Preserved Sheet Danila Laevanar

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baby spice
Jul 28, 2018
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yeehaw town
Danila Laevanar


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Basic Information


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:·.☽"my night mind / saw such strange happenings, untold and unreal."

»Full Name: Danila Laevanar
༓Nickname: Dani
»Age: 70
»Gender: Male
»Race: Central Altalar​

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Skill Information


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:·.☽"the more you move towards fear, the more you live without it."

»Total Points: 70 Proficiency points to spend from age, because the character is 70 years old.
༓+18 Medical Sciences (+18 from Points).
༓+12 Linguistics (+12 from Points).
༓+10 Alchemy Sciences (+10 from Points).
༓+10 Bodycare Training (+10 from Points).
༓+10 Threads Arts (+10 from Points).
༓+10 Historical Knowledge (+10 from Racial boost).
༓+10 Religious Knowledge (+10 from Racial boost).
༓+5 Athletic Training (+5 from Points).
༓+5 Blades Combat Skill (+5 from Points).​

»Body Shape:
༓Physical Stat: 5 Blades Combat Skill + 5x2 Athletic Training = 15 Physical Stat.
༓Body Shape: Athletic Body Shape.
༓Body Fat: Low Body Fat.​

༓Modern Altalar (learned in childhood).
༓Common (learned in adulthood).
༓Daendroquin (learned from Linguistics Knowledge).
༓Plains Elven (learned from Linguistics Knowledge).​

»Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
༓Altalar Ring of Asc'tea.​

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Visual Information


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:·.☽"we lose ourselves in the light."

»Eye Color:
Light green-ish blue.
»Hair Color: Dusty blonde.
»Hair Style: Long chest length flowy locks, pulled to the side.
»Skin Color: Pale.
»Clothing: Blue sashes and white blouses.
»Height: 6'3".​

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Personality & Abilities


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:·.☽"you speak as in sleep. i know your soul's singing and love your dark speeches."

»First Paragraph:
At first glance, one would describe Danila as evil or cold from facial features and posture alone. It wouldn't be too long until he would truly come off as those descriptions. Danila is extremely vain and doesn't care much for anybody else besides his own kin and close friends. Danila often comes off as sly and sarcastic, rarely keeping relationships with people due to this attitude. He sports a know-it-all attitude, and has always been condescending. If somebody were to get to know him more, they would find deep down a responsible, disciplined, and self-controlled individual.​

»Second Paragraph: Danila is definitely a pessimist. He is condescending and vain as said before, and is always expecting the worst. When somebody wrongs him, he is unforgiving unless they have shown a sincere amount of remorse. He feels confident in most of his features, personality wise, visually, and talent wise. Though Dani experiences anxiety about basic things, he chooses to ignore his problems and distract himself from his paranoia. His upbringing with his family led him to believe these things. If somebody were to crack down on certain flaws, he may begin to feel unsure of his confidence.

»Third Paragraph:
Towards friends and family, Danila is most often nice. Being picky with his friendships and social groups, he often decides on keeping certain friends. Whether it be for real relationships or for his own benefit. He would rarely pity anybody lonely, never attempting to try and make them feel better. Danila was raised with his mother, taught the most basic things by her. He credits her for most of his strengths.

»Fourth Paragraph:
Morality wise, Danila tends to place his own wellbeing over others. He has never seemed or showed a mostly positive attitude towards people and usually doesn't like listening to people in place of power. He views power as subjective and himself as a higher-up than most people. Danila doesn't care much about crime, often ignoring the severity of a crime. Possibly, Danila may participate in corrupt activities.​

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Life Story


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:·.☽"the streets of your glances have no ending… in the sky of your words, the sun does not set…"


༓Danila Laevanar was born to Cirici Laevanar and Aywin Laevanar on December 23rd, 222. Aywin was an absent father, leaving Cirici to take care of Danila.
༓Danila's mother had three other children before him, Dani being the last born.
༓Cirici spends most of her time teaching Danila and his younger siblings.
༓Dani spends his time learning language and basic skills, his siblings teaching him too.​

»Adolescent to Adult Years:

༓Throughout his adolescent years, Danila picks up tailoring knowledge from his mother, and metallurgy from a family friend.
༓Danila visits the old Allorn Empire and visits the shrine of Taela on his 30th birthday. He was gifted the Ring of Asc'tea.​


༓After taking time to learn and build up his skills, Danila travels to Patriarchate of Etosil, Kingdom of Lusits, and Havenreach.
༓Danila spends many years in these areas, making few friends.
༓He still practices tailoring and metallurgy, then picking up medical knowledge for the practical sake of it.​

»Late Adulthood/ Present:

༓Danila once again packs his bags and departs off to elsewhere. This time, his next destination being Regalia.​

(aesthetic credits to: @bewitchings)
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Lifestory is somewhat lacking. Would like to see you to flesh it out a little more, include more fluff and backstory events.