)*365]

with the assumption that you will hit 100 regals in the lottery every other day throughout the year (which is a gross overestimate) you would get an extra 18, 250 [(365/2)*100]

so all in (with an overestimate of how much lottery regals you can win) you can get approximately 80, 000 regals a year, roughly translating to 7k a month.

If lowered back to 3 regals per vote you would run approx 19,000 regals a year or roughly 1500 regals a month.
I was literally typing this. Thank you. The math is so wrong.

170*4=1190 NOT 4760 as you put it.
So through extension to the math being incorrect. your idea to revert back to 3r... due to the incorrect math the actual total of 170r a day instead of 51r a day (17*3) the 10r a day is actually less money in reality

So, I'd like to suggest reverting the voting reward back to 3r per vote to combat this increase in sites. For a quick reference, this is how much you would make in a week:

And in a month:

So if you say 51r per 7 days is 1428... Its really only 357r per week. 1428 per MONTH. I think the current 10r + 17 sites is good. Its good advertisement for the server
thats the sum of area under 170n from 0-7. Did you even talk a college level calc class? If not please don't use symbols and things you don't know how to use or what they mean, because it doesn't make you look smart just makes you look like a fool.
The following analysis is on my own personal finances and do not necessarily translate to the average player. Please keep this in mind when reading this, as I will be slapping the "please read the subject again." button if need be. With this out of the way, my possibly inaccurate analysis. yay.

So In the past few days, the number of voting sites nearly doubled, with 17 sites available to vote on. This is very nice to get regals for those who really need the regals but don't have a lot of time to grind.

And by nice, I mean it's actually too much of a good thing.

After a bit of calculations, I arrived at the amount of Regals one can expect to get in a week by just voting:

Where 170 is found by taking the number of votes, 17 multiplied by 10r.
Looking at this number, it doesn't seem too big of a deal. But let's have this go for about a month:

So with the current yield as it is, there is going to be a lot of money flowing into the economy. In fact, this number is 10 times the amount premiums had beforehand. Add on to the excess supply of every item in the game, and I believe we have inflation.

From one perspective, this does combat the decline of price in god armor, as now prices can go back up since everyone has more to spend. But at the same time, we're stuck in this rut of having everything be extremely expensive sine the Regal is worthless in value.

I'm assuming that this was the plan all along, to use the Regal to make items worth more money. But I don't see it as a good long term fix. We already have too many items in circulation. Having the regal become like that is just putting a band aid over a missing limb. It doesn't fix the big picture.

So, I'd like to suggest reverting the voting reward back to 3r per vote to combat this increase in sites. For a quick reference, this is how much you would make in a week:

And in a month:

It doesn't seem like a big deal at first, but I think reverting the vote reward might help the economy a little bit.

This is just what I noticed. And I think this change wouldn't make anyone unhappy, as it still would be more Regals per month than the old premium rewards. And I never included the lottery either, so these numbers are under the actual yield.
thats the sum of area under 170n from 0-7. Did you even talk a college level calc class? If not please don't use symbols and things you don't know how to use or what they mean, because it doesn't make you look smart just makes you look like a fool.
yea whats even the purpose of the "n" variable in this math equation? There ISNT a variable.
thats the sum of area under 170n from 0-7. Did you even talk a college level calc class? If not please don't use symbols and things you don't know how to use or what they mean, because it doesn't make you look smart just makes you look like a fool.
yea whats even the purpose of the "n" variable in this math equation? There ISNT a variable.
((It's a summation and you can use variables, I don't think he's quite familiar with the syntax, though. Or he just made a mistake. Definitely not calculas level math though, that's algebra 2 or pre-calculus level material.))
As someone who never votes and is currently bleeding out a couple thousand or more regals a week this new change might actually get me to vote. I should also mention that every darkroom I have been in (my own, all the public ones, and a few allies) spawn like total crap after the update and I have not been able to make anything even close to a profit since the update. I think it should stay as is.
Also these new voting sites have only been up for like 2 days. Not everybody has even noticed it, let alone voted on everything for both days. We are way too early in the stages for potential reverting ideas
((It's a summation and you can use variables, I don't think he's quite familiar with the syntax, though. Or he just made a mistake. Definitely not calculas level math though, that's algebra 2 or pre-calculus level material.))
Lol yeah it's algebra 2. Did that as a freshman in high school, and it was one of the easiest things we covered in both 1 and 2. What the op did was called over-thinking. All it would've taken was a simple 17*10*7, no need to bring in summation notation.
But to throw my opinion into the mix, it really is way to early to be making predictions on how this will affect the economy. I think ultimately this will be a good thing and should be kept, but I would have no problem if it was dropped to as low as 5r a vote because I do think this may be a bit too much to be pumping into the economy. On the other hand, I'm almost of the opinion that it will stay at 10r because a LOT of people will be using it for /fix, so that will get rid of all those regals and there wouldn't be nearly as much inflation as one would think.
I will admit I'm only using my personal expenses. I run a small vault faction, own two rental properties, occasionally use locks, and that's about it. For me personally I feel I'm making way too much on voting.

But if everyone else is fine with the current reward amounts, fine by me. Just wanted to mention that it Seems high to me.

I'll make a reference in the main post to add this.
See i dont understand this. You admit that you're running a smaller than average faction and say that this suggestion is based off personal experiences with making too much money. I just don't understand the purpose of this thread if you can just not vote on a few of the sites on your end and call it a day.
I just realized I done goofed really bad with that math. It was late at night and It seemed like a good number at the time.

After recalculating, there's really no point to this thread.

A summation was not needed. Like everyone mentioned, a simple 170*7 would've been better, and yields 1190r. I was doing a shit ton of Taylor series stuff, so I just made the stupid assumption that could be modeled by an infinite series. Which it obviously wasn't anywhere close to.

Just more proof that basic algebra goes out the window the higher up you are in math, especially when you are exhausted on a daily basis.

Deleting original post, let's try to not reply anymore so this thread can just die a horribly painful death that it so justly deserves.
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