Preserved Sheet Dante Draekylus

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getting closer
Aug 31, 2013
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Axel Jaeger ( But he mainly just goes by the name Dante Draekylus )
  • Age: 25
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor ( Alt Regalian )
  • Main Ambition: Protecting his loved ones
Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Light blue
  • Hair Color: Jet black
  • Hair Style: Medium length and messy
  • Skin Color: Pale
  • Clothing: Simple black pants, black boots, a grey shirt and an old, worn black long coat.
  • Height: 6'1"
  • Weight: 170 lbs
  • Body Build: Athletic
  • Weapon of Choice: Songaskia Malyar
  • He has a few facial scars, but they aren't very noticeable, since they're all very old. He has a small scar over his right eyebrow which wouldn't even be seen if it didn't prevent hair from growing over it. He also has a scar extending from his left earlobe, going across his jaw to about an inch away from his chin. His hair is surprisingly soft. He keeps it trimmed, but it still gets in his eyes constantly, but it never seems to bother him. His hair is slightly curly, but it's mainly in the back, with the exception of one piece with a slight curl at the tip. Though, most of his curls are like that. His right pupil is permanently dilated due to a head injury. .
  • Dante is tall and slender, but still has an athletic-ish build. He's not extremely strong, but he isn't weak either. With his coat and mask on, people could mistake him for an Elf, due to his build and height. He has a large amount of scars all over his body/arms. Most are recent and caused by knives. The Ailor is almost always bandaged, sometimes basically wearing a shirt of bandages.
  • Almost all of Dante's clothing have some sort of use in combat. He has seemingly simple black boots. They're specially designed for parkour purposes, allowing him to fall quite a bit without hurting his feet. They also allow him to temporarily run up/along walls, and are rather quiet when he's walking. He has black, slim pants. They mainly prevent his knees from being scraped if he falls, or when he's sliding. He wears a brown belt that hold all his pouches and throwing knives. Dante also has a thin, black, sleeveless undershirt, and black leather gloves. The gloves help improve his grip and protect his hands from scratches/cutting his hand when grabbing a blade. He also wears a slim, black sweater like thing. The neck of it goes over his entire neck, and it keeps him warm. He wears a harness over it, which holds his mask and tanto. His coat is black and comes down to his ankles. It's heavily tattered and old, but is still jet black. He has two main reasons for wearing it. One: It hides his weapons, and two: It has sentimental value. He normally keeps it closed. And finally, he has a steel mask. It's a gold/bronze paint going over the face with white paint going along both sides of his jaw. It also has a white painted on mouth, which looks similar to a large smile. There's red paint going over the right eye, and a black tear drop under the left. The eye holes have black tinted glass to keep his eyes safe. The main reason he wears the mask is to protect his face from small projectiles or daggers. It also looks cool. So that's a bonus.
  • Dante speaks in a deep-ish monotone voice. Because of this, it's difficult to judge what mood he's in. He speaks very clearly and rarely messes up on words. He also doesn't seem to have an accent. But he does. He just hides it, mainly so people can't tell where he's from.

Personality and Abilities (Required)

Personality Traits

    • Selfless - Dante is pretty damn selfless. He'll pretty much do anything for someone, even if it means him getting badly injured. Though, this mainly applies to his friends or loved ones only. This trait is the one he is most proud of, for obvious reasons. He has this trait simply because he wants to be able to protect his family and friends at any cost, and most likely gained it after losing his lover and being told he wasn't able to protect people.

    • Determined - Dante is very determined about pretty much everything. Whether it's simple or difficult, he won't give up unless he is forced to. And unsurprisingly, this benefits him quite often. This trait began to show when he started his training as a bodyguard. At first, he wasn't a great fighter and lost sparring matches pretty frequently. He started to force himself to train harder and longer than the other boys and he eventually got much better. Dante realized how much he could accomplish if he didn't give up, and hasn't ever since.

    • Optimistic - The Ailor is pretty positive about situations, no matter how grim. He always looks on the bright sides of things, using this to reassure others that he has everything handled. And most of the time, thanks to his optimism, he comes out on top. Most of the time. He was pretty much born with this trait.

