Preserved Sheet Darcie Vauclain

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Lesbian Worst Enemy
Jun 10, 2016
Reaction score
Deep, Dark Forest of Eastern PA



A woman's place is in the revolution.

♞Basic Information♞

♚Name: Darcie Mila Vauclain
♚ Nicknames: Darcia and Vauclain

♚Age: 35
December 18th, 272 AC

♚Gender: Female

♚Race: Alt-Anglian and Ithanian Ailor

♚Sexuality: Bisexual
♚Current Relationship Status: Married

♚ Preferred Weapon of Choice: Short Bow
Known as the Lady's Grace; this bow was a gift from her first husband. Made of fine ash wood and well taken care of, this bow has seen many a fight, but it is the woman's most beloved weapon.



"The female of the species is much deadlier than the male."

♞ Skill Information ♞
♚Total Points: 35

+20 in Visual Arts (+15 from Points; +5 from Racial)
+20 in Light Bow Combat Skill (+10 from Points; +10 from Racial)
+10 in Nature Care Sciences (+10 from Points)
+10 in Bodycare Training (+10 from Culture Boost)

Physical Stat: 10
Body Shape: Toned
Body Fat: Average Body Fat

Common (Free Language)
D'Ithanie (Mother Tongue; Mother knew it)
Alt-Anglian (Father Tongue; Father knew it)



"And she would bow to no one."

♞Visual Information♞

♚Eye Color: Ocean Blue

♚Hair Color: Dark Brown

♚Hair Style: Curly, normally in an updo of sorts though her bangs tend to hang on either side of her face.

♚Skin Color: Lightly tanned

♚Height: 5'8"



"I will burn your sanctuary, destroy everything you own."


♚Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Having been raised to be lawful neutral, the chaos and various events that have occurred in her life, Darcie has been shaped into a more chaotic neutral woman who is willing to do anything to keep her own interests safe and prospering. Even if that means having to step on a few hands and toes to do so.

♚Personality Type: The Idealist INFP
While neither introverted nor extroverted, but truly a mix of the two, the
Matriarch of the Vauclain family is known to be, at least on the surface, comfortable in her own skin and enjoying the group of people surrounds herself
with. She tends to look at both sides of the situation, often playing devil's advocate but offering sage advice no matter the outcome of the situation. Darcie is certainly known for her sense of humour as well as her sassy and teasing nature, truly she is a delight to be around.

♚Religion: Unionism.
Darcie, on a scale of one to ten, is about a five or a six on most days. She certainly strives to walk the line of Unionism and set an example for her family
members and children.




Alexander Vauclain: "Have I told you how much I love and adore you today? No? Well, I do." Darcie's husband and beloved best friend.

Marianne "Annie" Vauclain: "And I'm so very proud of you, no matter what you decide to do." Alexander and Darcie's first born daughter.

Gabriella and Leonzio Vauclain: "My darling children. Please do be careful." The Twins.

Raina Vauclain: "Ah, my darling cousin. What sort of mischief are we getting up to today?" Cousin.

Amett Vauclain: "You remind me of when I was that young. Just know that your place is here on the ground, not up in the clouds." Cousin.

Tavin Vauclain: "When I look at you, all I feel is pride and love, my dearest cousin. You've done amazing work with the Winery." Cousin.

Annika Vauclain: "Shall we go sass someone to death?" Cousin.

Rufus and Diana: "What have you two eaten now?" Darcie's beloved canines.

Fitz: "Now we shall ride and the Hounds of the Void will never get us!" Darcie's faithful steed.



"Kill the King. Throne the Queen."

Born of Steel and Gold:
Born on December 18th, 267AC into the Noble House Vauclain in Ithania, the young Darcie was born with brilliant blue eyes that were hopeful and thirsty for knowledge. She was the second eldest, right after her sister, Marianne. From a young age, Darcie was a peculiar child in the sense that she much preferred the company of books and horses rather than that of her eldest sibling and those siblings to come. When not occupied by her books, though, the young woman often could be found riding on one of the many horses her family owned. Her normal haunts when it came out riding or reading were the nearby forests and even her family vineyards. Horseback riding and books were not her only interests though. Art soon became one of her greatest of passions. Her mother seeing her second eldest's natural gifts in the arts moved to nurture it and hired numerous tutors to further assist her in her artistic endeavours. Along with these many interests, she also took up lessons in archery from the house guards that lived around her estate as well as from a proper tutor hired by her father.

