Preserved Sheet Daniel Sirgrauth

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The Forgotten one
Dec 7, 2017
Reaction score

Daniel Sirgrauth



  • Full Name: Daniel Sirgrauth
    • Nicknames: Dan
  • Age: 41
    • Birthday: February 23rd, 270 A.C.
  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Ailor (Undead Mortis Javalis)

  • Sexuality: Straight.
    • Culture: Half Heartland Ceardian | Half Alt-Regalian.

  • Position in Regalia: Daniel has lived in Regalia for about 3 years, he lives in a medium sized house by. He works for the City Guard. He is in Regalia looking for wealth and prosperity for himself and his loved ones.

  • Upbringing: Daniel was born in Dragenthal, to his mother and father. His mother's name is TeresaSirgrauth coming from an Alt-Regalish background. His father's name is Richard Sirgrauth coming from a Heartland Ceardian background, which he raised his son in. Daniel's extended family is scattered around Dargenthal.

  • Secondary Ambitions:
    • Recover his belonging without getting slaughtered.
    • Find his Daughter.



A knight in shining armor,
is a man who has never had his metal truly tested.



  • Total Points: 41 points because of Age.
    • +7 Shielding Combats (from points)
    • +10 Blades Combat Skill (from points)
    • +7 Underworld Knowledge (from points)
    • +7 Athletic Training (from points)
    • +7 Perception Training (from points)
    • +3 Visual Arts (from points)

    Body Shape
    • 10 Blades Combat+ 7Shields+ 7x2 Athletic Training=31 Physical Stat
    • Muscular (30)
    • Average Body Fat

  • Gullible: Daniel is a good person and up to this present day, he still hasn't been betrayed by anyone, this makes it one of his biggest weaknesses, how easily he decides to trust people. One of these days, his trust will get him in a big problem and will make him close himself to others in the future (Because, we all know something like this will happen eventually.)



What defines us is how well
we rise after falling.



  • Eye Color: Sky Blue. (Now pale-ish as if blind, but still having their original colour)

  • Hair Color: Black

  • Hair Style: Shaved sides, combed back top.

  • Skin Color: Fair Pale.

  • Clothing: Formal wear, good looking but comfy.
    • Secondary: Hightower Uniform.
  • Height: 6 feet and 2 inches.

  • Body Build: Muscular.

  • Weapon of Choice: Long Sword.
    • Secondary: Heater shield of large size.

  • Facial Features: Daniel has a fairly handsome facial features, along with his simple hair cut. He would have a fairly clean face, now paler than before, the center of attention being his almond sky blue eyes, going along with his well kept eyelashes and eyebrows. He would have a square head. His nose would be of the ¨Hooked¨ type. He would have normal set of lips, not being too plain or perky really. He would have a few minimal scars, plus a burn scar across the side of his face.

  • Body: His body is the muscular type, well toned and well kept. The whole of his body is pale, as if he lived away of the sun. The amount of body hair would be normal. If you could see through him you would see that he has really healthy bones, some of them looking as if they were once broken far long healed, making them a bit more resistant. Mainly his arms and legs presented this past experience. He would have the standard amount of fat that a Muscular warrior would have. His legs would look like the strongest point of his body, as they are the pillars that raise his entirety, great for running around in armour without struggling too much.

  • Appearance and Accessories: Daniel mainly wears his Armour when he can or will just walk around the streets with his Crimson Gambeson, this one looking a bit different from the normal type. He does wear normal clothing time to time, in special occasions only. His preferred colours are: Crimson Red, Red, Black, grey and sometimes different types of blue. When he can pull out all his armour, he usually wears a T visor helmet or his totally closed off helmet with only a line visor with some holes to breath. For his chest he has chain his gambeson and he has his chest plate too, hidden in his house somewhere. He usually always wears his padded armour on his arms, with gauntlets included. He does have a set of leggings hidden with his chest plate too, with some chain parts to cover the parts that are exposed more to an attack. His weapons are his Father's Longsword and his kite shield resembling a cross, between large and medium size, trying to make it a good shield for defence and offense movements. When he is disarmed however, he always has and emergency knife in his right boot, just in case. Another weapon he might have laying around is a small dented mace, for armoured enemies. He doesn't carry them around in the open and might only take his sword and shield, his sword being concealed under a cape. He currently only holds a staff when he's in his civilian clothing.