    • Overly-Fixated - Dante often finds himself getting heavily fixated on people and objects. For example, his coat and mask. They almost never leave him. This also sort of plays in with him being over protective (because he gets obsessed with protecting his loved ones) and being determined. This is probably caused from the mental abuse he endured as a young adult.

    • Over Protective - He is extremely over protective. Some may even say he's controlling. The main reason for this is because he simply hates when his friends get hurt, and hates leaving them alone for any amount of time. If someone he cares about gets hurt in anyway, he often beats himself up for it, blaming himself for not being there for them, or not doing a good job at protecting them. And this annoys a lot of people. This is most likely due to the same reason why he's selfless.

    • Withheld - He isn't actually emotionless. He has them, but rarely ever expresses them. He chooses to hide them for two main reasons. One, he has a difficult time expressing them, and two, he sees them as a weakness. He wants to be feared by his foes, and trusted by his friends, and he feels that if he shows any form of weakness, no one will take him seriously. And due to this, Dante bottles up his emotions. Someone would have to push Dante to make him tell them what's wrong, which isn't a good thing.

    • Sadistic - One of the main reasons he considers himself to be a 'bad person' is because he simply enjoys it when others are in pain (that aren't his friends). This means he isn't above torturing people. In fact, he prefers to torture others rather than persuading them. He blames this on his 'mental issues' but in reality, he's just like this. And despite having this for all his life, he only really noticed it when he became a mercenary. For some twisted reason, he enjoyed killing people. (Though not to the point where he'd become a serial killer.)

    • Agile - Dante is incredibly fast agile. Thanks to his more slender build, he is able to move around his enemies quickly and avoid their hits. This also helps with his free running ability. He is able to scale most buildings and jump around with relative ease. There's really no specific time when this was exceptionally useful, since he always uses this strength.

    • Small Weapons - He is very skilled in small weapons, such as throwing knives, daggers, or even brass knuckles. He mainly prefers small weapons simply because they're much quicker than other weapons, and he feels like he can get more attacks in than he could with large weapons. And it's the same with his agility. This is something he always uses.

    • High Endurance - Dante can endure A LOT. This is because he has a very high pain tolerance. He can take multiple hits before being knocked out of combat. Although as he gets hit, he slowly becomes worse at fighting. An example of this is when he fought an Orc. It was much faster than him and had a longer weapon. The Orc had cracked his ribs (this is how his ribs got messed up) and dislocated his leg and arm. And despite not giving up, Dante could barely move. Walking hurt too much, and so did attacking (due to his ribs and arm) and was eventually beaten down til he was in so much pain he could barely get up. This strength would probably be a lot more useful if he was the type to run away once he realizes he's outmatched, but sadly, he isn't,

    • Charismatic - Despite preferring torture over talking, Dante is oddly charismatic. And despite being socially awkward, he still knows how to calm people down. He could even stop fights if he wanted too. Not that he does. He's not entirely sure why he's like this, since he doesn't do it on purpose (nor do I OOCly) but it probably has something to do with how he's always calm and collected, and rarely shows signs of fear, leading many to believe he's trustworthy and can keep them safe.

    • Scared - Although he may not seem it, Dante is scared of pretty much everything, especially men. He is much more aggressive to males, assuming they want to hurt him or his loved ones, and generally tries to stay away from them. And while he does come into contact with them regularly, he tries to ignore them as best he can. This is why he only has female friends. He also thinks all men hate him, for some reason.

    • Quiet - People normally mistake this as just apart of his personality, or him being shy, or even trying to be the strong silent type. But nope. He's just quiet because he's socially awkward. He doesn't stumble over words, and he doesn't have a problem talking to people. He just has a lot of trouble keeping conversations going, and would rather just not talk than admit it.

    • Ribs - His ribs have really taken a beating. They've been cracked and broken multiple times, and even when they start healing, he still fought on a daily basis. So his ribs are pretty weak an sensitive. They can be easily broken, and if he's struck on the left side, he'll be in quite a lot of pain.

    • Dilated Pupil - Thanks to his dilated pupil, things are a little brighter to him. And despite the masks glass eye holes, it still doesn't protect him from this. Light magic also irritates his eye, due to it being bright. It also causes his vision to be slightly blurred.

    • Dante often plays with his hair when talking to people. Mainly because he's restless.
  • Dante knows the basics in blacksmithing. He can create small daggers and nails and can repair weapons, as long as it's not too complicated.
  • Dante has almost cat-like reflexes.

