Preserved Sheet Darcie Vauclain

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Lesbian Worst Enemy
Jun 10, 2016
Reaction score
Deep, Dark Forest of Eastern PA
Basic Information:

  • Name: Darcie Juliette Vauclain

  • Age: 29

  • Gender: Female

  • Race: Ithanian Ailor
  • Main Ambition: To become a famous horse rider, as well as a possible horse breeder.

  • Second Ambition: Find love and get married.

  • Languages: Common, D'Ithanian

  • Special permission: Noble

Visual Information:

  • Eye color: Blue, with small tints of green in them.

  • Hair color: Dark brown with lighter brown highlights

  • Hair style: Curly with her bangs hanging over her left eye. She often wears it up in a ponytail, since she spends most of her time riding her horses.

  • Skin Color: Tan

  • Clothing: She wears her riding clothes often which includes a riding coat that is a deep green color with silver buttons. Beneath this she wears brown trousers fit for comfort while on horseback as well as a pair of deep brown boots.

  • Height: 5'7"

  • Weight: 125 lbs

  • Body build: Fit, with some defined muscles in her legs and upper arms.
  • Weapon of choice: Does not carry it around, but she is skilled in using a crossbow.

Personality and Attributes:


  • Adventurous: At an extremely young age, Darcie loved to be outside and discovering new things. When she was five years old, much to the distaste of her mother, her father began to teach her how to ride a horse properly, not as a "lady" would ride as her mother would often say. Along with loving horses, Darcie was known to be the more adventurous of her and her twin sister and often rode her horse or walked the grounds of the vineyard and the nearby areas close to their home. She would also venture out into the woods nearby the family home to read, go bird watching or just to simply get away from the hussel and bussel of the family business.
  • Charming: A quality that she has had from a very young age, Darcie is charming to the point that she is friendly and welcoming to others. She often uses this to her advantage to make friends with others who could possibly assist in increasing her family's popularity or her own. Politeness also comes with her charming manner, allowing her to be polite even when she absolutely loathes a particular person. This charming manner also allows her to make friends rather easily.

  • Loving: Often coming off as a bit rude and snide, Darcie in reality is actually a loving person, specifically when it comes to her family and friends. She does have a strange way of showing this love though. It comes in the form of teasing. This teasing is usually filled with various terms of endearment, often ones she has created herself.
  • Bold: Always one to speak her mind, Darcie never shies away from standing. If she feels as if something is wrong, she will say straight away speak up and state how a particular situation or idea could be changed for the better of not only herself but the others involved. Sometimes though, her boldness can come off as her being quite rude and people will take it the wrong way. This often does not bother her, though, considering the people who truly know Darice on a more intimate level know that this particular trait has grown from living in a household with three other siblings and being the youngest.

  • Persistent: Coming from an extremely busy and an ever working household, Darcie from a young age was always a hard worker. The moment a problem or idea arises, she would follow through with it and see it to it's conclusion, no matter what that might be. Not only is she persistent when it comes to problems or ideas, Darcie tends to be working on either a new design for a dress, outfit or working on a drawing of a family member or simply a stranger she saw in passing. She never truly gives up on a particular project and is often known to spend countless hours on one particular project or another.

  • Witty: Always one to dislike dips and long silences in conversations, Darcie will often comment upon current events, the weather, or blantly make a joke or observation about someone or something in the room she and the others in the conversation are sitting in. Despite disliking the dips in conversation, she will only add onto the conversation when spoken too or when she feels the need to make her opinion known, especially when her concentration is focused elsewhere. Though when she does add onto conversations, she is sure to bring with her a sharp sense of humor and many smart remarks suited for the particular topic of the conversation. Not only does this particular trait come in handy when conversing, Darcie, when she was much younger, often used it when she and her sister were caught in the act of doing something either quite mischievous or not lady like.


  • Creative: Whether it be designing a new outfit or drawing someone she knows, Darcie from a very young age was always an artistic and creative girl and now woman. She often uses her creativity to make quite beautiful and intricate drawings of her family, friends and sometimes strangers she has seen in passing. Along with her drawing and creating outfits, she has a rather vast imagination which has not lessened as she grows older.