  • Voice: His voice is the resonant type, appearing to right in front of the gates of being deep but not quite making it. He has a British accent but he can be really formal when working or talking to a woman.
    • Common | 10/10
    • Alt-Regalian and Ceardian



Once a tin can, always
a tin can.



  • Outside Love|Respectable Temperance: Daniel is seen as someone respectable, kind and really well tempered. Everyone that knows him would say how he's a good man and that he's someone you can trust and rely on. Daniel is someone who works hard for what he wants. He will also help his comrades and friends if needed, not mattering the case. Anyone who didn't know him would see him as a respectful and funny man.

  • Inside Honor|Improved Intelligence: Daniel thinks he still needs to improve, thinking that he is not at his limit yet, in training and in intelligence. He thinks he can do better to help himself and everyone else. He does feel confident when he is with his friends and House, as they serve as pillars for his confidence. He does worry about maintaining his own version of "Honor" and that's another reason for him to improve.

  • Friendly Loyalty|Careful Lover: Daniel does allow himself to be a bit more lose when he is surrounded by friends, being or trying to be funny, he will talk until the end of his days if not stopped. However he won't disrespect them and will only joke around if insulted. Around lovers he would be very careful with them, treating them like a queen. He can be easily provoked if someone insulted or harmed them, same as if they were a friend but more impulsively.

  • Morally Conscious|Lawfully Good: Daniel is a very good person, sometimes this being a weakness. This affects his everyday life, doing little favours here and there, and sometimes he even gets paid for those favours without asking. He does not usually talk with those he considers malicious, and chooses to ignore them or... well you can guess the second option. He chooses to respect everyone until knowing their personalities, judging them by himself and with others peoples opinions and then deciding what will he consider them. Of course, he isn't dumb, so if the person that is corrupted is evil or corrupted is powerful he will stand back until he gets the chance to strike, maybe with an ally or two to back him up as some people owe him favours or simply will help him because of their friendship.

  • Changed Faith|Fervent Unionist: Daniel isn't that attached to his religion as the rest, he respects it though, following it as any other person would. He views it as another belief humans and other races have, making him really open minded and open to the other races and religions around him, not making him your typical Ailor. This has changed with recent events, opening his eyes and mind to faithfully serving unionism. This caused him to join the Order of Fervent.
    • Aspect of Divinity: Order of Fervent

  • Quirks: When Daniel is nervous, he tends to scratch at his chin. He also scratches at the back of his head when he's put into awkward situations.

  • Skills:
    • Carving
    • Hunting
    • House Maintenance



I don't believe in luck.
I believe in preparation.



  • Birth {0-5}:
    • Daniel was born in Dragenthal, around the lands of Norwood. His mother, Teresa White and his Father Richard White had a small residence in Dragenthal, where he was born. His mother was of Alt-Regalian culture and his father of Heartland Ceardian. He was raised in the Heartland culture, as the Alt-Regalian culture was fastly changing to New-Regalian. His Family did live well, Teresa worked as a Maid in a noble family and Richard worked as a City Guard of Dragenthal.

    • In these years Daniel learnt how to walk and speak, as like any other human. He liked to sneak in his parents room to steal their things and hide them around the house. He liked to hang around in the Kitchen too and smell the food that his mother would prepare for him and his Father.
  • Childhood {5-10}:
    • In these years he started to go with his dad when he went hunting, Guarding and socialising. He really liked to walk around with his father when he could, as he learnt man things while staying with him. On his Mothers part, he loved to help her around the house and do chores, basic cooking and such. He learned to be open to everyone and not to judge a person because of their skin or race.

    • At the age of 15, his life would change as his father got transferred to Regalia. They moved to this great city where he would discover the school of the Bloodcasts, and soon see his future upon him. His father happily let him turn to the school for the next ten years to see him become a man.
  • Teenage/Adult Years {10-30}
    • These years he left his family to become a bloodcast warrior, using everything he learnt to his advantage in his new training. The years would pass as he trained and studied the ways of the Sword and Shield. He did this for ten years, studying in Regalia with few visits to his parents along the way.