    • Children - Dante has a soft spot for kids, especially orphans, since he can relate to them in a way. Although, they don't like him because he's intimidating to most, which confuses him since he doesn't see himself as intimidating. Still, though. He tries to protect and befriend any child that isn't scared of him.But this doesn't stop him from beating the shit out of the ones that deserve it.

    • Fighting - Dante really enjoys fighting because of the adrenaline rush he gets from it, and because he likes hurting other people. He'll pretty much fight anyone, too.

    • Being Alone - Dante likes being alone simply because he enjoys the quiet. It allows him to think without being disturbed, or have to worry about other people.

    • Annoying People - Just like anyone else, Dante really really really hates annoying people. If someone annoys him, he'll drop them. Because he likes violence.

    • Making Decisions - Dante hates it when he has to make decisions because he is very indecisive and would most likely put it off until he was forced to.

    • Babies - Despite liking children, Dante thinks that babies are weird mutant creatures, and he'd rather have nothing to do with them.

Eshe Yadira (Love) @AtticCat
Eshe is a Qadir that Dante met his first few days in Regalia. She helped fix his wounds, he sparred with her, then fell in love with her, along with another woman before accidentally having a baby with her and unofficially becoming her husband. Then he left her. Though despite leaving her, and having to be rude to her so she'd stop loving him, he still loves her.
Maxine Albany (Love) @GadgetPunkHD
Maxine is his closest friend, next to Sarah. He sparred with her, then broke into her house, ended up saving her from a vampire that keeps stalking her and cheated on his wife with her. He doesn't know exactly how she feels about him, since he's been told she's using him, and that she loves other men, but doesn't want to leave her because he's afraid she'll kill herself.
Sarah Kinsley (Love) @Zytus
Dante has gone through pretty much every emotion you could feel about someone with her. When he first met her, he thought she was a stuck up criminal who he decided to help because he wanted a good reputation and friends, then he fell in love with her, then he hated her, then he became her friend again, then he fell in love with her again. She's causes him a lot of emotional damage. But she's Dante's best friend.
Tigress (Love) @GryffindorGirl13
His current lover. She confuses him the most. When they first met, she was a b-tch and attacked Dante, then tried to kill him multiple times after than until she decided she liked him and they both fell in love.
Shanyrria Robianse (Friends) @FruitiLooops333
Shan really annoys Dante, and he really doesn't like her (mainly because she cut his throat) but despite all this, he still considers her a friend, and would do anything to protect her.
Jhin Minevra (Friends) @GadgetPunkHD
Another woman Dante really doesn't like, because she stalks him. But, like Shan, he would still protect her, despite all the death threats he made to her. He also may or may not have had a child with her too.
Olivia Osborn (Friends) @Wolf_Cobra
Dante sees her as an annoying little sister. (Or big sister. He doesn't know how old she is.) But despite that, like everyone else, he'd do anything to keep her safe.
Faye Casserina (Friends) @SassyMinc
Faye really got on Dante's nerves when they first met, but he learned to ignore it after time. He considers Faye to be one of his best friends and like his other friends, will do anything to protect her.
Elodie Casserina (Friends) @Sinisterbeauty
Another one of Dante's close friends. When they first met, Dante tried to kill her but thanks to his power to make women forgive him for literally anything, she ended up forgiving him. He's also training her in how to fight.
Mitsuki Lastnameidk (Friends) @FabulousMoon
He met her in the sewers along with another friend who he saved. She really really really REALLY annoys him. She's insulted him and stole his child, but he still likes her for some reason. He used to love her, until recently though.
Rene Ashlee (Friends) @FlossyBerry
The woman he saved when he met Mitsuki. He hasn't spent a lot of time with her, but still considers her to be one of his best friends. He used to love her like he did Mitsuki, but suppressed those feelings because he doesn't need to be in any more affairs than he needs to be.
Rob (Keanu) (Neutral) @OwiverVan
Keanu is some guy Dante knows. He calls him Rob just to annoy him.
Vesper Orpheus (Hated) @HubeyDoo
Dante hates Vesper with a passion. If given the option, Dante would kill him in an instant, without a second thought. He wouldn't hate him so much if he didn't keep breaking into his house, stalking his girlfriend, and kiss her multiple times.

