Archived Dead Body Plugin

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Yo Mama
Oct 1, 2014
Reaction score
Hello all MassiveCrafters! Once again I ask you to keep an open mind while reading. If you don't like the idea(s) submitted then reply with constructive criticism, or explain your reason for disagreeing.

My idea is to implement the Corpses plugin ( into the server. This plugin is used widely by large PVP and RP servers. All it does is when a player dies, be it by natural causes, mobs, or players, a corpse of their body is left on the ground. This corpse is literally the players model laying completely flat on the ground, so it looks more realistic than if their body were just to explode into a cloud of items. This corpse solves this by holding all of the items the person had on them when they died, preventing items from scattering, and making looting bodies a bit easier to sort through.

I think the corpses would also serve as quite an aid in RP. Imagine two Ailor fishermen that suddenly find a rare diamond in a waterlogged boot. One of the fishermen lashes out at the other, wanting to keep the diamond for himself! He kills him in cold blood, and without the plugin, his body disintegrates into nothingness, leaving only the diamond and fishing rod behind which are quickly picked up. Hearing commotion a guard runs up to investigate, only to find a man jumping for joy over his new found diamond. The fisherman gets away with murdering his best friend, and walks away filthy rich... However, had the plugin been in use when the fisherman killed his friend, his friends lifeless corpse would be displayed out in the open for the guard to see as he approached! At the very least the fisherman could be put on trial because at least now the guard knows there was a murder! Another useful RP aspect would be if a group of vampires are hunting their prey. They're all very bloodthirsty but with only one person, and three vampires there isn't much to split. Maybe add a small child plugin so that vampires can drink a certain amount of blood and perhaps xp from a corpse entity before the corpse completely disintegrates. This would make vampire hunts much more thrilling, as there is more of a reward for "getting the kill."

This is a great plugin IMO, it prevents people from killing you and just running over your items and picking them all up without stopping for a second. it actually makes them loot your body for the stuff they want, so it takes more time. However, every plugin tends to have a downside. This plugins downsides as I know are that at times, the corpse model will glitch and appear to be floating almost half a block off the ground (this is only when a person dies in a tight spot such as right next to a wall.) It also has a glitch where if a player has keepinventory set to true, it duplicates the items, leaving the corpse with a copy of the players inventory upon death. This may make it difficult to implement due to premium's ability to keep inventory upon death.
However, I still have high hopes for this plugin, and I hope you will at least consider it! :D
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
i ike it
i don't think this can be used for rp because you don't physicaly kill someone (if you get what i mean) unles you wanted to go to a survival world to do that of course ^-^
i ike it
i don't think this can be used for rp because you don't physicaly kill someone (if you get what i mean) unles you wanted to go to a survival world to do that of course ^-^
Fair point. Hearing this made me think up another idea though... Perhaps a small plugin where you can send a command like /murder (playername) to a player, they receive a notification that you're intent on murdering them, then perhaps for RP sake they could use /murder decline to refuse death, and /murder accept could either have an effect almost like the /kill command, or it could allow combat between just those two people until one is dead. I know it sounds silly, just pitching ideas to make RP a bit more immersive :P
Fair point. Hearing this made me think up another idea though... Perhaps a small plugin where you can send a command like /murder (playername) to a player, they receive a notification that you're intent on murdering them, then perhaps for RP sake they could use /murder decline to refuse death, and /murder accept could either have an effect almost like the /kill command, or it could allow combat between just those two people until one is dead. I know it sounds silly, just pitching ideas to make RP a bit more immersive :P
I'd personally like to see a way to move the bodies after you kill someone, just so you can hide bodies after you murder someone, so you can get away scot free. Or something.

Not that I'm planning RP murder or anything.

Either way, this sounds like a great idea. I likes it.
I'd personally like to see a way to move the bodies after you kill someone, just so you can hide bodies after you murder someone, so you can get away scot free. Or something.

Not that I'm planning RP murder or anything.

Either way, this sounds like a great idea. I likes it.
Well you can't move the bodies... But, you can punch the bodies and it slowly destroys each limb of the body until it is completely gone. Or you could punch with a shovel I believe and it destroys it instantly. Also if you destroy a body with items in it, no items are dropped.
Well you can't move the bodies... But, you can punch the bodies and it slowly destroys each limb of the body until it is completely gone. Or you could punch with a shovel I believe and it destroys it instantly. Also if you destroy a body with items in it, no items are dropped.
Intringing.... Perhaps you could bury it with the bodies and a sort of grave pops up? Idk. I'm just throwing stuff at the wall here, probably making it more complicated. :P
Intringing.... Perhaps you could bury it with the bodies and a sort of grave pops up? Idk. I'm just throwing stuff at the wall here, probably making it more complicated. :P
After further inspection I have discovered that the destroying bodies function was on a different plugin (this one may have it not 100% sure though.) But from what I saw on the other plugin it worked so that if you punch a corpse model on the ground it will destroy a part of the body that you are looking at, the corpse is composed of 2 arms, 2 legs, and I think the head and torso are considered 1 piece, so it takes a total of 5 hits to destroy the body completely. I thought this would be cool for vampires if they gain saturation/xp levels from destroying each part of a corpse, that way if a pack of vampires are hunting, and they catch someone, it is easier to divide the body.
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Two kinds of people >.> anyways i like this idea it would be interesting.
If you PvP it would possibly be way harder to easily pick up potions after killing someone if they carried pots.
If you PvP it would possibly be way harder to easily pick up potions after killing someone if they carried pots.
I think it would require you to be a smarter fighter. Because you can still loot the bodies, but it is about like taking items out of a chest. So you have to be more aware of your surroundings, and defend your kill.
But the lag... Also, most plugins are refused because they wouldn't be compatible with massive mods. This mod wouldn't really be neccesary. Also for rp, the guard would still see the body. Just because it isn't there in the game doesn't mean it just dissapears.
But the lag... Also, most plugins are refused because they wouldn't be compatible with massive mods. This mod wouldn't really be neccesary. Also for rp, the guard would still see the body. Just because it isn't there in the game doesn't mean it just dissapears.
Clear lag treats the corpses almost like items, So every few minutes all corpses are cleared. Also I wasn't saying this would be a must have, I was just stating it would make it more realistic or more immersive gameplay, which is why I posted the suggestion thread so perhaps mods could test compatibility with all of the current plugins. Not sure what you mean by in RP the guard would still see the body, if you mean there would be blood/gore for rp purposes, I think this would be true if someone is using an axe/hammer/fist to kill the other person, but if the person uses say poison or a dagger it would be easier to drag the body into water or hide it. On the other hand if you mean that just because one player can't see the body doesn't mean others can't see it, the corpses kinda act like blocks aswell, this means if I break an arm of the corpse, it shows on your screen that the corpse has 1 less arm.
He means that the body is still there IC, and it's up to the killer or the witnessers to describe the scene for the guard.
He means that the body is still there IC, and it's up to the killer or the witnessers to describe the scene for the guard.
Ok now I understand. But still if the guard were to stumble upon them as the crime is being committed and saw the criminal trying to hide an actual body laying lifeless on the floor, it would be much more immersive IMO. ;)