Damaged Clovers

Her hand twitched as her wrist locked, sliding the sharp letter opener down the top of the stained envelope as got ready to open up the Sanctum of the Black Fern. Her almost glowing green eyes narrowed as she looked off into the distance. The early morning sun had barely hit the foggy alleys of Regalia, and a wandering hound walked towards her almost completely covered legs and sat down. As the hound whined for scraps, she flipped the open sign for the sanctum before allowing the animal in.​

Dropping the letter opener onto her desk, as well as the open envelope still containing the letter, she made her way over to her breakfast. After dropping a few scraps out in the alleyway for the hound, she shut the doors and finally snatched up the letter that had been waiting patiently for her.​

"Dearest Eirain,

Your eyes vex me, they entrance my soul as if I would be lost without staring into them. Your lips are plush, like my morning tarts, and your freckl-"​

She promptly burned the letter. It was paragraphs long, and while scanning over it her face contorted in disgust. She has gotten the same sort of letters all week, reporting every single one to the guard to no avail. Stalker.​

She exhaled before hearing knocking at the front door, two guards transporting a test subject. She opened the door. .​

"Ma'am? Sorry if it's too early. We've been told to deliver him early."

"Not at all, bring him in."

"Of course, would you like us to stay here to ensure your safety?"

"I think not. I appreciate the offer, but I have ways of defense if things get too out of hand."

"Spirit bless."

"Spirit guide you and your duties."

She wringed her hands as the guards brought in the subject, cleansing her arms of any un-sanitized skin. As they strapped the subject to the medical table given to her, she was in the back of the Sanctum, effectively dressing herself in her black robes, and situating her gloves on, and making sure they went all the way up to her elbows. She tightened the material around her wrists before leaving the room.​

Greeting the guards oncemore she nodded in appreciation with a soft smile on her features. The intelligent woman was not merciless, nor was she unforgiving. Caring not for the crimes the subject may have committed to end up as one of her tests. All the more she sat down at her desk, leaving the man there. As she began writing down information about him she waved towards one of her professors.​

" Seghberht, would you mind preparing the subject?"

"What experiments are we performing today, Archmagistrate?"

"None. Well . . I'll be testing out the serum on him, but other than that, we will be studying the ribcage. This one hasn't been damaged by guards apparently."

She said with a koi grin towards him. He would undress the subject as she wrote away, getting stains on the parchment due to the thin ink she kept. Scowling as she made a note off to the side to fetch a better quality of ink for more proper documenting. As she finished up, tucking the ink in the drawer and allowing the parchment to dry, she adjusted her gloves oncemore and slid on her spectacles.​

Before bothering with the man, she slipped into the back room, preparing a serum using multiple natural herbs, mostly Nightshade and Water hemlock. The thick, liquid comprised of saturated herbs turned into a semi-gel was slowly pulled into a thin syringe. She gently sterilized the syringe before walking towards the subject, who was already somewhat out of it, due to a possible knockout from a guard, or from the early hours.​

She made sure the straps on his head were tight enough before injecting the serum into his neck, to make sure he passed on, as she was not in the business of torturing poor souls.​

After a few moments she checked his pulse, which was now gone, and undid all the straps after making sure the subject was truly. . well. . gone. She draped a small cloth over her eyes as she got out her tools. After multiple incisions his ribcage was exposed to her, and with the help of her professor most organs removed as to avoid getting messier than intended. She severed the muscle around the vertebrae of the lower spine, and successfully, after time, had only the ribcage left on the table.​

She exhaled at her precision of separating the two vertebrae and looked forward to learning how to more easily remove the sponge like cartilage for future studies of the spine. Stretching and wringing her hands using a towel as she walked over to her desk. Scribbling down multiple notes as she glanced over her shoulder to the ribcage. After more clearly documenting her findings, she walked back over towards the subject.​

She placed on larger, thicker, and more protective gloves. Her hands gently scrubbed the blood off of the ribcage, before dunking the bone structure into a large vat near her work space, containing pure chloride made from natural minerals. After a few minutes she removed the bone structure, before repeating the same motion around four other times, until the bones were an off white, still semi-muddy looking color.​

She sucked in her cheeks briefly glancing towards the bone structure before removing the heavier gloves, and leaving them in a large water basin to be properly washed. The young woman made her way back to the back, allowing an hour or so to pass before entering the room again. This time, her robes gone, but her gloves remaining. She gently scribbed on a cloth the number of the subject. "Study 4. Anatomy." before having her professor remove the ribcage, attach the tag, and transport it into the archives of the Sanctum.​

"Subject 4. Slight damage dealt to the spine due to my lack of patience. Four minor cracks left on the left side of the ribcage, due to possible rib fractures. Twelve small holes present on the collar bone, unidentified, possible injury. Two bone deformities, one connected to the Fifteenth vertebrae from the skull down, and the other having given the very bottom right rib an off shape."​

She sat back in her desk, after multiple hours of work on the subject, she was ready to curl up in her bed and dote over a romance novel, or take a nap and visit with friends for tea later in the evening.​

She removed her spectacles before properly removing her gloves and stretching her sore back. That was enough work for one day.
@Springheel @BillyTheScroofy @HydraLana @Vivamente
Not bad at all. I have to admit that I hoped the Serum would turn him into a crazed maniac how would eat people but... I suppose that was good enough xD
Good job.