Life Story (Required)

Dante was born in Daendroc. Inside of a prison. His mother was supposed to be executed before the men that were going to kill her found out she was pregnant. She was possessed, and had murdered multiple people. Once Dante was born, he was sent to live with his father who made him work. His father was a depressed drunk that often took his anger out on Dante. When he was 6, his father locked him out of the house, saying he was useless and not worth the time and money. Dante was found by an old lady who had taken him into her 'orphanage'. She had 8 other children there with her. 3 girls, 5 boys. He lived there until he was 7.

A man came in and 'adopted' the boys, then took them to his house where he proceeded to train the children as body guards. The man was rather wealthy. He owned a nice home, but the boys stayed inside a horse stable that had been 'remade' into a barracks for them. He made them do chores, including hunting, but Dante mainly just skipped out on these, and trained. Dante was a pretty bad fighter to begin with, but after spending much more time training than the others, he became pretty decent and was assigned to protecting the man's daughter, Jane, at the age of 15.

Dante quickly fell in love with Jane, but her father didn't allow them to be together due to her being 2 years older than him, and he wasn't rich. When Dante was 18, he was given his coat, which he would almost never take off. At the age of 19, a group of mercenaries who was believed to be lead by Dante's 'fathers' brother, attacked the house. Dante was told that his adoptive fathers brother was psychotic, and threatened to do this for a long time due to something about Dante's 'father' scamming him. And he dared him to do it, not expecting him to actually follow through. But he did. Almost all of the bodyguards, except for Dante and one other were killed. Dante was able to protect Jane for most of the attack, until he was stabbed in the side twice by his 'fathers' brother. The man slashed Jane's throat infront of Dante, then threw him off a balcony. Dante nearly died, but was luckily saved by 2 light mages. Although, due to his head injury, he lost most of his memories. (Although, he is regaining them. He normally has what he calls flashbacks of the attack, and other moments of his life.) The fall also caused his right pupil to be permanently dilated. Dante's 'father' mentally and physically abused him, saying that he was worthless and that Jane only used him, probably because he was upset his daughter died and the man that was supposed to protect her wasn't able to. After 6 months of this, Dante stole a steel mask (that he eventually painted) and a small dagger and left, becoming a mercenary.

Dante travelled all across Aloria as a mask wearing, dagger wielding merc who mainly did assassination or information gathering jobs. He never stayed in one spot for long, fearing that the man that killed Jane would come after him. Dante was depressed. He wasn't sure what he wanted to do. The few people that he trusted were either dead, or despised him. He felt alone. His 'fathers' words had gotten to him. He genuinely thought the woman he loved was just using him. He tried to keep his mind off this by getting into fights with random people. This part of his life wasn't boring, since he fought people almost every day, but nothing special ever happened. Though, when Freya took over Regalia, he thought he could make money off other people's problems. So he dropped his accent, adopted the name Dante, and moved to Regalia, where eventually, he came out of his depressed state and finally felt happy for the first time in years.

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P.S I'm a very bad writer, so it may be difficult to read, and I'm sorry <3

Okay here we go i haven't done one in ages:
Basic Information
Full Name: Axel Jaeger ( But he mainly just goes by the name Dante Draekylus )
-Does he have a middle name? If so, mention it. If not, it doesn't matter.
-Also, specify his skill level with a Songaskia Malyar (presumably Fighter or Warrior, as it is impossible to progress to expert).

No other issues.
Visual Information
  • Height: 6'1"
  • Weight: 197 lbs
  • Body Build: Athletic
-His bulky size conflicts with his "Agile" strength. I recommend you tone down his weight and mention that he's lean in his body build.

I'm bad at describing faces, but based on what others have said, Dante is pretty handsome guy.
-It's a general rule of thumb to not say your character is attractive. Remove this. Perhaps read up on descriptions of facial features, maybe see some on other applications.

He just hides it, mainly so people can't tell where he's from. He can speak both Elvish and -Common fluently. He learned Elvish for translation purposes.
-Who taught him Modern Elvish? When? Keep in mind, it takes around 10 years to learn, and you can't learn just by watching.
-Can he read Modern Elven?

