Preserved Sheet Davi Dubois

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Local goblin enthusiast
Jun 30, 2016
Reaction score
Basic Information

Full name: Davi Dubois

Age: 33

Gender: Male

Race: Citoye Ithanian Ailor

Main Ambitions: Wealth, knowledge, and honesty

Special permissions:

Visual information

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Brown

Hair Style:Layered long hair

Skin Color: Pale

Clothing: Black pants with a blue tunic over a long white shirt.

Height: 182cm

Body Build: Sinewy

Weapon of Choice: Regalian Naval Cutlass(Davi has no training with it)


Davi is an eccentric man. . He is often perceived as odd and anxious because he has unique ideas and perspectives on topics such as the Regalian government and Unionism. Davi often finds
difficult tasks simple. He often is very confident about projects and tasks and he always effectively organizes the stages of his task. His ideas often exhaust people to the point of agitation and Davi is often looked down upon because of this. Davi is very outgoing, always cheerful about things. He is usually very optimistic about negative things, always trying to set the mood up.

Davi is a self conscious man, often seeking approval from others and judging himself harshly. He views himself unpopular because of his beliefs and thinks he will fail to live up to the Dubois name. He also has anxieties relating to his action over money and status, thinking he'll slip up and get the worst reaction.

Davi is comfortable around his friends and family, though not fully relaxed. He is content without worry. He is honest and seeks to be loyal to his close friends and family. One knows when Davi is comfortable when he realizes his views are not judged by his trusted.
When Davi is around his family, he is open about his ideas, always trusting them. He tries to act like he normally does, but always becomes a bit shy, as he is always focused on his work and doesn't spend a lot of time with his family. His family perceives him as a shy patriarch with new ideas, always doing his best while other people see him as a joking, optimistic man.

Davi is a very moral man, raised this way through his mother and father's beliefs. He dislikes any discriminatory behavior of any sought and seeks to fulfill his sense of duty. Any wrong doings he may have done, haunts him at all times until he has 'fixed' those regrets. When he does go fix these regrets, he'll go out to beg forgiveness for his actions. He has a high level of integrity and is always very honest.


    • Literacy: Davi studied the best authors and poets using some of the leftover money that the family had.. The man is an excellent poet and an excellent writer. He can wind words together so elegantly that it often inspires awe. He prefers to insert hidden meanings in his works to inspire different affects on people. He uses his literacy as an outlet to try to make the world better.
    • Music: Davi is also great with music. He can play many, many instruments and gets the idea of knowledge. He can orchestrate quite well and knows formats and many techniques in music. He can play most any instrument he finds by merely toying around with it and its noises for an hour. Growing up he watched local musicians and lyre mages and studied each and every movement and each and every note to find the technique of music.
    • Bilingual: Davi grew up in areas with many cultures. He often needed to learn different languages to communicate with local salesmen and local children. He studied the basics of each language and knows common incredibly well. He can speak modern elvish fluently and most other languages he understands quite well. He gets the basics of many languages and in most human languages he can get the main point and connotation of a sentence quite easily. Languages he speaks fluently: Common, and Ithanian. Languages Davi can confidently speak: Common Elvish Languages he has some trouble speaking: Ciyoten, Qadiriq.

    • Brittle: Davi is a very brittle man. His bones break very easily and he can be thrown back a single punch. He believes his bone disease may be the cause of his frail state. Davi is also particularly prone to bruises from small knocks and bumps. Due o his brittle state, Davi neglects any fighting responsibilities in his gang and will try muster up willpower, to prove intimidating. If he did attempt to fight, he would surely be broken and loose.
Life Story

Davi was born in regalia in a wealthy Ithanian district. His family was part of a wealthy group though his mother was murdered at age 10. Due to this, he lost a lot of popularity and income in the wealthy Ithanian society. Therefore, he and his father had moved to the impoverished suburbs. He grew up sneaking out and often visiting libraries and churches nearby to get knowledge, thinking it was his way back up in society. He studied musicians and lyre mages in the rare shows. His teen years were very interesting. He worked day and night at a small noodle place in the sewers, picking up samples of culture all around. He had taken a regal or two out of every paycheck and saved up for a while, giving the rest to his father for rent. He found a small property for sale nearby and bought it instantly. He flipped the house and sold it for twice as much. His family had started to gain their wealth back. He then flipped another home, and another, and had started to gain even more wealth. He started to accumulate more and more property and gained a bit of money off of the rent of each building and he decided to take his father and rejoin the ithanian and wealthy community. He started a writing business in the new community and started to get used to the community. Though, he had been away from the community so long that it was difficult to fit in and he often found himself behind the times and not knowing the culture. Recently, Davi has reflected on his life goal, "Expand House Duboi's wealth and create history". After reflecting he changed his life goal into, "Create history. Overcome difficulties."
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Here's a friendly bump
Peeer reviiiiieewwww! No salt intended here, just tryna help ya out! :D