Paint, Heartache and Traveling Abroad:
Spending much of her time dedicated to her studies of art and the actual production of it, Darcie was often secluded off into her rooms with her tutors and masters as she further sharpened her skill. However, her summers were often spent traipsing around her family's estate with a house guard close at her heels and once more riding the horses her family bred. As she grew older and much more socially inclined, she fell in love and with her family's approval, married a local young landowner. Sadly though, the marriage did not last long as the love of her life was killed in an accident. Grief-stricken, Darcie shut herself away for numerous months of mourning before being convinced by her elder sister, Marianne to join her in going to Regalia. With a heavy heart, she did just that.

Love Bubbles Forth in the Holy City
At sighting the Holy City for the first time, Darcie was truly spellbound by the towering buildings, the beautiful sights, and simply the crowded streets. The city was a place for her to start anew, to find herself and to finally figure out what she truly wanted. Truthfully the first few years in Regalia were filled with assisting her elder sister in business matters and keeping a close eye on her younger sister, Juliette. Soon enough though, love blossomed between herself and another noble, however misfortune reared its ugly head and the two broke off the engagement. Despite this, the two remained close up until the other's untimely death. Turning her attention away from love and courtships, Darcie threw herself back into her artistic interest and her family, rather than pursuing someone else. Life was simpler, relaxing and enjoyable for her. Darcie grew much closer to her siblings and family members, at least those who were in Regalia. It was as if the city and being surrounded by her new friends and family had changed Darcie into someone completely new: gone was the heavy-hearted and sad-eyed woman and in her place was a mischievous and warm-hearted creature. However, this newfound creature would surely be tested as Regalia placed another would be romance into her path. The woman's loyalty to her family and to her own self was tested as her heart found itself being taken by that of another young woman. Regardless of her feelings and those of her would be lover, Darcie's loyalty rung true and strong and she broke off the secret love affair and her now ex-lover vanished. Even though she had truly made the correct choice, the young Darcie was heartbroken and angered, thus she shut herself away from the family she had chosen.

Letters Bring Change. And Change is Good.
Further heartbroken by the words of two letters that told Darcie of the deaths of two people she held near and dear to her heart: her elder sister, Marianne and the once lover, she left Regalia and returned home for a spell to attempt to figure out what exactly she wished to do. Finding little at home, the woman disowned herself and took on the surname Dubois before returning to Regalia. For a short spell, she had this last name before she was adopted into the Wodenstaff family as a cousin. Since then, however, she was briefly made a Miramonte, which was a cadet family line of the Wodenstaffs before finally taking on the last name Amsel which is her Uncle's last name and took up the reigns of his horse breeding business. She is also now married to her best friend, Alexander and they have a young daughter named Marianne, after Darcie's late sister. Recently she has given birth to twins, Leonzio and Gabriella. Along with the arrival of the twins, numerous family members have joined her in Regalia as she begins to re-establish her family's name and make Regalia know the name Vauclain once more.
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Review time!
  • My only issue is that the ages that she began and finished her medical schooling are not listed in the life story. Get that in and you're good to go!
Hiya! I've had to recently update Darcie.
-Added on scholar in visual arts
-Edited talents accordingly as well as adding one to them
-Added a weakness
-Updated her body build.
-As well as tweaking her morality a tinnyyy bit.
Review time (Sorry noodle)
  • Where is her main ambition? Add that in and you're good to go!
I can find no issues with this application! The proficiencies are in order, the amount of languages she's fluent in make sense with her age, her personality is well organized and written. Further than that, I love the aesthetic. For these reasons,


I look forward to seeing you in rp. :)
@apath Hiya I finally got around to redoing dear old Darcie. I've updated her prof. points as well as her personality to go along with the second choice for the personality section. When ya get the chance could ya re-review her in case something is amiss?
@Rochelle_ Tagging for the re-review of her points as I've added in the fifteen ailor boost, putting 5 to her visual arts and 10 to her light bow combat. I've also raised her to Athletic body build because of her increase of light bow combat.