  • Agile: Often preferring to wear a more mobile style of clothing, Darcie is quite quick on her feet, as well as moving quietly and gracefully through a room without many noticing. She often uses this trait to her advantage, by scaring the living daylights out of her siblings, at appropriate times that is. This trait also works for her mentally too, or at least to a certain extent. Particularly when she seems to be preoccupied with other things, Darcie is actually paying some mind to the other conversations in the room, whether they are directed to her or not.

  • Courageous: Darcie never shies away from a challenge, whether it be a simple staring contest or a few mile race on horseback. She stands firmly beside her beliefs and never backs down in the face of someone who opposes her, but she does know her limits. Her courage does come in handy, especially when butting heads with her family members, specifically her twin sister.
  • Observant: Darcie is an extremely observant person, especially when it comes to the fashion of other and her family. When it comes to fashion, she will often make comments about the color, cut or even design upon the outfit, whether the comments are good or bad is entirely up to how Darcie feels about that person or what mood she is in. This particular trait of Darcie's is extremely handy when her family members are nearby. With only hearing a tone or seeing a gesture or motion, Darcie would most likely be able to narrow down what sort of mood that particular family member is in.
  • Hospitable: Taught by her mother to always be welcoming to others, Darcie is always one to include others in conversation or in activities. This particular trait comes in handy when playing hostess or entertaining others while in her home. She tends to be the one to offer foodstuffs, drinks or simply friendly conversation when she has guests over or is helping her brother in his office by entertaining visitors or other business partners, while he is handling something else.

  • Stubborn: Often Darcie's stubbornness gets the best of her, especially when it comes to arguing with her twin, and will often lead to long periods of silences between the two. When her stubbornness does come into effect, she is often blinded by the sheer idea that she is right and the other party is wrong. This particular side of her most likely stems from her father, particularly because he is and always will be the most stubborn man she has ever met.

  • Immature: Darcie is extremely mischievous and loves to tease or play a good joke on someone. This makes her come off as childish and earns her quite a few tongue lashings from one of her family members. Her immaturity, much like her stubbornness, gets the better of her, especially when she does not get way.
  • Obsessive: Her art, whether it be clothing or her drawings, takes up a large part of Darcie's attention and time. Often she becomes obsessed over a particular piece and will forget to sleep, eat or drink, particularly sleep though. It is an awful habit of her and she has gone many days without sleep while working at her art.

  • Proud: Darcie takes great pride in the work she has done as well as the work her family as done. She is quite proud of where the family business has gone and will gladly tell all who will listen to this. Her pridefulness is often her downfall and leads her to making rash decisions and often insulting people when she does not mean to.

Life Story:

Born in 284 AC only minutes after her twin sister, Marianne, Darcie came into the world with wide eyes and a pout upon her lips. She is the youngest of all the Vauclin siblings, and is often seen trailing not too far behind her twin. Being the youngest was never really a problem for Darcie in the very early years

At the age of five, Darcie discovered her love for horses as her father would often take her along when he would venture out into the vineyards on horseback. After the first few trips, she all but demanded he teach her how to ride. Her father happily obliged the young Darcie and after her lessons in the morning with Marianne and her mother, her father would teach her how to properly ride, saddle and take care of a horse. She learned rather quickly and bonded with the horses the Vauclain's owned. Often she would go out riding around the property, either with her siblings when they were not busy or simply by herself, a saddle bag filled with a book or two, some food and a canteen of water. On one particular day, when she was about ten years old, Darcie ventured farther into the woods than she had ever dared go. Her mother had warned her that the paths farther in were overgrown and far less traveled. Along with this warning, her brothers had told her of a cave that was rumored to once be the home of an elderly woman who was said to be some sort of witch and would curse anyone who came near there. The second part of her brothers tale was particularly untrue, but little Darcie did not know this and decided that she would just have to see for herself. Off she went, saddlebag filled with the normal foodstuffs, books, canteen, a lantern and a few matches. The journey, which took less than an hour by horseback, was quiet and uneventful, except for when Darcie spotted a family of deer. She found the cave within a matter of moments upon riding to the spot where her brothers said it would be. Within the cave, she found the remains of an old campsite, consisting of a makeshift bed made out of weaved together reeds and pine needles, a fire pit and a charm that seemed to resemble a rising sun lay on the ground beside the bed. Darcie picked up this charm and promptly left, feeling that she was being watched. Once returning home, she began to search for a meaning behind the charm she had found in the cave. It took her months, but she finally discovered the meaning behind the charm in a book on gypsies. Apparently the symbol was of rebirth and instantly sparked Darcie's interest in charms, symbols and everything to do with the more mythical matters of cultures and the world.

