Preserved Sheet Dauðrikk Vørbanne

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Archmage of Avgard
Nov 20, 2012
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Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Dauðrikk Vørbanne
  • Age: Twenty Six
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Velheimer Ailor
  • Main Ambition: To serve the Old Gods and better understand their will.
  • Special Permission: n/a
Basic Information (Expansion)
  • Dauðrikk was sent to Regalia by a council of Staargir to investigate claims of a false Staargir as well as spread the Oldt Fayth; so a second pilgrimage for the young priest. He has only been in the city for a few weeks and currently works in the Ulvtænder to protect the Fayth. His job also provides a living space that he frequents often as it is far superior to his hovel in the Slums.
  • The Staargir was born to an unknown family in the upper Walds of Drixagh. Dauðrikk never knew his birth family and instead considers his fellow Staargir that raised him his family. And as a Staargir, he wanted for naught.
  • While his main mission will always be to serve the Old Gods, Dauðrikk wouldn't mind further mastering his weapon of choice: the Orcish Scythe.

Skill Information (Optional)
  • School:
    • of Yazgak
    • of Husbandry
  • Level:
    • School of Yazgak, Warrior
    • Discipline of Falconry, Scholar
  • Source:
    • Yazgak, Taught by tutor before learning from the Scythescorn clan.
    • Falconry, Taught by a slave.


Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Pale gray
  • Hair Color: Light blond or Platinum blond
  • Hair Style: Medium, it comes down just to his ears.
  • Skin Color: Pale as snow, though pink tones rush to his cheeks at times.
  • Clothing: When not in the city or in combat, dressed in loose fitting robes of black as a priest of Ul and Staargir, bearing a bone staff and large Northerne Moose skull atop his head.
  • Height: 6'6
  • Weight: 225 lbs
  • Body Build: Strongman
  • Weapon of Choice: Orcish Scythe
Visual Information (Expansion)
  • Pale gray eyes, the color of bones long dead, are set into an angled, chiseled face and hidden beneath charcoal stained eyelids. High cheekbones support those flicks of flint which are topped by thick yet well groomed blonde brows. Around his eyes and running down the length of his face are two long tattooed lines of blue, which then go down his neck and around his collarbone before tapering off at his back before coming back around his neck and around his ears. More noticeable is Dauðrikk's scars; nicks that are supposedly runes that allow him to commune with the god, scars from his years of training with his scythe, as well as self mutilation done to him as Staargir. His nose is also fairly messed up, having been broken more than once in his training and fighting over the years as well missing the soft fleshy tip, sacrificed to the Gods. Unlike his fellow Staargir, Dauðrikk still retains his lips... Mostly. His top lip was cleaved in two during his training and was hastily stitched together, and now bears a nasty scar. Surrounding his lips and the lower portion of his face is a dense blond beard, trimmed close to his face.
  • A true Velheim through and through, Dauðrikk stands tall and proud at 6'6. His body is bound by thick muscles and body fat that help keep the strongman warm in the frozen winters of his home.
  • Dauðrikk can almost always be found wearing a skull of some sorts when not in the Helbolwen. What kind of skull depends on his mood, what god/goddess he wishes to revere, or how intimidating he wishes to appear. His clothing changes rarely, as he almost always can be found in the robes of a Staargir -- the telltale blacks and grays. It wasn't until he joined the Nordmark does he wear their uniform when bid by those in charge.
  • Dauðrikk speaks with a heavy Velheim accent when speaking in Common, as he has yet to truly master the language. His voice is low and deep and helps add to the ominous aura about him. When speaking in his own tongue, his tone is more melodic and comforting, although it can change to harsh and harrowing should he anger.

Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • First Paragraph: A feared warrior, many still find themselves wary of the large muscled man. Dauðrikk is intimidating simply by appearance alone. Once one actually talks to the warrior priest, they will find him to be quite gruff but wise as well. He has the same battle learned wisdom usually afforded to veteran knights, this learnedness supposedly coming from the Old Gods themselves. Yet, some may also think him ignorant, as he does not truly grasp the social workings of most people, having grown up first with the Staargir and then with the Scythescorn.
  • Second Paragraph: Dauðrikk is a god, or rather goddess, fearing man. He considers himself indebted to the goddess of death and serves her best he can; constantly living in fear and paranoia that she may one day rebuke her deal, which also means he is extremely superstitious. Yet, he also sees himself as blessed, and the mortal mouth of his goddess to speak through. He is cocky and arrogant because of his title of a Staargir and uses that to his advantage.
  • Third Paragraph: Dauðrikk is far less intimidating and more friendly and jovial with those he is close to. He laughs and jokes, his childish nature shining through, often and can be seen with a smile on his face rather than the usual solemn grimace. His is actually the trickster and loves to play practical pranks on his friends. All in all, those who are close to the Priest of Death will find him to a far more pleasant person.
  • Fourth Paragraph: With the teachings of the Staargir in mind, Dauðrikk would be considered Lawful Evil. He strongly believes there is a place in the world for all and they should respect the status quo. He believes in order and justice. Yet, he is not above manipulating the laws and traditions of his people to remain in control and have power. He is calculated and merciless when it comes to upholding tradition.
  • Foresight
    As a Starrgir, Dauðrikk has been supposedly blessed with the foresight. While visions come to him in many different ways, his preferred medium of channeling the will and whispers of the Gods is through Cleromancy, the reading of bones. Each reading is different, and often very dramatic, leaving those receiving the fortune telling in awe and wonder.

  • Enhanced Hearing
    Due to his blindness, Dauðrikk has an enhanced sense of hearing. This has allowed him to not only excel with his training in the School of Yazak, but also with the learning of languages. His mind just interprets and better understands the different rhythms and wordings of language.
  • Hunting
    Years of traveling through the wilderness has offered the Velheim skills in hunting and living off the land. Dauðrikk is exceptionally skilled in hunting in tandem with his Falconry skills. He can quickly locate and pick off pray through use of traps and wit.

  • Butchering/Embalming/Mummification
    His years of dealing with the dead as well as hunting haven given Dauðrikk the skills needed to deal with any type of corpse. Animals, he can skin, butcher, and use their skins, meat, and bones for whatever he wishes. Human corpses can easily be prepared by the Staargir in the appropriate fashion to be buried in the Helbolwen.
  • Partially Blind
    As all Staargir are, Dauðrikk is blind... sort of. He was born blind, his eyes the clear gray so closely associated with the lack of vision. Yet, shortly after being found by the Staargir they say his eyes paled and they looked at him in such a way... Regardless of how or why, Dauðrikk can make some sense of his poor vision. He can make out rough shapes and colors, and views the world as a coagulation of blobs of colors and shapes.
Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
  • Dauðrikk is an extremely superstitious man, truly believing he is a prophet, or rather oracle, of Ul and the Old Gods as a Staargir. This makes him very wary of disrespecting the Gods. He can often be seen whispering to himself; or rather whispering to the gods. He also touches his nose, or what's left of it, when he is nervous.
  • Like all Velheim, Daudrikk was taught how best to wield an axe and shield but his skill is far from the acceptable standards of his people. He can handle himself okay with it but anyone trained could easily beat him with the axe. He also has a knack for recognzing alchemic products and ingredients, because of his time with the Staargir. Finally, the priest also has a talent with learning new languages.
  • Skodje [10/10] - Dauðrikk learned this tongue growing up from the Staargir.
  • Tunge [08/10] - While Dauðrikk technically knew the language, the dialact of his home is so different it was almost like learning a whole new tongue when he came to Nordskag.
    • Als-Tunge [10/10] - Dauðrikk learned this tongue growing up from the Staargir as he grew up in Drixagh.
  • Skogenbaar [07/10] - Whilst traveling across Ithania and Daendroc he picked up the local language, as it was similar enough to what he already knew.
  • Common [06/10] - Dauðrikk did not learn Common until right before he left for Regalia, the Staargir of the Walds teaching it to him rigorously for nearly two years. He can understand the language well enough, but his thick accent makes it difficult for others to understand and he doesn't always use the correct words...
  • Vashkularr [07/10] - The Velheim Shor'gran had been tutored in the language for years by the Orc slave, and learned even more in his years with the Scythescorn clan.
  • Daendroque [04/10] - Learned enough of the language to get around Daendroc whilst traveling to the Scythescorn. He can speak a few basic words and sentences; again, just enough to get him where he needs to be.
  • bones
  • Drixagh
    birth place
  • Orcs
  • Nordskag
    home 2.0
  • Tradition
  • Hunting
    hunt some stuff
  • Outdoors
  • Heretics
    f u
  • Elves
    f u
  • Unionism
    f u
  • Regalia
  • Disorder