No other issues.
"Emotionless" - He isn't actually emotionless. He has them, but rarely ever expresses them. He chooses to hide them for two main reasons. One, he has a difficult time expressing them, and two, he sees them as a weakness. He wants to be feared by his foes, and trusted by his friends, and he feels that if he shows any form of weakness, no one will take him seriously. And due to this, Dante bottles up his emotions. Someone would have to push Dante to make him tell them what's wrong, which isn't a good thing. This also means he has little to no morals.
-This is best described as "Withheld". He may seem emotionless, but he's just not telling everyone how he feels unless he truly trusts them.
Sadistic - One of the main reasons he considers himself to be a 'bad person' is because he simply enjoys it when others are in pain (that aren't his friends). This means he isn't above torturing people. In fact, he prefers to torture others rather than persuading them. This isn't a part of him he likes, but he embraces it. He blames this on his 'mental issues' but in reality, he's just like this.
-Why is Axel/Dante sadistic? Well. I s'pose that's explained. But when did he become like this? What triggered it?

No other significant issues beyond lengthening the traits and specifying when he became those things, which I recommend.
Agile - Dante is incredibly fast agile. Thanks to his more slender build, he is able to move around his enemies quickly and avoid their hits. This also helps with his freerunning ability. He is able to scale most buildings and jump around like it's nothing. There's really no specific time when this was exceptionally useful, since he always uses this strength.
-Issue with Agility previously covered. Although, I recommend toning it down a bit. Uber-mega-parkour master seems a tad unfair. Surely he's quick and good at climbing, but you're describing it in a manner that could be considered powergamey.
-(Pro Tip): If you're into super cool climbing stuff though, I recommend having him know Ghost Grip magic. Like, Fighter with the Malyar, Caster with Ghost Grip. That's just a personal thing I happened to be interested though. Do what you please.
High Endurance - Dante can endure A LOT. This is because he has a very high pain tolerance. He can take multiple devastating hits before being knocked out of combat. A great example of this is when he was fighting 3 large Maiars in the sewers. He had taken multiple hits and still almost won, until one was able to get behind him and hold him down.
-Tone this down a bit. It can be considered powergamey that he can do that. Someone can totally take a beating or run for a while, but you should tone down how he can get beaten on by three guys mercilessly and still have a good chance of winning.

    • Hallucinations - Thanks to his brain damage, Dante hallucinates regularly. Sometimes it happens more often, though. He'll often hallucinate his friends, or even strangers as someone he hates and attack him. He's also been known to get distracted by a hallucination, even during combat, but he's trying to learn to ignore them.
-I strooooongly recommend changing this. Or perhaps make a roll system and do some research on people who experience hallucinations and what it's like.

That's p much it.
His mother was supposed to be executed before the men that were going to kill her found out she was pregnant.
-Why was his mother in prison? That's not pressing, I just find it odd. Especially a prison in Daendroc, when she's Alt-Regalian.
A man came in and 'adopted' the boys, then took them to his house where he proceeded to train the children as body guards.
-Why hire some beat up orphan children to be your bodyguards? It'd cost less money to hire bodyguards then to train, feed, house, and raise his own little posse.
Dante was a pretty decent fighter
-Why was he a decent fighter? I recommend mentioning it. Perhaps he fought with the other orphans?
At the age of 19, a group of mercenaries who was believed to be lead by Dante's 'fathers' brother, attacked the house.
-Why would Dante's foster-father's brother attack 'em?
Although, due to his head injury, he lost most of his memories.
-It's extremely rare for amnesia to be permanent, iirc. Maybe he'd have regained some of his memories?
The fall also caused his right pupil to be permanently dilated
-Oooooh. If hallucinations doesn't work out, this could be a weakness. The vision in his right eye could be impaired, making it harder to see and/or more sensitive to even subtle changes in lighting.

Didn't notice any other issues.

If I missed something, I'm sorry. I was also watching Family Guy while I wrote this.