    • But that wasn't enough for him, he knew that he wanted to use his skin and fight in wars. He signed up to do so and was shipped off to join troops. He found himself traveling around a lot with his troop, fighting and such. He ended up learning a bit of Skodje from the front line Northern warriors.

    • As he grew and traveled he found more people that he enoughed spending his time around. He spent time a long time with troops in Girobalda, learning a bit of Daenrocquean from them. He'd learn a lot from his travels and fights. Moving his life now towards using his training for the good of others.
  • Current Years {30-36}
    • Daniel spent this time in the Elven war serving many houses as a mercenary. He met all the different faces of the world, meaning people of other schools and exchanging stories and laughs. Years passed by and he soon received a letter from 2 sources: 1-His parents had died 2-One of his old friends offered him a spot in a closed group. This is when he decided to go back to Regalia, where by his surprise he would find himself that the city was threatened by a Dragon! Making him want to help the people of this city because of the new dangers that were threatening the city, as his duty as a Bloodcast, fighting for what he thinks is right.

    • Now, after recent events, he decided to join an official law enforced charter, this one being the Hightowers, who he would end up successfully joining and serving. As he worked on this he found himself a lover, and is eager to begin a new life with her by his side.
  • Year 37-41:
-He was said to be dead almost a year ago, while traveling in a voyage. He was declared dead, having been "drowned". His body was never found though. In reality, he survived, although, he was stranded on a piece of wood, one of the remains of the destroyed ship. He managed to survive until he was ditched back on main land, or that is what he thought. In reality, he ditched on the Island of Etosil. He looked for the closest bit of cover he could get on the rocky sides of the Island, soon finding what seemed to be an entrance of a cave. After thinking about how lucky he had been because of the simple fact of not being smashed against the rocky costs of the island, he soon realised he wasn't alone in that cave. Soon, he was overwhelmed by several people, and knocked out cold. When he woke up, he found himself in some sort of dungeon, laying down in a coffin. When he attempted to flee, he was slammed down back into the coffin, and was locked in it. Soon, he would feel how several baldes started impaling him. His life flashed through his eyes, his memories, everything that he had lived until now, as he died in pure darkness. Soon after, he opened his eyes, his first reaction being of confusion and hatred. He'd look down to his stab wounds, where he saw dry blood that once bled out of them. He felt… light, and cold but before he could process everything, he was put under hard labour by the other Undead in command, and was hardly punished because of his persistant beliefs in Unionism. He soon realised he was dead, but was confused as he still felt pain when they tortured him because of this. One day, he saw the chance of escaping the undead layer, and fled. He made his way back to regalia with all the means necessary, and now he is back. Now he has other problems that he will have to somehow solve.


  • Friends:
    • Amilia White
    • Tua
    • Solaine d'Vaud
    • Urijah
    • Ascal
    • Bronwyn Cuffburt
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Side note:

-As the Bloodcast don't really follow a code or any strict rules except for "Fighting for what they think is right" I took the liberty to use Large shields instead, specifically a Kite Shield. It's just a minor detail that I think I should point out before anyone starts to rant and cry about it :D.
  • Your proficiency point total would be 30, not 20.
  • School of Bloodcast gives proficiency in small shields, not large shields. Change large to small.
  • In your life story, you mention dragons when he was 25-30, as well as fighting dragon possessed before going to fight in the elven war. These are all current, ongoing events that have only taken place over the last few months so you'll need to remove mention of these in your life story unless it is in reference to the present day and not several years ago.
Mark your edits in red and tag me when you've made the appropriate changes. @DankDan
@AptlyRatley Changed points, tell me if I screwed up because I was tired when I did this xD and aged down
@Bagley_ I have made a few edits, go fit one of the Divinity Aspects. It's under proficiencies. And, another change in abilities and such in the spoiler.
Hey @Bagley_ ! I need you to look at my Card again, made some major changes and fixed stats
Main ambition is no longer applicable in the template. Same with weapon of choice and body build under visual.

Body build needs to be included under skill info. I.E body build and fat build plus the calculations for it.

@Bagley_ Hey, don't want to rush you but I only have this character and I am active so I need him up and running please! it's been more than a week since I made the correction.