Dating Your Character?


The, not so rich, fortune teller
Oct 3, 2014
Reaction score
Scenario: You met your Character in real life, and you become really good friends and you may think they like you more than a friend.

Would you date your roleplay character? Regardless of race and gender!

I think it would be an intresting thing to hear whether you would or wouldn't and to hear the reason why you would or wouldn't.

also, I know it's and odd question but give it a try.
Kapena- Yes all the muscle and he is so tall and hunts well even if he is a fish (no homo)
N'owi- ehh rather keep her as a pet I would probably step on her and if we were in a realtionship that would cause problems M'ytaka FTW
  • Yngvild: She's pretty much nice and fun, on first sight to most. But she's.. Well, insane. So it's a no.
  • Nyze: Too quiet. Way too quiet.
  • Frederik: It's a yes. It's a big yes.
  • Shin: I'm more likely to be his fangirl than date him. A lot of freak outing and fangirl screaming.
Well, since since Piero is a 57 year old man who can barely walk, Married, and has a child, Ima go with Sodium Hybobromide (For those who don't Speak chemistry: Na BrO)
I could get with Cayd, me and him are a lot alike.

Me and Marak would be hard, he still loves his wife, and he is a gruff person in general.

For me I think Vesta is to bubbly for me, she is nice and all but maybe too nice.
Would I date a six legged black-orange ice casting 200lbs 6 foot tall half man half spider? Hell yeah I would date a six legged black-orange ice casting 200lbs 6 foot tall half man half spider
I would most Definitely date Percy, He's tall, Classy and .... Ginger ^.^ #WinningOverall
I don't generally play female characters, but regardless of age and race... Hm. Ludwig is based off myself in many ways, but I would not like to date someone with an almost completely similar personality than mine. It lacks the female traits I am interested in, and a couple other flaws I see in myself. He'd make a good friend though, so the answer to him is: Friendzone.

Chalden? Nomadic hunter guy? Ratheeeerrrr... not. Considering his knowledge of common and the world in general is fairly low, and he is way too motivated, optimistic, naive, and especially too brutal for my taste. He'd probably be a fun companion though. I'd friendzone him as well. c:
Oh dear. All my characters are female. And some are fairly old. However, if I diiiid swing that way, and age wasn't really an issueee...

  • Isabel: Not a chance in hell or heaven. Personally I think if we did become closer, I'd develop a sort of crush on her, however she would slap the living life out of my body and soul until I understood that nope, shedoesnotwant. She is the queen of friendzone, I'm afraid.
  • Rhine: I would avoid a relationship with her at all costs. One, she's gotta baby yo. Two, she's kind of messy and lazy, along with greedy and sassy and overall over-protective. Not to mention jealous. I see Rhine viewing me if anything as a daughter that she must protect. Ololol.
  • Lyla: Most probably, regardless of everything. She's a cutie patootie, who's magical and in my personal opinion, preeetty. Although, she is widowed, does have somewhat of a commitment to @Eliza_Nightly's character Naushe, and has a daughter. So. Ahhh.
Overall... nope. No love for me. ;~:
I don't think I can handle having even more of a god complex by dating someone whose personality is based off my own in a majority of aspects, and wildly messed up mentally in others. Whilst he's a really nice guy and protective, Thomas has almost every single negative trait I have which I despise. So, no. I'd remain single.
I'll give this a try, why not?

- Venditori' Eusant ~
Maybe not. Despite you saying I've to ignore gender, he's still a male in my eyes, and not my type at all. Plus he's a bit of a prat xD

- Amelia Lydar ~
100% yes. She's a stunning red-head with a love of sarcasm and banter. Based off my sense of humour, I really enjoy playing her and would date them in a heartbeat.

- Shizura' Kaa ~
While a new and at the moment not very developed, I think I wouldn't date her because she's a bit too evil.

- Harald Fuchs ~
A girl with Harald's views… Hmmm. Basically it's Brienne of Tarth. While I'd date Brienne because she's awesome, I probably wouldn't date Harald.

All in all, Amelia is fabulous and practically my ideal date.

Now wasn't that weird? xD
Not a clue on this whole dating lark since I don't nor do plan on, I'll try anyway~

Edited, boop

Llewellyn: I mean, she is pretty if you can get past the cold nasty exterior personality. Though, she is good-natured and sarcastic like me so yeah. (If the same age)
Raendir: Would I date an adorable scaled leafy Evergrowth mage? Yes, yes, yes.

Aelfthyrth: Charming chyga? Neh, not pretty enough for her tastes.
Brynn: Neh, she is married.

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I'd say yes on pretty much everything.

All my characters one way or another fill an aesthetic niche of what I find attractive in men. And I'm a shallow enough bitch not to care about some of the horrible personalities they have.

On the before mentioned condition that I'm not already in a relationship of course.
I would date David, no questions asked. I believe I'd be able to cope with his personality. Though, I think if I were to date any of my other characters that would be considered bestiality/pedophilia.
Riviel isn't a loving person.

He's an asshole and deceptive so likely not

Darson Based almost completely on me (Personality wise) so no. I could ot deal with my own anger
I would date David, no questions asked. I believe I'd be able to cope with his personality. Though, I think if I were to date any of my other characters that would be considered bestiality/pedophilia.
I was reading this and I though "okay, that's a fair enough point,"
then I got to the end of the last sentence. I almost spat my drink all over my screen in a small giggle fit,
haHA. Nah, I probably wouldn't. I'm not really interested in dating, let alone dating Astrid or any of my other characters. I will admit they are cuties tho.
Gonda: shes adorable but also has a sense of hatred and is crazy :3 So Yes

James: A pervy jerk. Nape

Sarai: Qadir Cutie, shes also all ninja like and I feel she will murder me in my sleep Nape

Niomel: shes hot and sweet so I shall take her but shes also bi polar and all that jazz

Trixy: I ain't dating a cat

Gordon: He is also very creepy :3 Nape

Venessa Winter: Shes a crimnal and scary :O NAPE
Would I date a short & hairy dwarf, with arms bigger than my legs, and a temper that would see one inappropriate word about a dwarf ending with him throwing his arms about... Sure, why not. xD
Lanaskan: He's half snake, it would never work.
Yung-Li: Insane assassin, no.
Leugel: Already married, no.
John: He's a nice man so yeah, probably.
Rosalia: Have barely developed her, would respect the fact that she's a widow so no.
haHA. Nah, I probably wouldn't. I'm not really interested in dating, let alone dating Astrid or any of my other characters. I will admit they are cuties tho.
Or is it that Astrid has something going on with Edward Peacefavor?? Ya, i see y'all spending time together.
Hmmm Id say no to all my characters I think
• Archblade: No, he's to violent and wants to make tigrans extinct.
• Blayke: no To silent and shy
• Verusia: No to evil and murderous
• Iki: Heck no to young and way to derpy. Silly klienfolks.
• Jarren: gets into way to much trouble. So no.
• Nayru: Killer angry Assasin.. No no no
• Terron: I just wouldn't see us getting along really so no.
He never picks up the check or tells me I'm pretty. He also gets a bit grabby when he has been drinking. No second date.
I would date Beth, but I'm not rich enough for her. I would never be good enough for her.
I'd certainly not date my sweet, gentle Georgiana, however, I feel like a midmorning brunch at some downtown cafe on the patio would be nice.
I had to think about this.
I mean, if I didn't have any idea that I like made the character (which would be super creepy) then yeah, probably. She's rude and like a meanie but she's so cuteEeeeE ahgvsgdfghh >w<