Preserved Sheet Damien Vatore

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Anglian Shuffle and Chill
May 6, 2016
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Kool Kra'zzla Klub


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"A shame.. You're missing on the best of the blessings."
[♫] @Jouster

Full Name: Damien Vatore
Age: 35, Infected when 25.
Gender: Male
Race: Ithanian Ailor
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Preferred Weapon: Throwing Knives.
Voice Claim: Here


+15 Rogue Training, Invested.
+10 Visual Arts, Invested.
+5 Throwing Proficiency, Invested.
+5 Sanguinology Info, Invested.
+10 Bodycare Training, Racial.

Physical Stat: 10
[+10 Throwing proficiency] + [0 Athletic Training x 2]
Body Shape: Toned Body fat
Body Fat: Average Body Fat

Common, Fluent.
D'Ithanie, Fluent.


Crimson Dressage
Crimson Guiding
Crimson Reflection
Crimson Guile


Eye Color: Deep Blue
Hair Color: Light blonde
Hair Style: Wavy Undercut
Skin Color: Ithanian pale
Clothing: Burgundy jacket with massive rose embroidery on the back, basic rags underneath.
Height: 6'0


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"I'm sure we could resolve this the other way, yes?"
》Character Alignment
Neutral Evil - Damien, is a silver-tongued, cunning, and cheating bastard. Willing to sacrifice others if cornered and option-less. The Alais prefers talking his way out as a mean to escape uneventful times over barbaric fisticuffs, unless, of course situation arises where have to take a stance. He had done bad things, and regrets none of it. By any means necessary.
Personality Type
The Advocate [INFJ] - The Ithanian is an actor, a good one at that. Changing his identity, being able to roleplay a person and immerse himself fully on the character. From his experience mingling with all types of society, he manages to blend in really well with commoner and nobles alike. Once the Alais know you well, he can tell what a person truly wants by reading the person's expression, and prefers to keep his clashing opinion to himself so he won't hurt them with his words. That is of course if the person seems useful or at least interest him.
10/10 Himself. - Hold no one higher than him in regards, while he could boot-lick others as he plays a role, deep down, he believes that no one truly is worth serving, worth praising, and worth dying other than himself.


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"I shot him in the heart.. Cause that's where it hurts the most."
Damien was born under a noble banner of House Vatore, the family owns a small barony in Vixhall, maining winery as their trade. His mother died upon giving birth to innocent baby, naming him Damien before drawing her last breath. His father was an uptight, militaristic man, which soon turn into cruel, sadistic man upon hearing his beloved wife's passing.

The Ithanian boy always had it rough as his father blames his mother's death on him. Often he had to do labor in the field, even have passed out at some point. His older brother weren't helpful either, he often mocks and abuse him for his own amusement. Damien from day one knew he should get out as soon as possible.

It was his twenty fifth birthday, no one to celebrate with, even congratulate usual. Coincidentally, it was the day of his father's funeral. Whilst everyone is away, Damien took the chance to pack his belongings and run for his life. He took some money with him and bought a passage to Dragenthal, starting his new life. It was his best birthday gift, or the first, rather.

There he finally is free of his family's cruelty, but the fantasy of his was soon cut off as he fell into the wrong hands as he was mugged, beaten near death. He soon wakes up to a rather cozy house, which at first he thought was the afterlife but no, it was a house of lone Alais vampire who then offered Damien a shelter, clothes, and food in exchange to be his feeding cattle, having no better choices he reluctantly agrees.

After serving the Alais for years, Damien asked a small favour from him… to have a taste of a sanguine's life, to which the Alais disagrees. Doing so, he would lose his main source of food, the Ithanian lad offered him an offer he can't refuse he would bring in two feeding cattle in exchange for the gift of vampirism, the Alais of course, agrees.

Damien for struggles obviously to find even one willing to become one, afterall why would someone do so. A sinister thought came into his mind, where the man tricked his 'friends' to come over to his house for a party.. Only to be bound in chains by Damien and his vampire master. Thus sealing the deal.

With his newfound 'gift', Damien charmed noble ladies, gets into places a man of his stature shouldn't be, and earning him quite the luxurious life. He travels back to Vixhall now taking a new identity of 'Alain' a brown haired young man, a new squire to his brother to exact his long delayed revenge.

His bisexual brother took interest in 'Alain' and summoned him to his chamber, to his surprise he came in with a crossbow revealing himself to be no other than the boy that he loves to torture, Damien. The Alais shot him in the heart, leaving his brother bleeding to death. The only regret of his is that his father's death was not by his hand.

Now Damien is a lost man, purposeless soul wandering in Aloria. He tries to blend in with common folk, merchants, mingles with nobles alike, even have taking part of heists, but everything seems bland and uninteresting to him, Damien only felt thirst.. A thirst not of blood, but a thirst of purpose. The Alais did a research on vampirism, discovering many types, their weaknesses, and one that interest him the most.. The idea of coven.

Having blending with all types of society, one is bound to hear rumors, rumors of growing society of vampires in the hearts of Regalia, the crown city. Damien moved on to the bustling city in hopes to finally find a goal of his life.

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Hi there! I love your application. However, something you should notice:
Preferred Weapon: Crossbow
Rogue Training, Invested.
+10 Throwing Proficiency, Invested.
+5 Sanguinology Info, Invested.
+10 Bodycare Training, Racial.
Your character might want to use a crossbow, but they currently have 0 points in it, and therefore don't have a clue as to how to load it or account for other subtle factors that make a crossbow accurate.
Hi there! I love your application. However, something you should notice:

Your character might want to use a crossbow, but they currently have 0 points in it, and therefore don't have a clue as to how to load it or account for other subtle factors that make a crossbow accurate.

Originally intended him to use crossbow, switched to throwing knives later onand forgot to change it thank you for the reminder!