Life Story (Required)
  • 279 AC - Born premature, left to die... And didn't, seen as blessing from the Goddess of Death, Ul.
  • 281 AC - Taken to a local Helbolwen to be raised by the Staargir as one of their own, age two.
  • 282 AC - Training as a Staargir begins as he is taught the traditions and lore of his people, age three.
  • 286 AC - Visions of bones and death begin to occur more often, seen as a sign he is truly blessed by Ul, age seven.
  • 287 AC - Begins to receive runes and scars on his face as is the tradition of the Staargir, age eight.
  • 288 AC - Sent on a pilgrimage of sorts to a Helbolwen in southern Nordskag, protected by an Orc slave, age nine.
  • 289 AC - Begins to his tutoring in the School of Yazgak by the Orc slave, age ten.
  • 292 AC - Arrives to the Helbolwen of Sydligsteg, age thirteen.
  • 292 AC - Continues training in Yazgak as a Student well as the learnings of the Staargir, age thirteen.
  • 296 AC - Begins his training under the tutelage of the Orc slave as a Shor'gran and still continues training as a Staargir, age seventeen.
  • 300 AC - Travels to Daendroc through Ithania with the Orc slave to learn and train with the Scythescorn Clan; begins training in the Discipline of Falconry with a slaved Ranger, age twenty one.
  • 301 AC - Arrives at the Scythescorn Clan, and begins his training as a Warrior, age twenty two.
  • 304 AC - Returns to Sydligsteg by request of the Staargir, having converted some of the Orcs to the Oldt Fayth as well as becoming a Scholar in the Discipline of Falconry, age twenty five.
  • 305 AC - Is sent to Regalia to further spread the Oldt Fayth and deal with rumors of a false Staargir, age twenty six.
  • 305 AC - Joins the Nordmark under the Ulvtænder, age twenty six.
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reserved just in case (tm)
Peer review time!
  • Why did he choose the Orcish Scythe as a weapon? As a blind boy escorted by an Orcish slave, why was the orc allowed a weapon?
  • Elaborate on why the orc took the boy to the Scythescorn clan? Did they have a close relationship?
  • A little reminder that Staagir have to be fully blind, in order to balance the future knowledge ability
  • This is more of a tip than anything, a strongman scholar who can tell the future is a very dangerous combination, make sure to try to avoid powergaming.
  • Why was he, specifically, chosen to go to Regalia to investigate the rumours of a false Staagir?
  • How did he begin his training as a Warrior? Should he not begin his training as a trainee? (Just a little nitpick)
  • Where did he learn the school of falconry?
Just my two cents, cheers!
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Cerridynn is more Staargir (actually priestess can't be staargir) than yall ever be ;>

Can't wait to see what Cerr and Daudrikk get up to. Mischief I bet!
There are some extreme balance issues that you will have to address.
  • If your character is a Staagir, then they are a Staagir and cannot perform any other tasks in Velheimer society.
  • If your character is blind, they cannot be enrolled in a combat school.
  • At this point you must choose between combat or the Staagir, but you cannot be both.
  • In order to become a warrior in the School of Yazgak you will have had to been at the school from the beginning. If you learned from a mentor you cannot finish your time at the school and progress.
  • I'm not going to allow the School of Husbandry alongside the School of Yazgak. While you may have a combat and intellect school together, these two together do not make enough sense to justify them. The School of Falconry in particular is based around scouting and hunting whereas the School of Yazgak is a tank based school built on taking down mounted opponents. They have no correlation to each other.
Due to this I am going to be rejecting this character as the amount of edits that would have to be conducted throughout the sheet are beyond what I detailed above. @Posidem