I also forgot a recommendation for this:
-I personally think you should change the character's birth last name, seeing as Jaeger is the last name of the protagonist in Attack On Titan (which I still need to watch).
I got the name from mgs before I even know what AOT was ;-;
-Also, specify his skill level with a Songaskia Malyar (presumably Fighter or Warrior, as it is impossible to progress to expert).
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this tho im partially retarded srry
-Who taught him Modern Elvish? When? Keep in mind, it takes around 10 years to learn, and you can't learn just by watching.
-Can he read Modern Elven?
I didn't know it took this long, so uhhhh. rEMOVED.
-I strooooongly recommend changing this. Or perhaps make a roll system and do some research on people who experience hallucinations and what it's like.
Yus, I am currently doing that :P Researching, that is.
-Oooooh. If hallucinations doesn't work out, this could be a weakness. The vision in his right eye could be impaired, making it harder to see and/or more sensitive to even subtle changes in lighting.
And I was going to originally put this as a weakness, but I figured it'd be considered a cop-out weakness and replaced it with hallucinations Cx

But I fixed all the issues. (I think) Thank you <3
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this tho im partially retarded srry
Ah, not too many people are associated with the new system yet. Combat schools follow skill level, but you're typically supposed to specify your character's skill with a weapon. It's similar to the magic system.
It goes:
Trainee -> Novice -> Student -> Fighter -> Warrior -> Expert (Wiki schools only) -> Supreme (specific Wiki schools only)

It's not necessary, I suppose, but I see some Lore staff who ask for it in reviews.
Here is my review!
  • Withheld - Why does that mean no morals? How could he possibly be seen as not having morals? Protecting people is a moral thing isn't it? This was all good until it suddenly led to having no morals, Everything prior seemed to insinuate a pretty strong moral purpose within his life.
  • Sadistic - I don't understand. He likes causing pain, but he doesn't like that he likes liking causing pain? Sounds like he may not actually like dishing pain after all if he is conflicted about it? Maybe instead of trying to both simultaneously trying to have a strong protective moral compass and absolutely no morals you could go for more of a combination of keeping withheld and just not trying to equate it to his morals and changing sadistic more into desensitized. Due to lots of exposure to violence, he doesn't really realize that he is causing a pain or that it may be bad to those receiving the pain. This would have a lot more logical consistency.
  • Agile - You lost me on this one too. This basically says that he is agile and can dodge but not really that good and maybe he has more strength than agility instead? Which is it? Is he agility based or strength based? If he is agility based you don't need the part in parentheses trying to convince people you won't powergame dodges.
  • Every single one of the strengths directly or indirectly improves your combat prowess. Pick at least one of your strengths and replace it with some sort of social/emotional/mental strength.
  • Reckless - This doesn't weaken you at all. An increased propensity to enter combat is not a bad thing for a combat oriented character. Replace this with a different weakness.
  • Hallucinations - I can tell by the description of this that you don't really fully understand whatever mental illness is causing his hallucinations. I am going to very strongly urge you to just not do this and replace the weakness. Playing out mental illness is an accepted thing, but you are under increased scrutiny to do it correctly. If you really want to play out a mental illness however, I would say to go through this page and review options of mental illnesses that could cause hallucinations and also do more research on the other symptoms other than hallucinations and make sure you are prepared to play those out as well. I would go to the point of saying if you truly want to play out a mental illness you should also watch some documentaries featuring people and stories from those who have mental illnesses. This is because it can be extremely offensive and problematic if you do not play out a mental illness correctly.
Make some edits and tag me @TheOverseer__
@TheOverseer__ I believe I've made all the edits. I removed the part about him not liking his sadistic trait and replaced quick thinking with charismatic and replaced reckless with scared. Also I removed the hallucinations because I probably won't be able to roleplay them properly.

and babies are tiny mutant frEAKS
@TheOverseer__ I believe I've made all the edits. I removed the part about him not liking his sadistic trait and replaced quick thinking with charismatic and replaced reckless with scared. Also I removed the hallucinations because I probably won't be able to roleplay them properly.

and babies are tiny mutant frEAKS

XDDDDDDD I just imagined filthy frank saying b b b BABIES instead of p p p PRANKED
Eshe Yadira (Love) @AtticCat
Eshe is a Qadir that Dante met his first few days in Regalia. She helped fix his wounds, he sparred with her, then fell in love with her, along with another woman before accidentally having a baby with her and unofficially becoming her husband. Then he left her. Though despite leaving her, and having to be rude to her so she'd stop loving him, he still loves her.
Tfw Eshe would still go back to him because she makes bad decisions
Haha, gg. Now I'm just curious, does Oli sit anywhere on that list? XD