De Azcoissia Chancellery Decree 03: To Know One's Place -- On Crookback

Discussion in 'Regalian Roleplay' started by Birdsfoot_Violet, Apr 30, 2021.

  1. Birdsfoot_Violet

    Birdsfoot_Violet tacit and refined evil Staff Member Lore3

    Feb 18, 2019
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    29th of April, 309 AC

    It is a strange sight, indeed, for the people of New Town to see a Kathar from Crookback willingly enter Greygate. Accompanied by no guards, by no chains, by nothing but the shake of their hands and the unspoken glares they carry upon their back. But in my short tenure as Lord Chancellor, I have seen it twice. Both to speak upon the state of New Crookback, of the Crookback Council, and of their grievances. Whatever modicum of respect one can conjure up for those within Crookback-- indeed, for they often do not deserve our respect, but our pity, our grace, and our hand offered down to them --is much greater for these two than can ever be said for the detestable many who write their proclamations upon the walls and upon parchment that does not deserve the likes of their drivel: and it is often drivel. Rarely is there an ‘expose’ proclamation, an accusatory dissertation that has a crucial, monumental factor that would validate its existence: perspective.

    Any who denounce the Council for the act of curing Sanguine, for the acts of rescuing members of the Regalian Peerage from those who would drag them into Crookback, and seek their harm-- lack Perspective. And additionally perhaps understanding of even the laws of Crookback, but that is a separate matter I will address further into this proclamation. You endear yourselves to no-one but those who already follow your words, who already dutifully follow you as sycophants and servants. To the people of this Empire, to the State and to those of New and Old Town, you sound utterly and irredeemably self-absorbed when you think that decrying those actions of the Council would do anything but embolden support for it among the vast majority of the population. Consider who and what you truly speak for. Consider as well the ramifications of what is demanded and what is acted upon. With the Laws of Crookback, established by the Council, any of those infected and corrupted can live in relative peace in Crookback. They are not to be arrested. They are not to be accosted. This would not be the case under any other leadership, or lack thereof.

    However, I do not believe that the Crookback Council is immutable. The appointment of the Grand Duchess Ino-Femunn is not negotiable, except by vote of the Assembly, but the appointment and actions of the other members of the Council are.

    The Council is still beholden to the State, to the Assembly, and to the needs of those within Crookback who are without voice. Therefore, I decree the following:

    -As decided two nights ago, Hessolis Cavven’karr is elected to the Council, and cannot be removed by the Representative or Council without the Lord Chancellor’s permission.

    -The Crookback Council must hold bi-weekly Assemblies, at minimum, for those within Crookback to air grievances and suggest changes to law and action. These Assemblies are to be run by Councilmember Abigail Tucker. Failure to attend more than 80% of these Assemblies will result in immediate ejection from the position of Council-Member.

    It is my hope that this will be to the benefit of the people of Crookback, and that reconciliation can be found even where there is lawlessness.

    In addition, the Lord Chancellor recognizes actions taken beyond the purview of the law, and issues the following warrants of Arrest:

    For Alban Koning, for investigation into the death of the individual named Ayas, until investigation can prove that the jurisdiction of the Crookback Militia was not broken or over-stepped.

    For Anya, for credible and clear threat to the livelihood of Duke Alastair Mac Conall, until investigation can prove that the Duke’s life is not in danger.

    The Lord Chancellor promises grace and amnesty should either of these individuals turn themselves in.

    As a closing statement, I will continue to take open office meetings for those with grievances and qualms. I will not, however, offer undue attention to any further written proclamations that this decree might inspire. Do not waste your time and mine, unless you are looking me in the eyes while doing so.

    Her High Eminence Madelyn de Azcoissia, by the Grace of the Spirit
    Lord Chancellor of the Regalian Empire
    Archduchess of Alemandralejo, Azuvela, and Ravolta

    OOC Notes & Clarifications
    • Powerful Powerful x 28

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