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Work in Progress Danique Rooijakkers

This sheet is a work in progress and should not be considered accurate or used actively in roleplay.


Oct 26, 2013
Reaction score
I. Character Information
  • Full Name: Danique Rooijakkers
  • Heritage / Culture: Anglian Ailor
  • Age: 23
  • Gender / Pronouns: Female
  • Religion: Evolism (Triton)
  • Occult: Bremnevel Vampire
  • Occupation: Anti-Anglian Witch
II. Core Concept
  • After Anglian Witches refuse to make her an Archon Warden, Danique, a studying Anglia-born alchemist, goes down a different path. A vampire, disguised as a travelling healer, sees potential in her hatred for Anglian Witches and infects her with vampirism. Reborn as a cautious, bog-witch vampire overnight, Danique seeks to ruin the reputation of Anglian Witches and, by extension, the Archon, by uncovering the secrets of immortality under the religious following of Triton, the Envy Dragon.
III. Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: venomous green (disguised)
  • Skin Color: sallow pale
  • Hair: dirt blonde
  • Height: 5'6"
  • Body Type: thin, flimsy
  • Notable Features: smudged glasses, waist-long hair
IV. Skill Information
  • Hobbies & Talents: Alchemy Hobby, Medical Hobby
  • Mechanics: Bremnevel vampire mechanics, Ailor mechanics
  • Additional Languages: Anglisch
V. Backstory/Plothooks
  • Anglian Culture. She grew up in an Anglian pasture with countless siblings and tired parents. She was bullied as a child because she wasn't strong, she asked lots of "dumb" questions, and she had a "weird" laugh. This made her reclusive.
  • Alchemy and Medicine. She was inspired to study alchemy and medicine because the Anglian Witches saved her father from illness and were like gods to her. She made it her life goal to be an Anglian Witch and her parents supported her as best they could. Her siblings did not like the fact that she was receiving "special treatment" and grew to resent her. To this point, Danique felt pressure to succeed because of familial sacrifices.
  • Hatred for Anglian Witches. When she came of age, Anglian Witches refused to make her an Archon because they believed she was young and inexperienced and could not handle the responsibilities of being a Warden. This crushed Danique's soul and plunged her into a deep depression. Her parents didn't know how to support her and their constant flocking only amplified her guilt and feelings of failure. For months, she struggled to get out of bed and barely ate or drank. Her worried parents could not afford a doctor and knew Danique would not want to be visited by an Anglian Witch. Instead, they found a travelling healer who provided medical aid in exchange for room and board. This would be their biggest mistake because the healer was a vampire in disguise. While the disguised vampire found ways to bring Danique back to her feet, they also manipulated her mindset over time. Danique starts believing the Anglian Witches rejected her because they feared sharing their knowledge and secrets - that the problem wasn't her inexperience but the secretiveness and exclusiveness of the Archon. Danique scarfed down these seeds of betrayal and grew a volatile hatred for the people she once looked up to.
  • Vampirism & Triton, the Envy Dragon. On the final day of the vampire's stay, they took their payment in the form of Danique's blood and left her family untouched. She awoke in a bog reborn a ravenous, blood-hungry vampire next to the warm corpse of an Anglian Witch to feast upon. A note was left in the mud: her family had been informed that she was travelling with the healer as their apprentice. She was also left guidance to learn about Triton in the Crown Isle and to "carry it forward." Danique relishes her first taste of blood and sets off on her new path. Today, Danique can be found in the Regalian sewers and Gloomrot.
VI. Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
  • Attack Stat = 7 (Magic)
  • Defense Stat = 5 (Wisdom)
  • Points Spent = 14/14
Proficiency Points
  • Strength = 0
  • Constitution = 0
    • Familiar disrupt (Ailor free pack)
  • Intelligence = 0
  • Wisdom = 7
    • Medical: Buff, Revive, Bolster, Barrier, Canteen, Resist, Rescue (7)
  • Dexterity = 0
  • Faith = 0
  • Magic = 7
    • Shapeshift (Magic variant)
    • Mindcontrol (Magic variant)
    • Oceanic Pack (Magic variant)
    • Magic: Snare, Disengage, Warp, Shove (4)
VII. Personality Notes
  • Hates conflicts. Avoids stressful situations.
  • Naturally anxious and cautious (vampirism masks this).
  • Prefers controlled environments over chaotic ones.
  • Prefers small groups over big groups.
  • Has a dry sense of humour. Hates laughing.
  • Carries unspoken bigotry towards non-Anglians.
  • Often says...
    • "Oh."
    • "Weird."
    • "That stinks."
    • "That's dumb."
    • "I forgot."
    • "Rats."
    • "Phew! Normal."
    • "Poor bloke."
VIII. References
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