Iiiinto the review we go-

Basic Information:
  • What subculture of Ailor is he? I assume Ithanian. If so, is he Champagnard or Citoye?
  • Expand more upon how he wants to achieve wealth and honesty, and what sort of knowledge he wishes to acqure.
Visual Information:
  • What level of skill is he with a naval cutlass? Fighter is average, other levels are included on the military guide.
Personality Traits:
Mainly, he attempts to stoop himself above others subtly but actually comes out quite rude and insulting. People often see him as weird as well.
  • Why? Expand more upon this, perhaps.
He often has unique ideas and perspectives on topics.
  • Such as? How are his ideas unique? Does he have any really notable and unorthodox views?
Bilingual: Davi grew up in areas with many cultures. He often needed to learn different languages to communicate with local salesmen and local children. He studied the basics of each language and knows common incredibly well. He can speak modern elvish fluently and most other languages he understands quite well. He gets the basics of many languages and in most human languages he can get the main point and connotation of a sentence quite easily.
  • This comes off as quite powergamey to me. Keep in mind the times required to learn languages; Modern Elvish itself takes ten years. Perhaps add a list of languages he can speak, rather than saying he knows each language- that way staff can properly judge whether his amount of languages is fair and compliant.
  • If he has training with a cutlass, I'd recommend adding a talent about that.
  • No major issues here.
Life Story:
  • If he has training with a naval cutlass, how did he obtain that skill?
Other Issues:
  • Check the capitalization, punctuation, and grammar in the first two sections.
  • The entire app is bolded, and it's a bit of an eyesore. Perhaps unbold everything and only bold titles?
Other than those lil issues, I couldn't find anything else. If you do choose to complete these edits, highlight them in a different colour and tag me when you're done!
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What subculture of Ailor is he? I assume Ithanian. If so, is he Champagnard or Citoye?
he starts as a valeur goes to ciyote and back
Why? Expand more upon this, perhaps.
"Hey hows agoin"
"Likely better than your day"
Such as? How are his ideas unique? Does he have any really notable and unorthodox views?
Well, he often finds things incredibly naïve. He spent most of his life poor and is basically low nobility now and he is still learning, so he looks at things like a poor person would look at things and is very thankful to most things. like Cinderella
This comes off as quite powergamey to me. Keep in mind the times required to learn languages; Modern Elvish itself takes ten years. Perhaps add a list of languages he can speak, rather than saying he knows each language- that way staff can properly judge whether his amount of languages is fair and compliant.
basic elvish, de'ithanie, common
If he has training with a cutlass, I'd recommend adding a talent about that.
change this to a plane "sword"
Yet you say you get bored of writing! Look at it all .-. (although I might actually surpass you with Morrigans detail.)
- Reformed personality and weakness.
- Added some stuff about Davi's personality
- Age edited
☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • Davi often finds things incredibly naïve.
    By this, do you mean that Davi is naive, or that he finds difficult tasks simple? I think there might have been a little error in wording here. Also, see if you can expand upon the first paragraph a little; aside from his inventions and ideas, who is Davi as a person? Is he kind, outgoing, reserved, does he go out of his way to help people?
  • Add at least a couple more sentences to the third paragraph. It's natural that someone would feel more comfortable around family, but how does this change his personality? Does he become more open to talk about his ideas, quieter because he fears the judgement? How do people perceive him? Is he more helpful?
  • While the Bilingual talent is fine, for posterities sake, I'd like you to list all the languages he knows and at what level (bar understanding basic words like "hello" and "thankyou").
  • I'd also like to challenge you to think of a firm life goal for this character! At present, it seems like he has just worked his way back from poverty into wealthy society. What does he aim to do now? Would he like to attain nobility, would he like to become a famed writer? Knowing information like this can be great to give your character direction in roleplay. Put this in his main ambition or life story.
Please mark your changes in green and tag me when you're finished!
@H0on Looking good! Great job on the edits.

☼ Approved! ☼