Preserved Sheet Damien Du Clermont

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Tomato Boy
Jun 29, 2013
Reaction score

Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Damien du Clermont
  • Age: Twenty-Eight
    • Born March 3rd, 278 AC
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Leutz-Vixe Ailor
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
Skill Information (Required)
Proficiency Pool: 28

  • Combat Proficiency:
    • + 5 Fast Blade Combat (+5 from Points)
  • Knowledge Proficiency:
    • + 10 Religious Knowledge (+10 from Points)
    • + 10 Statesman Knowledge (+10 from Points)
  • Arts Proficiency:
    • +10 Thread Arts (+10 from Leutz-Vixe)
    • +3 Musical Arts (+3 from Points)
  • Body Shape:
    • Combat Points: 5
      • +5 F-Blade
    • Body Build: Average - 0 Points
    • Body Fat: Average Body Fat
  • Languages:
    • Leutz-Vixe: Native tongue
    • Common: Fluent
    • Ithanian: Fluent
Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Dull, greyish green.
  • Hair Color: Light brown.
  • Hair Style: Wavy & Medium Length
  • Skin Color: Pale.
  • Clothing: Average Reverend or Aristocratic attire.
  • Height: 5'10 or 179 cm.
  • Body Build: Average.
Personality and Abilities (Required)

  • Outer Perception | Refined | The average person would have to say that Damien is a person that holds his public life with a stoic demeanor. This is to say that he's not the type of man to act wild or pugnaciously, but rather that he works methodically and slowly with all his actions. His mind might wander off with his attention dragged with it. Damien upholds many of his mother's traits through his charitable and kind nature and could be said to represent the kind nature of the man. This leads him to sticking out for the underdog in some cases. He's also the type of man that can hold his temper with patience and his own stubbornness.

  • Inner Perception | Humble | The general idea that umbrellas Damien's personal perception is made through his humble pride. Most of his work is seen by himself as accomplishments for the Greater Way and therefore he holds no resentments for it. Even when he lacks in some aspects he is very self-forgiving with the fact that he can repent to himself and aim for higher heights. He also sees himself as a leader of the community through his work in the Synod. It is his belief that he sacrifices his own pleasures for the souls of others. This is further declared by his condescending nature made towards secular citizens that is meant to be interrupted as a parent's guiding hand.

  • Friends & Family | Fair-Weathered | Damien understands some of his relatives' uptakings, and he respects them as well as he can. Though, there are times where he sees their actions as dangerous mistakes and because of his somewhat paternal nature he tries to correct them. These corrections are made out of his love, and he truly doesn't condone their actions when they're made this way. Otherwise he doesn't like to stick around when the going gets tough. As for his friends he's willing to do the same, but obviously not as harshly. As for the rest of his personality Damien is more comfortable and slightly more adventurous whenever he's around these individuals.

  • Mortal Compass | Magnanimous | The Reverend's actions both reflect his creed and his kind beliefs. At heart he supports the Great Way, the Spirit, and the prerogative that Ailor hold. This doesn't mean that he'll belittle other races and in fact treats them with the same paternal outlook as the others. He believes that the lessers of society should have some defense as they are the least capable of entering another life as an Ailor through their born caste. This does not, however, change how he views justice with which he upholds entirely by every word. He does not defend corruption or injustice on any level and supports the more liberal laws and views if they're sticking to their word. His self-indulgence also follows suit with these practices as he believes it is his right to do so with some temperance in-between.

Life Story (Required)

Childhood |

  • Damien was born as the eldest son of Adallinda du Clermont & Odulf du Clermont in the year 278 AC.
  • His youth was directly impacted by his family's culture and obviously influenced by his parents personalities. It was from an early start in his life that he gained more of his mother's influence as his father's disappoint in the boy's less than cynical ways held him back. This meant that he was attached more so to his mother despite the strained family relationships that the Leutz culture was developed upon.
  • It didn't take long for his younger brother to shadow him as his father appreciated Leutfried, his younger brother, and his wild personality. Without much as a word between himself and his father, Damien was forced into a role that'd push him towards the Seminary. During these early years he was taught more with academics and book-keeping and other scholarly activities. This allotted him time with his mother and her multitude of hosted events.
  • From here Damien picked up the talents of literacy and writing that others his age lacked, and from there adopted more Unionist influences compared to the rest of his Leutz family. His beliefs and Faith in the Spirit changed as he compared the outside world to Brissiad and its decrepit environment.
  • He would come to greatly enjoy all of these aspects as they left him ample time compared to what his brother had to deal with.

Adulescence |

  • It was around the age of ten whenever Damien was transferred to the Seminary in Calemberg Dom so that he could complete some more official training. This was also his father's plan to remove the boy from the daily life of the family.
  • The menial tasks that he first partook in wasn't much of an issue as the boy already had some experience with the work during his earlier stays in the Seminaries. It was when he reached his second quarter in his schooling that he was the most attentive as he picked through the large volumes of text and the Creeds.
  • This was when most of his religious interpretations were founded. With his previous influences and the current ones he began to value the lives of the other races as potential converts and servants for the Ailor and their birthright. He understood, somewhat, that they were essential for their society to work. But of course he didn't fully understand it since he was still relatively young.
  • His third quarter was less influential as he picked up the normal rites and ceremonies that he'd have to enact later on. Then there was his fourth quarter in his schooling as to where he was able to collect all his theological knowledge and bind it all up during his selection of a Themai. This was all concluded with his graduation after visiting a few holy sights that were relatively close to the Calemberg area.

Early Adulthood |

  • Now that he was a graduated curate he was shipped back to Brissiaud to be cycled through the few monasteries and centers of religion in the area. He was now able to enjoy some of the social status he held as a curate.
  • He was also able to reevaluate his roots and his family's way of life once he came back. This is where he was met with conflict as he loved his culture and family dearly, but he understood that they weren't as zealous as the rest of the Empire with their true intentions.
  • Halfway through his twenties he began to direct his goals in being declared as a Reverend. With the low amount of Reverends in the Brissiaud area it was a goal that was close to him. So it would take a few more years until he was around twenty-seven to earn the position.

Current |

  • As of recent his clerical work shifted him from Brissiaud and towards the Crown Isle. This is both because of the growing involvement of his relatives in the Crown Isle and because of his involvement in the Synod. Being a recently elected Reverend meant that he'd have to get involved with the bureaucracy of the church, and so he was now willing to get involved with some of the dirty aspects of the faith to help further the Great Way.
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