Preserved Sheet Davriel Tralee

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Large Lad
Jan 31, 2018
Reaction score
A hovel

"We cannot control the wind, but we can direct the sail."
⟸ Basic Information ⟹
❖ Full Name: Davriel Tralee
➢ Nicknames: Dav, Lee
❖ Age: 64
❖ Gender: Male
❖ Race: Fin'ullen Altalar
❖ Sexuality: Heterosexual
❖ Preferred Weapon: Arming Sword

⟸ Skill Information ⟹
Proficiency Points: (70 in Total | 10 from Racial)
Combat: 18 | 18 Invested

➢ +8 Fast Blades
➢ +10 Unarmed

Knowledge: 32 | 21 Invested, 10 Racial

➢ +16 Sorcery
➢ +5 Sailing
➢ +10 Linguistics
➢ +10 Magical Knowledge (Racial bonus used)

➢ Sanguinology Pack, Shatterology Pack

Body: 11 | 11 Invested

➢ +11 Athletics

Body Shape:

❖ Physical Status | Capped at 40 | 8+20+5+22 = 55
❖ Shape | Muscular
❖ Fat | Low body fat

❖ Common 10/10 | Fluent
❖ Modern Altalar 10/10 | Fluent
❖ Daendroquin 10/10 | Fluent, learned through travel
❖ Plains Elven 10/10 | Fluent, learned through friend


Will of the Ages: Still active
Will of the Arcane:

➢Altalar gain the following spells for free:
Arcanomancy - Create small, hand objects that last in use for 5 mins, after which cannot be used for another 10 mins.
Memorymancy - Able to use a memory from someone and have it play out as a moving image in a pool of water.
Powermancy - Scry for nearby magic users, understand how many spells they have.
Sorcery Spells:
Spirit Sorcery:
Beastly Connection - Owl ears and eyes inherrited
Overwhelming Force
Chaos Sorcery:


⟸ Visual Information ⟹
Eye Color: Navy Blue
Hair Color: Raven Black
Hair Style: Short, swept to one side
Skin Color: Light pink
Clothing: General commoner clothing, preferring leathers
Height: 6"6'

⟸ Personality ⟹
Choose your Character Alignment:

➢ Neutral good - Wanting to stay on the law's side for his own good, he tries and fails to stop himself doing what's right.
Choose your Character Personality Type:
➢ Consul (ESFJ-A / ESFJ-T) - Always willing to help those who are down on their luck.
Choose your Character's Religion:
➢ Oldt Fayth - 4/10
➢ Faith of Estel - 2/10


⟸ Life Story ⟹
Birth and Childhood~
➢ Born on one of the many small coastal cities, that dot the coast of the Fin'ul Straits to Avriella and Dalvais. His father working the docks while his mother worked in the local markets, selling to the frequent merchants, as well as aiding in the stalls.
➢ While studying the basics of life from his mother in the evenings, he caught on rather quickly to the idea of learning languages, often visiting the docks, where his father worked, to passively pick up on the languages being thrown about.
➢ In this time Davriel found himself friends with a local Altalar girl by the name of Renya, quickly their bond forming into something that only continued to last as they grew.

Teen years and early Adolescence~
➢ Following along in his father's footsteps he found work on the docks, working alongside Renya. Taking up jobs on various merchant ship journeys across the sea, taking him to places such as Daendroque and the Regalian Archipelago.
➢ After a long trip to one of the many ports of Daen, Davriel found himself within a back alley market. In turn he stumped upon a rather large, though poorly looked after Owl, taking a liking to it he bought it.
➢ The trip back to his homeland was tough, even on a sailor such as himself, for his Owl it was his last, the bird dying a few days into the travel, and as such Davriel couldn't help himself, finding himself oddly attached to the deceased creature he turned to Sorcery. Soon changing himself permanently in remembrance of his fallen friend.

Later Adolescence and Adulthood~
➢ After many trips around Aloria, Davriel found himself being taken on yet another trip, though this one would be his longest. Being dragged along with his long lasting friend Renya, they took a one way trip to the Regalian Archipelago, taking on work from a passing merchant ship the pair left their homeland for the last time.


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