As she grew older, Darcie watched as both her older brothers left, off to either military school or their own pursuits. She decided that she ought to do something more interesting with her time, other than attending the various parties, luncheons and teas her mother insisted she go to. She set her sights upon falconry, much to the disapproval of her mother who stated, when first approached by Darcie, that a lady should not be near such fierce and violent animals. But soon her mother relented after much begging and multiple promises to attend various social events that would be happening soon. This interest of Darcie's was rather short lived as her horse at the time, Petunia, was far too old to keep up with a falcon as well as navigating the more overgrown parts of the forest that Darcie would have gone into while hunting with the falcon. Saddened by this, Darcie moved onto two other interests of hers, both that could be equally deadly: fashion and use of a crossbow. Much to her surprise and rather interest, her sister, Charlotte, as well wanted to learn how to shoot, but rather with a bow. Taught by the family guard, the twins learned side by side, each in their own respective areas of shooting.

Darcie, after much urging, accepted the invitation to go with her mother and sister on a sort of business trip to the Sun Isles. While her mother and twin were off handling business and attending various social events, Darcie was focused more on the fashion and artistic parts of the Isles. She met with various nobles, fashion designers and artists while present there. She learned from them and began to create her own style of both fashion and art. Upon their return home, Darcie threw herself right into drawing and creating outfits for herself and her family. When she and her twin turned twenty, Bastien announced that they would be traveling to Regalia, the holy city. This sudden shift in scenery did not affect Darcie very much, considering she was far too wrapped up in her sketching and possible plans of meeting new people and seeing new things once they arrived in the city.
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I will be peer reviewing this character sheet!
Personality Traits
  • 'Lover of the outdoors' isn't a personality trait, it's more of a like. However, based on your description, I would deem 'adventurous' to be an admirable replacement.
  • Similar to above, 'eye for fashion' isn't really a personality trait, it's what I personally call a branch-off. At the base, one would need to be observant and creative to have a good eye for fashion- Perhaps you could choose one of those as a replacement?
  • 'Superstitious' doesn't really make sense. In my eyes, being superstitious would be a negative trait- it closes one off from possible relationships and makes one more blunt and closed off in the presence of a supernatural-like feature. However, you mention that although Darcie is superstitious, it doesn't bother her- If that were true, why would superstitious even be a trait? If it doesn't affect her, it can't really be listed as a trait. I strongly suggest you alter the description, or replace the trait entirely.
  • Based off of your descriptions of the weaknesses, you could essentially combine 'proud' and 'stubborn' into one trait, as they both mention that Darcie is set in her ways and has a tendency of insulting people she deems are wrong. However, considering that there are a few small differences in each weakness, you could keep them separated- however, if this is done, I recommend you add another weakness.
That's it! Nice work! Tag me if you want another look-over. I expect Jamie to show up in the relationships.
Peer Review
no salt intended

Welp its time for some dank peer reviewing once again, so without further ado lets getting right into it shall we?
  • Athletic is a poor Strength, give her something that gives her an edge in combat, like speed, quick reflexes, or high pain tolerance. Most people in regalia are Athletic and even as a guard or a soldier they soon become such even if they weren't just from carrying around all that hardware.
Happy writing!
Peer Review
no salt intended

Welp its time for some dank peer reviewing once again, so without further ado lets getting right into it shall we?

    • Athletic is a poor Strength, give her something that gives her an edge in combat, like speed, quick reflexes, or high pain tolerance. Most people in regalia are Athletic and even as a guard or a soldier they soon become such even if they weren't just from carrying around all that hardware.
Happy writing!
Thank your for advice and I went ahead and changed that particular strength.
I am reviewing this sheet!

Casual reminder it's impossible to hide a crossbow and she'll get arrested for carrying one if found.

Remove observant from personality traits, its a strength. Replace it with something else.

Remove perfectionist from weaknesses, it's almost comically a copout. Replace it with -2- more weaknesses of any sort.

Tag me when you're done

Review In-Progress!
Made the changes, they're marked in blue:
-Adjusted her weapon of choice.
-Added two more weaknesses, as well as moving observant to strengths and added another strength.
Thank you for taking the time to review my sheet.